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Tiki Oasis Overstock - A glowing review...

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johntiki posted on 07/26/2002

Being unable to attend the Tiki Oasis event in Palm Springs and getting extremely jealous of all those who were able to go, I purchased the limited edition Ku mug from Tiki Farm and I have to say I am impressed! I know this isn't news to those that have seen or purchased the regular version of the same mug but I love the damn thing! The glaze has a wonderful glowing green glaze, I really dig the design, the handle is wicked and the thing is so heavy Colonel Mustard could whack out the victim in the Tiki bar with the Tiki Oasis Limited Edition Ku Mug from Tiki Farm!


KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 07/26/2002

I couldnt attend, but I have been wanting to get the Sven Mug, so I got the Oasis One. Very nice! I also got one of the "surfing bastard" shots. Tiki farm does as good job on their mugs. All hail Tiki Farm!

Tikirob posted on 07/27/2002

I was also unable to attend, but did manage to get several of the Tiki Oasis items including the "Suffering Bastard" shot and the Tiki Oasis event poster. I would have to agree with both of you as I have yet to be disappointed with a Tiki Farm product or service. Just can't wait for the full size "Suffering Bastard" mug to be released.


kahukini posted on 07/27/2002

There are still some Hukilau mugs available (made by Tiki Farm artist Squid)... email swanky@swankpad.org if you need one. They are a super limited edition...

Suburban Hipster posted on 08/12/2002

I have several Tiki Farm originals including the Tiki Oasis "SvenTiki" and "Giant Ku." I'm very impressed with the quality and price of their mugs.

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