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Tiki Bar TV 4th Birthday party

Pages: 1 27 replies

Ojaitimo posted on 04/20/2009

This is going to be one cool party. If you haven't gotten a ticket for next Saturday yet, it's not too late.

WooHooWahine posted on 04/20/2009

WooHoo! SoccerTiki and I can't wait :)

TikiGeeki posted on 04/20/2009

WooHoo! (oh, wait... is that trademarked?!) I ordered my tickets the instant I found out about it... counting down the minutes...

Ojaitimo posted on 04/25/2009

Tiki Geeki, I will look for someone holding a cocktail and wearing a fez.
Say, you aren't in that Cult of the Purple Fez are you? I heard some of them will be there.

TikiGeeki posted on 04/25/2009

Sadly, I'm not in any fez related cults... but one can dream...
My buddy, Fezmonger, and some of his fez wearing minions will indeed be there. I picked up a new fez from him specifically for the party.

KreepyTiki posted on 04/26/2009

Well, as anybody who was there knows, the party was an absolute BLAST!!!

Thanks Tiki Bar TV for a fantabulous and emminently koolamundo experience! You guys are the BEST! And as nice as you are wacky!

The only disappointment? Lala did NOT take her clothes off as promised in the party invitation video! (Oh well... Maybe for their 5th birthday she'll show off her birthday suit?)

And speaking of Ms. Fastwater, here I am with the uber-adorable vixen herself...

That politeinpublic.com digital photo-booth was an inspiration and an absolute must for all future Tiki Bar TV parties!

And The Warehouse was an ideal choice of locale. It's an AMAZING place which -- with just a little additional help from Oceanic Arts, Bamboo Ben and a few local carvers -- could become a top shelf tiki temple. Dating back to 1967, it has loads of vintage nautical charm. And, as I told the manager, "Nautical and Tiki go together like peanut butter and jelly", and that if they would go to the not enormous expense of adding a proper tiki vibe to their mix they would find themselves inundated by TC'ers and other tiki-related groups wanting to come there regularly to dine and to book the place for events like the one last night.

And that Tiki Bar TV party would, the manager said, go a long way toward making the owners sit up and take notice of the growing business potential of tiki!

Okay, that's it for now. I'll post more info and a bunch o pics later.

Cheers & Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-04-26 09:33 ]

1961surf posted on 04/26/2009

Sorry I missed it Paul, sounds like fun.Great to see you at Don the Beachcombers.
Always enjoy talking to you about tiki.

WooHooWahine posted on 04/26/2009

WooHoo! What a fun night..Mahalo to the Tiki Bar TV Ohana for putting on such a fun event. Here's to many more years of Tiki Bar TV.

More pics http://www.politeinpublic.com

SoccerTiki posted on 04/26/2009

Whatta party!!! These guys know how to have fun!
Dr Tiki, WooHoo and I.

LaLa....Wht more is there to say?! She IS fun!

Thanks to Johnny Johnny, Dr Tiki and LaLa for throwing such a fun party!!! Can't wait for the upcoming episodes of TikiBar TV!!!

Ojaitimo posted on 04/26/2009

What a great party Tiki Bar TV! Thank you guys!
Having it at the Warehouse and docking the S.S. Tiki at the dock was... Oh sorry, I was supposed to keep the location secret wasn't I?
The S.S. Tiki was ship shape last night and special thanks to Holden and Tiki Farm for the great mugs you gave to everyone.
If I didn't have to head over to the Lobster Trap for Doug's Wrestling Lobster gathering at 4pm Sunday! (Why so early Doug & Stacey?)
I'd post more but it's 3:45 now. Here is the S.S. Tiki after party and I'll post more from the Warehouse later.

bigbrotiki posted on 04/27/2009

What a nice surprise to see Hanford there (and Tim and Paul and Holden and Mark), but I also would like to remind folks that the besides the Tiki TVers, the WAREHOUSE was and is a real star. An original 60s Trader-style haven! Go and frequent it!

Founder Burt Hixson (left) and his crew....

...and some of the many exotic locations he travelled to and left a memento:

KreepyTiki posted on 04/27/2009

Thanks for those terrific pics, Sven!

I certainly agree with you about the wonderful Warehouse and its Vintage history!

And I blush to confess my ignorance, in that I'd only been aware of the one that recently closed in Newport Beach (my hometown). But, heck, I DID grow up in 60's L.A. with vivid memories of dining at the original Beverly Hills Luau, the La Cienega Islander, etc.

So imagine my open-mouthed astonishment when I arrived in Marina Del Rey at dusk to find an authentic 60's nautical-themed paradise complete with a lagoon entryway, docks, fountains, flaming torches and more bric-a-brac/flotsam & jetsam than you could shake an oar at!

And that two-story interior with its wonderful array of photos on the walls and gorgeous view of the marina.! So glad you managed to get a great shot of THAT, too, Bigbro. Most of my interior shots -- even the ones WITH a flash -- came out so damn DARK!

Anyway -- boy, did being there Saturday night take me back! All that was missing was more South Sea Island/Polynesian flavor and some more tikis.

I say "more" tikis because the ARE actually two (count 'em) tiki-style or, perhaps more accurately, pseudo-tiki-style poles there.

Here's a couple pics of one...

KreepyTiki posted on 04/27/2009

Not having been able to nab one of the prized "Golden Tickets", I wasn't able to attend the after-party aboard the S.S. Tiki. (Dammit!!!)

BUT I have a question for anyone who was there...

