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Pics, pics, pics of Tiki paintings!

Pages: 1 2 3 4 181 replies

emspace posted on 07/18/2003

Hey RenTiki!

I will most definitely look into Terragen; I love realistic terrain renders. A lot of pro 3D people diss Bryce, but I dunno; I like making pretty peictures, and I don't like to take days to do it.

Those hieroglypics are rongorongo from Rapa Nui (Easter Island). They are as yet untranslated, and are found carved into wooden boards, all of which are probably in museums. The image is not embedded in my signature, but referenced from a web page. Got it by reading the HTML doing a "View > source" in Explorer. So go check out http://www.rapanui.cl/eng/index.html (it's the official Chilean Easter Island site) and you'll find it and other graphics.

There are also two rongorongo fonts I know of. Unfortunately, not freeware. They are at http://www.deniart.com/rongo.shtml and http://www.islandheritage.org/dingbatfont.html .


Octane posted on 07/20/2003

not sure if this is what you are looking for but this site has all the different writings still surviving from easter island


you have to look arround on the site at the different tablets but all the surviving writing is there.

RenTiki posted on 07/20/2003

Ems, Octane; You are very helpful! Thanks for the links. Ems, that one Artist; CRISTIAN AREVALOS PAKARATI is very good! His style reminds me alot of Escher and Giger combined. Really interesting.
Octane; what an informative site! Thanks again TC's!!

Skreemn Mimi posted on 07/23/2003

Umm, here is another palm frond I painted. I know it dosn't resemble any kind of Polynesian or Hawaiian artwork but I love colors and it's like therapy for me!

[ Edited by: Skreemn Mimi on 2003-07-22 22:30 ]

Vaïnui posted on 07/23/2003

Ia orana

Here's to keep the thread going.
A vahine (acrylic)


Tiki King posted on 07/23/2003

Here are some of mine...
"Drink of the Gods"

"A few of my favorite things"


all are acrylics on black velvet

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki Stuff
http://www.mp3.com/tiki_king Hear the King sing!

[ Edited by: Tiki King on 2003-07-23 10:06 ]

laney posted on 07/23/2003

Here's a link to a thread I posted a while back with my first two art pieces. There are so many new members, I just had to throw my hat into this thread. I haven't completed anything new lately because I've been working on my jewelery (people are buying it now!) My pool also looks more inviting in this heat so I don't think I'll be working on anything until after summer.


Since that thread I also got my "tiki holy grail" so the fire piece is still in the living room. I looks pretty cool over the fireplace so it may stay there a while. You can see witco piece in my orange room here (for the newbies)


Chongolio posted on 07/23/2003

Stellar job on the Wahine Vay, I still would love to get a copy of the Stingray you posted earlier. Any chance of this happening? If you dont have access to copies do you mind if I cleep it off the web and print it out?
Very nicely done TK. I have never tried velvet, I hear it can be a tricky medium. Acryllic on velvet? Thats interesting, I thought oils were always used.
Laney, the fish murals are really neat, as well as the flamin' tikis. If your going to be in your pool you can always use watercolors! har-har-har-ouch.

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-07-23 12:27 ]

Vaïnui posted on 07/23/2003

OK Chonglio
And for all you Tat lovers here's the ray again & a turle or 2.
Just clip'em from TC, print'em out, needle'em in & show'em off on the beach. Cool


Vaïnui posted on 07/25/2003

In honor to the centennial of Gaugin's death, my concept of the vahine.

"L'or de leur corps" (pastel)


Monkeyman posted on 07/25/2003


Can you make that green fabric a little more transparent? She is in the right position but we are missing the intended view.

My bad, I'm sorry I can't behave myself all the time.

Great painting!


Atomic Cocktail posted on 07/26/2003

Hey Tiki King,

Very nice-those on velvet?

Vaïnui posted on 07/26/2003

Hey Monkeyman, feeling horny?
Here's another one for ya.

nude (pastel)

Thanx for the complements


Vaïnui posted on 07/26/2003


Vaïnui posted on 07/26/2003


that's better

tikitony posted on 07/26/2003

nice work everybOdy! here's a pen&ink with watercolor pencil.

