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drying logs

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Got a new log.. not sure what type of tree it is, but hopefully it's tiki will be revealed.
What is the best way to prevent splitting and cracking as it dries? The log was cut the day I got it
and was wet when I stripped the bark. I have tried drying logs in my basement and they split.
This is a five footer and I want to take extra care in drying it. I live in Rhode island,, wet to dry
climate,,, should I leave it outside, letting the sun do the work with the occasional shower? or keep it inside?

First off you should have left the bark on so it could dry evenly. The same day it is cut you should put on a end-grain sealer, like Sealtite, to prevent quick drying and cracking on the ends. Since you took the bark off you can also seal the entire log allowing it to dry very slowly. I usually let my wood dry for two years indoors where the A/C, sun and heater can't get to it (the closet). The slower the wood dries the less it will crack. Another extreme trick you can do is drill the pith out of the center from the bottom up about 3/4 to the top. This takes alot of effort and a long drill bit. Wood will almost always split from the pith out into the heart wood.
I think the best thing for you to do is just carve away on this one and seal it with a poly as soon as you are done carving. A great thing about tiki's is that cracks give it character.

hewey posted on Wed, Mar 3, 2010 2:43 AM


A mate of mine who works at a woodworking supplies place reccomended that you use candle wax to seal the ends. I got a big ass candle from a $2 store, and hit it with my burner for maximum heat :D

Quicker than the human eye

Playing with the time exposure and the lights off!

Finshed log end

looks like u got this covered!!! lol!! just a side note i make my own lumber out of local trees for wood working and what not and i find the quickest check free way of dryin dimensional lumber and logs is a solar kilin. it has a small circulating fan to keep moist air flowin out and lets the sun do all the work for dryin then at night lets the lumber relax wich aids in min warping and greatly reduced checking!!! wrks great for me.cheerz!!

[ Edited by: BIG tiki scott 2010-03-03 04:15 ]

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