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Livin in a time of strange and wonderful animals

Pages: 1 16 replies

suicide_sam posted on 07/25/2003
Tiki_Bong posted on 07/25/2003

The giant catfish in Germany was actually a result of Hitler's obsession with creating a master race of catfish that would one day rule all the lakes in the World. It was reported that the first ones had blue eyes and blond hair.

emspace posted on 07/26/2003

The bear...is pissed. "Come here, guy with the camera, and I'll eat your head for you...think I look funny? How you gonna look without a HEAD?"

:), em

scigirl posted on 07/27/2003

As I originally hail from the land o' Dixie, I must state that any and all stories concerning catfish are true and to be believed with absolute certainty. They grow to Loch Ness Monster proportions, eat dogs and the occasional small child and make dang fine eatin' themselves! Yep, catfish are one of the Universe's greatest creations


tikibars posted on 07/27/2003

Here's a Tennessee catfish supermarket I discovered on the way home from Hukilau this year...

[ Edited by: tikibars on 2003-07-27 16:07 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 07/28/2003

Looks like the humans were eaten by the catfish. Catfish SuperMarket. Where's "The Farside's" Gary Larson?

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-07-27 22:35 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 07/28/2003

There are U.S. Army Corp Of Engineers Divers that have gone down to work on the Thurmond Lake Dam and have reported catfish the size of a tall MAN bopping around down there. They feast on the Threadfin Shad that get chopped up in the turbines and literally will not stop growing at any time in their life span. Grass Carp are the same way.

scigirl posted on 07/30/2003

That is the secret to the success of the catfish - they will eat anything that is smaller than a Volkswagon Beetle. Carp are the same, but vegetarian of taste. But, that is also the reason many folks don't like to eat wild-caught catfish in the South - it is likened to eating a garbage disposal! (same goes for opossum - the genteel avoid nature's opportunists).

tikibars posted on 07/31/2003

On 2003-07-30 16:16, scigirl wrote:
But, that is also the reason many folks don't like to eat wild-caught catfish in the South - it is likened to eating a garbage disposal!

Oh, now you tell me.

About two hours after finding that catfish stand, I guess I had catfish on the brain. So I pulled over at some sort of local "home cookin'" type of restaurant, hoping to sample some of the local flavors. I don't normally eat deep-fried foods at all (aside from the occasional pupu), but "when in rome", I thought... as I devoured three big slabs of deep fried Tennessee catfish, a big plate o' cheese grits, and my side order of hush puppies (only two of 'em!) for $8.

That was a month ago, but I think I'm gonna be sick right about now, sort of a time-delay nausea...

Kava King posted on 07/31/2003

Reminds me of the one that goes:

Picky eater: "Oh, I'd never eat pork, you never know where a pig's been"

Man of Experience: "Do you like eggs?..."

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/31/2003

If we shouldn't eat animals, why'd God make 'em out of meat?

ikitnrev posted on 08/01/2003

To see some pictures of those giant catfish, visit this site ....

That's a lot of catfish dinners there.

The most amazing part about these pictures, is how the catfish were caught - by 'noodling,' which means you go underwater, stick your hand into the fish's mouth, and wrestle them to the surface.

I don't plan on doing any noodling in my lifetime.

Here's another article describing noodling.


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a2b4dd8f0d481c9c3dd05879d48d89f0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tiki_kiliki posted on 08/02/2003

Wow! Those catfish are huge! I can't believe that!

scigirl posted on 08/02/2003

Sorry tikibars! But I'll go ahead and let you know that when a fisherman drowns, no one on the bayou will eat crab for at least a month. You get the picture!

tikibars posted on 08/02/2003

On 2003-08-01 18:36, scigirl wrote:
Sorry tikibars! But I'll go ahead and let you know that when a fisherman drowns, no one on the bayou will eat crab for at least a month. You get the picture!

Oh, man, THAT'S why all the rednecks and truck drivers with their semis parked outside were all eating the hummous platter!

suicide_sam posted on 04/29/2004

Had to bring back this old post when I saw this story. This eagle has bragging rights for LIFE!!!


suicide_sam posted on 10/20/2004

Once again this topic make s acomeback. Apparently in Peru they have created "SUPER GUINEE PIGS"


Wow I wonder if they have secret identities and all.

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