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Grand opening of Trader Vics LA

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1961surf posted on 04/08/2009

Based on my reading , there have been delays due to permit inspections and
equipment delays.The date has been moved to the week of the 20th, but still
don't have an exact date.I sent an email to the "Big Kahuna" John Valencia
of Trader Vics, so I will wait to hear back from him today to get more
accurate info.

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-04-08 14:45 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 04/08/2009
1961surf posted on 04/09/2009

Old news- read that link already, and thought Trader Vics LA needed it's own thread.

bigtikidude posted on 04/09/2009

Thank you 1961 surf.
now if we could just narrow it down to a date and not just a week.

"where Good Rum is Immortalized, and drinking is an art"
"And, when that old "Demon Rum" slips past the lips it still works its ancient,cheerful magic" (Don the Beachcomber)

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-04-09 08:20 ]

Tiki Teach posted on 04/09/2009

On 2009-04-08 16:23, WooHooWahine wrote:

here's an idea. one can use the link WooHoo added to go back and see the count down clock on TV's website.

1961surf posted on 04/10/2009

Definitely don't go by the clock.After speaking with John Valencia yesterday,
the exact day they open still is unsure.It will be the week of the 20th and it
will be a soft open for happy hour and dinner only.They don't have an exact date
yet because they still have multiple inspections to pass.The Grand opening event
will not be until June , we will get more information about that next month on the
exact date.This is accurate and up to date info directly from the source.

sparklegem posted on 04/20/2009

Any news on the opening?

1961surf posted on 04/23/2009

Still waiting for update to report.Should have something within 24-48 hours.

Mrs Bamboo posted on 04/23/2009

old news.

bigtikidude posted on 04/23/2009
1961surf posted on 04/24/2009

Based on the Trader Vic counter on the website looks like they have been
delayed another three days .

1961surf posted on 04/25/2009

" Looks like May 2nd is D day " unless there are any more delays.
I can have some drinks at TV and then walk across the street to watch the
Lakers at the Staple center all within walking distance ..yeh hah!!

JOBU posted on 04/28/2009

Just Got this Email

Vic's on Saturday... Ben's on Sunday...

Trader Vic's Los Angeles @ LA LIVE
800 W Olympic Blvd. A120
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Official Opening Date is Saturday May 2nd, 2009 to make reservations for Dinner go to http://www.opentable.com or http://www.tradervicsla.com Our Lounge will be open at 4:00PM no reservation needed.

Hours of Operations
Sunday to Thursday 4:00PM to 12:00
Friday and Saturday 4:00PM to 2AM
Live Entertainment on Friday and Saturday starting at 7:00PM
Please go to
http://www.opentable.com or http://www.tradervicsla.com to make your reservations.
Look forward to seeing you all, Mahalo



Ojaitimo posted on 04/28/2009

This weekend, yeah!

MEAN GENE posted on 04/28/2009

There ARE still reservations available for Saturday....

1961surf posted on 04/28/2009

Good times...cant wait .

tikihai posted on 04/28/2009

Well the offical TV countdown clock has them opening at 1am Saturday morning. Can that be right?

Dustycajun posted on 04/29/2009

Just got an email, grand pre-opening is 6:00 P.M. Friday night May 1.


1961surf posted on 04/29/2009

I told everyone in a prior comment don't go by that silly clock of there's.
Great concept but not accurate.Who's all going ??

bigtikidude posted on 04/29/2009

I'm gonna try to swing by TV's on Fri on the way to LA for a b-day party,
then maybe again, Sun nite after the HB pier surf show.


Dustycajun posted on 04/29/2009


Found out that the Friday night event I posted about is private invite only.


bigtikidude posted on 04/30/2009

OK I guess that fri is off,
thanks for the heads up.
I am gonna try to get up there sun night.
if not then, monday for sure.


