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Tiki Central / California Events

Kustom culture art and car show May 9th Lake Elsinore.

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canyonlaketiki posted on 04/10/2009

Route 395 Hot rod and kustom culture show.I will have some Tiki's for sale.Come check it out or get a booth and sell some of yours. Music, cars, art, what more could you ask for. Family friendly day of fun.

canyonlaketiki posted on 04/11/2009

Check out http://www.socalhotrodshow.com for details. Call Desiree at the Velvet Vault for a booth. 951 245 1400.

Java Loa posted on 04/14/2009

Thanks for sharing, we'll check it out.

canyonlaketiki posted on 04/14/2009

Java, It will be a fun day, Stop by my Tiki booth if you can make it and say hello.Pass the word on!

canyonlaketiki posted on 04/22/2009

I just finished this up,It is the crowd favorite trophy.The show is a rat rod style show so I used a rat trap for the name and info plate,spark plugs for teeth and some other surprises. Bring your car down and try to win this masterpiece.Booths are still available if you want to sell your stuff.

canyonlaketiki posted on 05/09/2009

The show is today, Come on out if you are bored, Nice day out here. Stop by and say Hi if you make it out! Just off the 15 and main street. Lake Elsinore.

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