RenTiki posted on 07/28/2003

Here's a big painting I did in oil paint.
It's got lots of detail. It's called Tiki Bar

Notice the cards their playing with, they are Tarot cards. Heehee

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-27 21:50 ]

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-07-27 21:51 ]

tiki.head posted on 07/28/2003

Here is one I just finished. This is for my Mom, who just retired to Florida, so it is not exactly my style, but I did manage to sneak a Moai into her design. Keep posting everyone, this is a great thread, nice to see everyones work on here.

Chongolio posted on 07/28/2003

Rentiki, Nice paintin' How big is that. I dig all the detail. Nice bowl of skulls by the tiki dog No bar should be without either. I do have one suggestion. The tiki who is playin cards with the visible pupil. Try making his eyes like the other tikis, dark sockets. Just my opinion but that tikis eye is almost smack dab in the middle of the canvas. and you cant help but to zero in on that white spot.
Tikihead thats a neat image. What media is it. It reminds me of a "Bright" Henri Rousseau. (He was a painter that was inspired by Gauguin.) Do you have anymore to post?


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-07-29 20:05 ]

Chongolio posted on 07/30/2003

Here is a photoshopped sketch I have been goofin on. Nothing spectacular but I l was kinda diggin' it. My new thing is trying to make stuff not look too photoshopped. It is tough tryin' to not click on those effect filters.
I'm calling this one "Hula Sands" and here it is:


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-07-29 20:11 ]

MauiTiki posted on 07/30/2003

Wow you all do great stuff! Who would have known of all the Tiki Talent out there.

I love Mimi's Palm art, I got to try that some time.

Vay, I have some similar art that I did for T-shirts for the Pacific Whale Foundation. Your's are more Tatoo like.

Here's an illustration of an Orchids of Hawaii Mug I whipped out using Adobe Illustrator.

Keep up the good work!

tiki.head posted on 07/31/2003

Thanks for the props, I paint in acrylics, they're easy to clean up since I am not the neatest painter (or anything else)and you can do lots of effects with them. Plus the ones I use (Liquitex) are made by Binney and Smith, who bring you Crayola crayons and many other fine products. This painting is 24 X 36, Mom wanted to fill up some wall space. How do you start a photoshop project, yours looks great and it seems that you can do some neat effects. I don't know how I would get this look using paints, but that may be only that I don't really know what the hell I am doing anyway. I do have more stuff to post, but my camera is crappy, so the images get blurred and unpleasant, so as I get good images I will try to post them. Keep going, everyone, it's fun to see everyones stuff.

MTKahuna posted on 08/01/2003

There are some amazing artist on board. Great stuff.

I like your drawing style. Would you be willing to do a consignment piece?

RenTiki posted on 08/01/2003

Tiki Tony, your drawings remind me of something from my childhood, can't place it yet. Love your birds also. Those in particular strike something inside of me, can't pinpoint it yet. Nice work.
Vai, you keep amazing me! You are one talented being!
Tikihead, I've never seen such awesome combo of colors! Wow! Looks like you have fun slinging paint and making a mess too! Chongo's right, something like Rousseau. Let's see more!
Photoshop is like my right hand daily when I need to clean up pics, or just refer to images while I paint. I am speechless with your work! You should consider creating these professionally and sell them! REaLLY!! You create a look thats like a combo of Batik and watercolor. Its awesome!
Last but not least, MauiTiki;
What can I say? DUDE!! You should be famous! Maybe you are and Im just stupid. Hehe. I love your artwork! Any more art you have?
Oh and also, Skreeming Mimi says Mahalo nui loa!
Chongolio, yeah now that you pointed that out to me, I can see that his eye is too white. Unfortunatly, the painting is no longer with me. It's waiting to be framed and sold. I hope. Next time, I will remember your help and try to apply that. Thanks! :wink:
Lets see more everyone!!!!

MauiTiki posted on 08/01/2003


Thanks for the compliment. Don't get me started I could post designs all day.

I was waiting to show these to TC once I had my website a little more fine tuned. Right now there is just an order form. These next 3 designs I sell as vinyl stickers, in white or black. If anyone is interested I could post a photo of my truck so you can get a feel for how great they really look.

