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Grog Log/Intoxica/Sippin' Safari

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Hey TC, first time poster somewhat long time reader.

Having decided to graduate from Vodka, those rum bottles looked good. After drinking my fair share of captain morgan, I stumbled upon this gem of the internet and have gone to the point of filling several empty (steralized, of course... wouldn't want to contaminate) Rose's mixer 750ml bottles with either home made orgeat, passion fruit syrup, and rock candy syrup. Looking to increase my knowledge of all things tiki, I came here. I see many people quoting recipes (or at least the page numbers) of such tomes as Grog Log and Intoxica! However, Amazon and its ilk sell this $8 list price book for well in excess of $100! Are these books out of print forever? Do I have any hope of picking up a copy of either of these?

Alternatively, does Sippin' Safari have the same recipes in a newer book?


Each book has different recipes, and all are worth adding to the collection.

Shop around.... you can find them on ebay and Amazon used with some patience.

The Bum is working on a new book that is part compilation / part update / part something entirely new that is due out this summer I believe. It should be interesting when it is available.


Welcome to the fray...... always nice to have a new mixer in the crowd!

Remember..... straws point up, knives point down.

I just wanted to say Sippin' Safari is far and away the best and most interesting of the lot. In my opinion it's as good a read as the Book of Tiki.

Check out Abebooks.com, they may have copies of those books at a cheaper price. The best starter book is the Grog Log since it's like the bible for tiki cocktail recipes. Sippin' Safari is great but it's more of a history book - it also has what may be the correct recipe for the mysterious Don the Beachcomber's Zombie.

$171 at abe books; I ordered a copy of Intoxica! from http://www.tikibosko.com/; here's to hoping that I actually get it!

I don't know about the rest of you, but i'm surprised it isn't available as an e-book.

Dear doG, man! That's a lot of clams for a little spiral-bound book. Amazon has Grog Log for $10 but $80 and up for Intoxica or Taboo Table??? Wow! :o

I bet I can sell my well used copies for more. They come with a well worn patina (read water-logged) which includes the spatterings of 10 different rums, limes, lemons, passion fruit, some bitters here and there.....not to mention all of my drunken ramblings regarding each drink's flavor.

Do I hear $200?.....$200? ....$250? :P

[ Edited by: jingleheimerschmidt 2009-03-26 10:22 ]

Sippin Safari on E-Bay

Lowest price of a few. I don't see the Grog Log, but I think I got mine a few months back for $10 or so.


Wow! I can't believe these books are going for so much money. I have half a mind to xerox my copies and then sell the originals. But then again, I'm lazy and that smacks of effort.

Hmmm.....do grenadine stains show up on a copier?

On 2009-03-26 06:29, pappythesailor wrote:
I just wanted to say Sippin' Safari is far and away the best and most interesting of the lot. In my opinion it's as good a read as the Book of Tiki.

Agreed! If it only would have been printed in the same format, and not with a cover that has the same thickness than the book pages. A sin for material of that quality!
And relax folks, there is a compilation of the Bum's books in the pipeline.

On 2009-03-26 14:44, arriano wrote:
Wow! I can't believe these books are going for so much money. I have half a mind to xerox my copies and then sell the originals. But then again, I'm lazy and that smacks of effort.

Copyright infringement (of which I'm sure you know) and it screws the Bum out of all the hard work he's done. He's not Metallica.

However, I have scanned all of mine as PDF's for when the inevitable disintegration of the originals occur.

Jingle; I agree with you on the dangers of copyright infringement, especially for low-end publishers like himself, however, what are the rest of us to do when the books are no longer available except for several hundred on the secondary market?

And God I hope a comp. is in the pipe; summer's almost upon us!

The publisher SLG publishing has all three volumes listed at $10.95 retail. Sadly all are listed as out of stock. supposedly, they will print more as long as there is enough demand. so give 'em some demand, call 'em up at 1-877-754-7877.

Sippin' Safari rocks. It's an unbelievably entertaining read, and chock-full of top-notch recipes and information.


Check out the company Kegworks out of Buffalo for both Grog Log and Sippin Safari. I believe their web address is http://www.kegworks.com. I would recommend both books, but Sippin Safari is more updated (and there are more detailed instructions on what items to purchase and where to purchase them. Also more info about how to make certain syrups as well). I purchased both both books from this site relatively recently so you should be able to find them there. Best of Luck--I initially ran into the same problem! If you can't find them there, than I would contact Beachbum Berry, himself, at his website.

Awesome, 2 books ordered... non yet arrived. I think i'll have to start a new thread when I build my bar when I get home: what to stock it with?

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to mention that the Grog Log appears to finally have been reprinted. It's available on Amazon and direct from SLG Publishing.

I've spent months looking for a copy, and I'm sure I'm not the only one!

--edit: It came in last night, woo-hoo!

[ Edited by: Professor Pineapple 2009-06-26 13:02 ]


Hi to all,
I also just ordered Intoxica! from Tiki Bosko and it has been shipped, so it should be coming soon. Was very excited that I could get it for $23, as it is over $50 on ebay and other sources. The link is http://www.tikibosko.com. Also, Sippin' Safari is still available for the original price (less than $20) at Amazon.com. I'm still waiting for the next printing of Taboo Table, so I don't have to shell out $100 for a paperback!!!!

Came in the mail today--woohoo!!!! Now I just need Taboo Table to complete the collection.

[ Edited by: verotiki 2009-07-06 14:46 ]

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