AquaZombie posted on 04/30/2009

Monica and I will be in LA this weekend anyway, coincidentally, see ya Saturday night. Also checking out the Luau in Bev Hills this Friday. Aloha

[ Edited by: AquaZombie 2009-04-30 10:50 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 05/02/2009

Ayayay....I feel a little funny this morning....must have to do with the fact that I lost count with how many cocktails I tasted last night...

It is hard to believe that right next to this behemoth being built...

...a little tropical hideaway has sprung up, where native maidens practice ancient rites...

...and all sorts of merriment ensues

...aided by expert mixology

...presented in the appropriate containers

(Disclaimer: these are two PROPOSED Tiki Farm mugs by Flounder that Holden brought for show and tell)

All the while the entrance to this hidden village is guarded by fierce gods...

...who carry on a mythical tradition that was threatened by extinction

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2009-05-02 13:37 ]

KreepyTiki posted on 05/02/2009

HUGE congrats to John Valencia for doing it right every step of the way & to Sven, Danny, et al, for helping John to make the vision a splendid reality!

I'm delighted to say that the new L.A. Trader Vic's is a class act all the way, with even more additions to come. When I mentioned to John that I felt all that was missing was a water-feature, he said, without missing a beat, that a large fountain will soon be installed to the right of the reservation desk in the entryway & will cover the entire bare wall area which is there now!

Is this koolamundo or what?

Anyway, the attention to detail and all the work that has gone into this place is a joy to behold. And the staff is wonderful, the bartenders and drinks excellent, and a great time was had by all lucky enough to be at this terrific pre-opening!

And now, soon to follow, my photos...

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-05-02 10:21 ]

LOL Tiki posted on 05/02/2009

All the while the entrance to this hidden village is guarded by fierce gods...

Love these guys; are these Danny G's tikis?

bigbrotiki posted on 05/02/2009

Sure are! Tiki Diablo's work at its best! Here's another shot of the classic Marquesan entrance guardians:

Tiki tourists Tiki Kate, Joe Banks and Ojaitimo

Coco Joe posted on 05/02/2009

I'm very impressed Danny! Yet bitter that I wasn't invited to this party. I'm going to pee in the keg at the nooner on sunday.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/02/2009

Congrats to John V. and the new LA Trader Vics!

Looks great from the pics!

I'll get there someday...

KreepyTiki posted on 05/02/2009

And away we go!...

And, last but not least, the rightfully proud owner of Trader Vic's L.A. -- John Valencia...

(The one on the LEFT! SoccerTiki WISHES he owned TVLA -- and so do I!)

Cheers & Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-05-02 21:57 ]

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-05-03 07:33 ]

Beachbumz posted on 05/02/2009

WOW!! Okay... I need to visit the family in LA now..:wink:
Danny those tiki's are awesome, The whole place just rocks... I really like the doors, are those samoan war club handles there? Holden/Flounder I can't wait to get my hands on one of those mugs as well..

Mahaloz for the pics...

KreepyTiki posted on 05/02/2009

Yep, those sure ARE Samoan war club handles -- with "Trader Vic's Los Angeles" carved into the edges!

And I agree with you about Danny's tikis -- absolutely magnificent! And ditto re. those Flounder/Holden mugs! (Gotta get ME one a them too!)

And as for the overall atmosphere of the newest Vic's, isn't it nice to have nary a trace of that stuffy yacht-club ambiance that permeated a good portion of the de-tikified Beverly Hills Vic's?

spy-tiki posted on 05/02/2009

Who all is going tonight?

TIKI-RAY posted on 05/02/2009

I must say we were very suprised by everything last night . I was one of all whos jaws just dropped as we walked in the place . There are tikis everywhere and the decor , stupendous !Dannys tikis look ominous and really "Pop" as you drive down Olympic with all the asphalt and concrete .We were treated to appetisers by the staff but I knew we had a problem when I saw all the shrimp and crab , (not for me though . ) Cindy cant eat fish . The GM noticed she wasnt eating and when he found out why , 2 waitresses brought her pork and chicken wings . The service was over the top .This went on through the night . They never missed a beat .
I dont drink but everyone was flipping over how great the drinks were which tempted me to get a 'No Tai Mai Tai".It was the best fruit drink Ive ever had .But if there is no "Mai" in the Mai Tai , wouldnt that just be a "Mai"? Great job to all involved . You did us proud !