They (and a bunch more) are available at stores in Hawaii and at http://www.stuckonmaui.com for $4 ($16 for the Flame Design).

these two are about 7 inches tall and the flame design is 36 inches wide (great for windshields or back windows of pickups)

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Thanks to RAIN for his inspiration on the drummer Tiki. Yeah, where is Rain? he is missing from this thread, his stuff is real art.

tikitony posted on 08/01/2003

tHanks MTKahuna, consignment, commissioned , whatevas you call it, I'll do it. rentiki, my birds are appropriated from 60's animation/ illustration, just like jo"SH AG"le, maybe thats it. by the way, my pOp's name is rennie, (short for rennville). . . thats not yours too?

Chongolio posted on 08/01/2003

Hey Ren, thanks for the comments about my art. I was a fine arts major before switching to graphic design. It's has kind of been ingrained in me to critique art. I am probally the harshest on my own stuff. Keep up the painting and dont take mine or other folks critiques to seriously. You know what they say about opinions and arse holes... Everybody has one.
Tikihead, Mahalo to you too. My photoshop projects usually start with scanned pencil sketch. After playing with the levels to adjust the contrast. I set the scan layer to "multiply" in the layers pallette and then start adding layers beneath it for my different colors and effects. If you dont know Photoshop that well there are tons of really good books that can get you going in the right direction. Like any medium, a lot of it is experimenting and trial and error. Have fun, Photoshop is an amazing tool.
Tikitony, diggin you style also. The loosness of your lines and the subtle coloring make for a whimsical veiwing experience. Let see some more!
Mauitiki, killer tribal designs and Illustrator tiki. Do you do all your plotting, weeding and transfer taping for your decals? I have a small decal biz here in CA. and have them being sold in several surf shops up and down the coast. I really like your designs keep up the great work!
Here are a couple of my designs,
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Definately not as detailed as your stuff, I tend to keep my decal design really simple because I am the one that has to pick out all the little pieces.
What the hell, here is a bar sign that I have did also ( I too could post designs all day!):
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Thanks for lookin' and keep up the creatin' and postin'


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-08-01 10:29 ]

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5610f53ced663388259c0c8ef11cdce7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
PolynesianPop posted on 08/01/2003

Chongo, been meaning to mention to you. Back in June, the Father's Day card I got from my wife had one of your stickers inside as a bonus. She bought it from you off eBay! When I saw it I said "hey, my friend from TC makes these. He was the one that made the OC Tiki Crawl III Shirts."

She bought the exact same sticker you gave me at the crawl!

**Poly-Pop ***

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[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-08-01 10:41 ]

Chongolio posted on 08/01/2003

P-pop good have you back! That's cool your wife found them on ebay. I have been pretty inconsistent with getting them up on ebay. Let me know you ever need more. I am always willing to style and dial anybody in the T.C. Ohana. Come to think of it, I still owe the good Doctor Z a couple of them for hooking me up with a few of his plaster tiki heads.
Wish I could make it down for your daughter's Luau. Sounds like a party not to be missed!

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-08-01 11:06 ]

DZ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bd9975fec97edc9f6d2e2d23b00bd96e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Doctor Z posted on 08/01/2003

Chongolio-- thanks for reminding me about the stickers - I've got the order form around here somewhere... gotta pick me up a few more of those!

But about the Mai Tai bar sign - I MUST HAVE ONE!! Talk to me, bro...

RenTiki posted on 08/04/2003

Yeah! Let's see a pic of your truck! Maybe get you standing next to it. That would be cool. I like the flames one the best.

Chongolio, I forgot you asked how big the Tiki Bar painting is. I'ts about 4Ft x 2Ft. You mention a small business here in CA. Where exactly are you located?

MauiTiki posted on 08/05/2003


I love your stickers! I used to weed them all myself, but I switched to a company in Texas, but the quality was poor, so now I have them done on Oahu. I still package them for retail sale in bags with a hang tag. So what would you charge me to do the work? I'm currently selling around 2,000 a month. Mostly turtles, the tiki stuff doesn't sell. How has your stuff done on e-bay? I'm thinking of giving it a try.

