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Brain tumors suck.

Pages: 1 4 replies

Humuhumu posted on 04/24/2009

Brain tumors took my aunt Carol, Thor Heyerdahl, and Sandy Duncan's eyeball. My dear friend Jessica, who just had her first child last fall, has an inoperable brain tumor. This stinks.

I can't do much, but when Jessica asked if I would join her for the Brain Tumor Walk here in San Francisco on May 2, I said hell yes (I'm still learning to not swear in front of the baby). Of course, the walk is incidental--it's about the fundraising for the researchers who may someday be able to turn inoperable tumors like Jessica's into something treatable.

I've had so many offers over the years for my Mai Tais to be bought for me in thanks for things like Critiki. This is awesome, and I'm so grateful, but I would much rather you donated here instead, 'cause I can buy my own Mai Tais, but I can't make Jessica's tumor go away.

Do it for Thor! Do it for Jessica! Do it for Sandy Duncan's eyeball! Please consider giving a little bit today, if you're able.

Donate to my Brain Tumor Walk Team

Coco Joe posted on 04/24/2009

Count me in! I've donated for this before and happy to do it again.

khan_tiki_mon posted on 04/24/2009

I most likely won't run into you anytime soon and be able to offer a Mai Tai in appreciation of the things you do for our little community on the web. It is my pleasure to help out what little I can for the cause.

Humuhumu posted on 04/25/2009

MAHALO! Thank you so much to all the incredibly generous people who have contributed. It means so much to me, and to Jessica and Rich.

I would do this if I wasn't unemployed right now.
But I will bump the post up and I will post the link on my facebook status update.

If I land a job, then remind me! :)


Pages: 1 4 replies