That place IS either the nautical set from the show -- which I had THOUGHT was entirely filmed in Vancouver -- OR it's an amazingly thorough recreation. And those metal cable stair-railings look EXACTLY like the ones in the 'Lala Showers' Rick-roll music vid, through which Jeff peeks at one point in the song.

So what gives???


And now that THAT'S outta the way, here's an assortment-o-pics from the Warehouse party which us mere mortals were allowed to attend...

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WHOA!! What a night! (Just ask Lala! Boy can that girl PARTY!)

Cheers & Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-04-27 09:30 ]

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-04-27 11:49 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 04/27/2009

Kreepy Tiki - Yes, the party was held at the set. The Tiki Bar TV Crew & Cast all live here in Sunny California now :)

bigbrotiki posted on 04/27/2009

Here's a friendly suggestion, folks: Try some photo editing. I know there are many many good shots here, but to have to wade thru such a slew of pictures of people posing gets repetitive and one's eyes glaze over. One ends up scrolling down and past them in fast mode, and the whole effort and time uploading them is wasted.

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hiltiki posted on 04/27/2009

Another friendly suggestion would be if you could take picture of the actual event as opposed to your own pictures in every frame. Seems like the same faces are always present in most events. After all it is an event and those of us who haven't attended would like to get a feel for the event and the place. I always enjoy pictures the Ojatimo takes, he is a good photographer and he rarely includes himself in the pictures.

KreepyTiki posted on 04/27/2009

Good suggestions Bigbro & Hiltiki!

I've already done some judicious pruning of my own shots, leaving in a couple pics of me with the cast 'cuz I really did have a great time with them. However, I've left in most of the event and environment images to give those who weren't there a feeling for what went on.

But I agree -- it's definitely a case of less is more when it comes to all the posed pics.

I wasn't the only one guilty of this, however, so let's see if anyone else reads your suggestions and follows suit.

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-04-27 11:54 ]

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JenTiki posted on 04/27/2009

On 2009-04-27 07:36, WooHooWahine wrote:
Kreepy Tiki - Yes, the party was held at the set. The Tiki Bar TV Crew & Cast all live here in Sunny California now :)

Actually, Johnny Johnny is living in New York, Lala is in NorCal for the time being, and Mr. Ambassador is still in Vancouver (soon to be a resident of Singapore).

The production moved from Vancouver to LA when the set changed, so there is not a duplicate of the S.S. Tiki in Vancouver.

Ojaitimo posted on 04/27/2009

On 2009-04-27 07:59, bigbrotiki wrote:
Here's a friendly suggestion, folks: Try some photo editing. I know there are many many good shots here, but to have to wade thru such a slew of pictures of people posing gets repetitive and one's eyes glaze over. One ends up scrolling down and past them in fast mode, and the whole effort and time uploading them is wasted.

Uh, mea culpa Bigbro, I took over 300 shots and the fifty posted are 1/6 but you're right. Maybe we need a photo editing moderator.
So many shots, so little time. Thanks Hiltiki for the compliment. I was expecting to see you there.:)

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[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2009-04-27 16:03 ]

TikiGeeki posted on 04/27/2009

The party, both locales, was amazing! One of the best nights of my life. My favorite moment: calling Johnny Johnny an "F-ing Savage" when he pulled out a bottle of lime juice. His reaction was priceless and I caught it all on video. That's a keeper!

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Honoring my gods one sip at a time.

[ Edited by: TikiGeeki 2009-04-27 17:46 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 04/28/2009

Pretty funny, except for the fact that I filled that bottle myself with juice from just picked picked limes I squeezed. :wink:

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JohnnyJohnny posted on 04/28/2009

On 2009-04-27 19:47, Ojaitimo wrote:
Pretty funny, except for the fact that I filled that bottle myself with juice from just picked picked limes I squeezed. :wink:


Still, it was a pretty fucking funny line. After you "busted me" I think I screamed "No! God damn it NO! I made this! This afternoon! God damn it to hell!" or something while frantically searching the trash for a pulped lime to wave as proof. Where's the video? Send me a link! The night got a little hazy at that point. Ah well, I've never made drinks for 70 people so I had to do a little bar prep! Tim's assistance was greatly appreciated too!

The party was amazingly fun and you Tiki Central guys absolutely rock. Thanks so much for coming out. What an absolutely awesome night.

[ Edited by: JohnnyJohnny 2009-04-27 23:05 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 05/01/2009

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Here is the slide show on Tiki Bar TV http://party.tikibartv.com/photo/photo/slideshow?feed_url=http%3A%2F%2Fparty.tikibartv.com%2Fphoto%2Fphoto%2FslideshowFeedForContributor%3FscreenName%3D2el86p80k19cl

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JenTiki posted on 05/01/2009

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting my favorite picture of the whole batch, Ojaitimo! That Bora Boris sure has the sexy dance moves!

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bigtikidude posted on 05/02/2009

if thats sexy, I'd hate to see scary.
:o :wink:


BB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b5b1db9852616b0b87ea959c240198fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Bora Boris posted on 05/02/2009

I think I'm actually crapping my pants in that picture.


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suzanne posted on 05/02/2009

Wow, this looks like it was a sick good time!


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bigtikidude posted on 05/02/2009

On 2009-05-02 00:56, Bora Boris wrote:
I think I'm actually crapping my pants in that picture.


well I guess that some people are actually into Poo play.
so I guess that could be sexy.
but sorry, not me.


Pages: 1 27 replies