Coco Joe posted on 05/02/2009

On 2009-05-02 11:53, spy-tiki wrote:
Who all is going tonight?

We'll be there around 8:30

1961surf posted on 05/02/2009

First of all, I would like to extend my thanks to John Valencia for inviting me to this
new downtown LA Live Trader Vic's. John you should be proud my friend, your hard work and
perseverance have paid off ten fold.The drinks, food and service were all at Trader Vic's
high standards.The carvings ,tikis and decor also at Trader Vic's high standards.
Downtown is really changing and from the looks of it,all for the better.

Night shot of the large lite up signage

The famous wood burning chinese pot belly oven that make the food taste so good

Sipping away on one of Traders signature Scorpian bowl drinks
Where do I find those long straws anyway ??

The hawaiian music was flowing

bigbrotiki posted on 05/02/2009

On 2009-05-02 10:56, beachbumz wrote:
....are those samoan war club handles there?

Not to be nit-picky, folks, but to avoid further embaressment, those are actually Fijian war clubs. Gotta keep your Polynesian war club origins straight here :). And Kate, who carved them again?

bigtikidude posted on 05/02/2009

I'll be going Sun evening. prob. around 8 or 9.


P.S. I was at tiki ti and the Trader Vics Lounge last night.
I guess I'm not one of the cool kids.

Alfi is still in the bar in the Lobby at the Hilton.
he made me an amazing Navy Grog, and said he was happy to see me.
and misses all the Tiki people that he used to see at the BH Vics.
if yer in the Hood, stop by and visit him, he'd be stoked to know hes missed.

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-05-02 16:39 ]

Swangulo Tikis posted on 05/03/2009

All I can say is... WOW. They've done a fantastic job here. Food was great, drinks were great, service was great. The place looks incredible!
DANNY! - your tikis look fabulous out in front!
Maybe I won't bother posting any photos because they are all pretty similar to what's up already: tikis, tapa, drinks, etc.
Make your reservations and get down there - it's not to be missed.

[email protected]

[ Edited by: Swangulo Tikis 2009-05-02 17:48 ]

nicktiki posted on 05/03/2009

I'm bummed I couldn't make it. From the pics, the place looks great! Danny's Tikis look incredible!! Hats off to John Valencia for bringing it all together.
I got to convince the wife we need a road trip, soon.

KreepyTiki posted on 05/03/2009

On 2009-05-02 13:45, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2009-05-02 10:56, beachbumz wrote:
....are those samoan war club handles there?

On 2009-05-02 11:32, KreepyTiki wrote:
Yep, those sure ARE Samoan war club handles -- with "Trader Vic's Los Angeles" carved into the edges!

Not to be nit-picky, folks, but to avoid further embaressment, those are actually Fijian war clubs. Gotta keep your Polynesian war club origins straight here :). And Kate, who carved them again?

Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me!!! :wink:

Actually, I freely admit I don't know the difference between a Samoan or Fijian war club -- I just assumed (dangerous to do) that the questioner knew their clubs as they specified "Samoan". Now I am officially embarrassed!

Okay -- guess I've got some studyin' to do, Bigbro! (Maybe in 50 FRICKIN' YEARS I'll know as much as YOU!)

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-05-02 19:43 ]

squid posted on 05/03/2009

Diablo strikes again!!!! Danny, you never cease to amaze me.

Howzabout some closeups of the glorious detail on those bad boys out front????? They look insanely awesome from the pix.

Otto posted on 05/04/2009

The new LA Trader Vic's solidifies the beginning of a new era for Trader Vic's which was started with Dallas and continues with Chicago. It is modern looking, yet captures the classic Trader Vic's. There are many vintage artifacts well integrated into the design. It is loaded with Tikis and has two outriggers! I could go on and on but will try to get photos up with comments later.