I'll wash my truck and take a photo. Hopefully by the end of the week.

You can see all my stickers at http://www.stuckonmaui.com

Thanks for all your positive feedback!

Chongolio posted on 08/05/2003

DR Z. I sent you an email.
Ren-tiki that a decent size. I am getting close to finishing my largest painting to date. I hope to post pics next week. Oh yeah, I live up the coast from you in Santa Cruz.
Mauitiki, Thanks for the compliment. If you are getting a decent price in Hawaii, I would stick with it. The shipping cost may add a fair amount to the your total cost. Beside, my decal biz is more of an offshoot from my design studio. I usually have other projects that take priority. E-bay is O.K. but its been hit or miss. Maybe if I was more consistent, Once again project priority kicks in. Anyways, we can talk more off board about this if you like I have few questions I would like to ask you also. E-mail me at you leisure.


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-08-05 11:45 ]

MauiTiki posted on 08/06/2003


Here's the stickers in use.
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Vaïnui posted on 08/07/2003

Ia orana

MauiTiki, I would like to have my tat creations made into quality stickers and sell them.
Do you know of any people that can make stickers for cars, boats, boards...etc for a good price.


MauiTiki posted on 08/07/2003


Talk to Chongolio, sounds like he's making stickers in house!

RenTiki posted on 08/07/2003

Know where Highway 9 is? Up in Boulder Creek is where my sister lived and had her only son. Gorgeous area! Memorial weekend you could hear rumbling up in the mountains from the Hells Angels that would putt thru there on that holiday. Redwoods and beach. Ah! I miss it up there! Lucky You!!
Nice designs! What? You got 2 trucks?! That flames design is bigger than I thought. My sister wants it tatooed on her lower back! Not that size though! Really good work! (Nice trucks too!);)

Skreemn Mimi posted on 08/07/2003

Aloha All!
Here's another palm frond I completed.
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Chongolio posted on 08/08/2003

Vainui, Contact me off board regarding getting decals made of your art. We may be able to work out some sort of trade.
Rentiki, I know Hwy 9, we go up that way to hear music at a place called Henfling's.
Good road to scout for logs too.
Screemin, that palm looks like he saw a real scorpion in his scorpion bowl. :D


JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jungle Trader posted on 08/26/2003

Here it is

Skreemn Mimi posted on 08/26/2003

Do you hear something? Is that drums? Ohoh I think the natives are getting restless....

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[ Edited by: Skreemn Mimi on 2003-08-26 13:16 ]

Skreemn Mimi posted on 08/26/2003

Close up of de family...Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3d607b3127cce8d1918edf74b0000001610Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3d607b3127cce8d191e8d76180000001610
[ Edited by: Skreemn Mimi on 2003-08-26 13:18 ]

[ Edited by: Skreemn Mimi on 2003-08-26 13:19 ]

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jungle Trader posted on 08/27/2003

Hey Skreemer, some fantabulous art you got there, very good.

tikitony posted on 08/27/2003

vainui, stickerguy.com they're very cheap!
Skreemn Mimi, are you in the Ventura Area? I swear i saw your masks at Ventura surf shop yesturday.

Skreemn Mimi posted on 08/28/2003

Im located in Orange, Orange County. Never been up there. I just started making these too. Did you happen to see how much they were asking? Just to get an idea if I'm charging too much for mine. :)

Vaïnui posted on 08/30/2003

thanks tony for your help, I've ordered 250 stickers tattoo style stickers online for only $60, cool.


Chongolio posted on 08/31/2003

Alright Vanui, Glad to hear you got styled on the stickers. Any chance some of the TC ohana can score some from you? I would be interested in picking up a couple. Tikiktony, thanks for the sticker guy link. Definately some of the best prices I have seen for screen printed stickers. I will definately be using him for my sticker needs ( if the shipping isn't to outrageous)
I have been busy finishing up a few of my projects, hope to get some pics up and posted after this weekend.
Have a good weekender all!

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jungle Trader posted on 09/03/2003

FlounderArt, post your paintings here.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 181 replies