FYI for anyone who studied the foyer as you entered, there will be plants added to those decorative black stones. the plants will be about four feet tall so they will add to the existing bamboo screen to separate, but not fully separate, the entrance from the bar.

I can't really find anything wrong with this Vic's. Location seems to be great - in the newly revitalized urban downtown area with the artsy Figueroa hotel only steps away. Parking is pay as you go but not outrageous for the area. (No valet parking?) The staff was impeccable from the hostess to the bartenders to the kitchen manager (Hey Paul!), the drinks excellent, food excellent, desserts excellent - though the dessert sampler was very small proportions, you'd be better off just getting full size desserts for sampling. They even have a signature drink and mug and T shirt.

[ Edited by: Otto 2009-05-03 23:49 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 05/04/2009

Los Angeles finally has a real Tiki palace again, almost two years to the day that Bevery Hills closed.
What a great way to experience it with all of you last friday. Vic would be proud and approve I’d bet. Great drinks, food and entertainment.
It was like being at a great home party only bigger. The Chinese oven with its almond wood fire blazing behind lit the room with fire light.
Danny's Tiki, incredible tapa, out rigger canoes, floats, carvings. The burlwood bar and the furniture. Too cool!, Everyone was having such a good time, is was hard to tell who worked there and who didn’t.
I can't wait to see Olympic boulevard blocked both ways with the fire dancers and hula dancers.for their big party later this summer.
The designer of Los Angeles Trader Vic's also did the Chicago and Dallas locations. He is heading to the middle east to build a location there next.

Anyone up for a weeknight gathering? We could have a early night on say Thursday?
The Mai Tai at $10.00 is a deal now days.
Thanks for a real Tiki palace John and the great dancers & musicians. :wink:

KreepyTiki posted on 05/04/2009

Hey Tim -- thanks for posting those spectacular pics! You da MAN!

I do the best I can with my little digital, but without my tripod I can't begin to compete with the majority of your stuff. Your shots of the ohana are all terrific (not to mention more flattering than most of mine!), but my eyes really popped at your pics of the back dining room and that great shot of the bar! Beautiful!

And as for your shots of the dancing wahines and your final pic of the lovely server with the tray... Well, I'll just keep THOSE thoughts to MYSELF! :wink:

Finally, re. Thursday night -- sounds GREAT. I'll, for one, TRY to make it, though it's iffy. But aren't they gonna be doin' something called "Tiki Tuesdays" on a regular basis??? Regardless, I agree -- L.A. finally has a proper Tiki Palace again and I KNOW the ohana will frequent it with regularity. (Is that redundant?) At Bamboo Ben's yesterday, Holden said more than once that the new L.A. Traders will probably become the new flagship restaurant of the chain. And from what I've seen and experienced so far, I'd say it's more than possible!

Anyhoo -- Koolamundo, Ojai, & keep up the great work!

Cheers & Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

tikiarch posted on 05/04/2009

Hello it was great to meet everyone at Trader Vic's Friday and Saturday. I had a great time getting to know some of the people behind the usernames. Thanks for all the great comments on the design. It was a challenging location but in the end we are very proud at the final outcome. Here are a couple of pics i took Saturday. Great work Diablo!

tikiarch posted on 05/04/2009

And one more - love this guy!

SoccerTiki posted on 05/04/2009

The place looks fantastic! Worth the wait! Make sure when you go to check out the outrigger that was brought in from the old Dallas TV's. It's in the private party room that open to the main dining room. (The doors to close off the room are hidden in the wall!)

The drinks (I think I tried 5 of them!) were all good! My favorite is the Trader Vic's Stinker....A "must try"!!! The food was as good as I expected. In fact, we've already made plans for Mother's Day at TV's!

I knew it would be done right after seeing John Valencia attending local tiki events in the recent past! Two thumbs up to the BIG KAHUNA!

Pages: 1 2 65 replies