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R.I. P. The Reef Bar & Welcome Tropics Restaurant/Congo Room Bar!

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KreepyTiki posted on 05/09/2009

Sad but true, Caliente Tropics' Reef Bar is no longer with us.

To be replaced by... what? Like me, I'm sure you hesitate to even imagine.

So, rather, let's look back fondly, instead, on what not-so-very-long-ago still WAS!

Remember... and ENJOY!

Yep -- just feast yer eyes on all the nifty artistry of Mr. Boo!

And no one HERE will say "Boo WHO?", but only "Boo HOO!"

Because now -- DOG GONE IT!...

...it's GONE!

And now, as night falls on our memories of The Reef...

...we bid a wistful farewell to the last remaining tiki bar in Palm Springs!

The Reef...

Requiescat In Pace!

Post Scriptum (since I seem to be on a Latin kick):

Can ANYONE tell me the meaning and/or significance of the NAME above this lone totem enshrined in a display window outside the bar?

Of course the name 'Outrigger' used to be the ubiquitous moniker of countless tiki establishments throughout the U.S. and elsewhere, but WTF does it mean in THIS particular context??? I, for one, haven't a clue.

Cheers & Mahalos :drink: :tiki:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2010-01-21 18:45 ]

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2010-01-21 19:47 ]

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2010-01-21 23:11 ]

Tai Won On posted on 05/09/2009

Nice pics Kreepy. I really wish I could of seen it before it closed. It reminds me of the closing of many other Tiki establishments. After reading a lot of "yeah, we live right by there but haven't been in years" comments, we've been making time to support our local Tiki places. Thanks again for posting the pics.

Polynesiac posted on 05/09/2009

Sad to see it go, but it seemed like it was inevitable.
Is it already gone? or is there a closing date looming?

Any idea what's going to happen to all the artifacts? I want that worm wood!

bigbrotiki posted on 05/09/2009

Paul, nice post...but...don't tell me the A-frame is gone, please. And the wormwood siding!?

Let's make this a memorial to ALL the bars that once existed in this location:

The CONGO ROOM (1962-1970s (?)) Mod-Exotica:

The REEF I -The Oceanic Arts phase (early 1970s-late 1980s) Classic full blown Tiki:

The non-descript generic bar phase (1990s-2000) -NOT worth remembering!-

Important: 2001 -The Tropics' Tiki theme gets saved by Casey Jones and his business partner!
FIRST Tiki Oasis event takes place

The REEF II -The Bamboo Ben/Crazy Al phase (2004 (?) -2009)
The triumphant return of Bamboo. A dedicated labor love well documented by the above photos.

The scary thing is that the current owner(s) seem clueless as to the uniqueness of the place and only seem to think in terms of "updating".

MakeDaMug posted on 05/09/2009

So many memories... so sad. I will miss this place MAJORLY! So much of my earliest history of Tiki Farm go back to memories from this exact place. So much of the old Tiki crowd that is now gone were my drinking buddies at the Reef. Just another punch to the gut I guess.

Unga Bunga posted on 05/09/2009

I made a lot of friends in that bar, at least they won't be dismantled.

KreepyTiki posted on 05/09/2009

Didn't mean to scare you prematurely, Bigbro, in that I don't actually KNOW if the A-frame and wormwood are gone. They certainly WERE when I was last there about a month & 1/2 or two months ago, but as for now... who knows?

But here's my own take, folks... I have a gut feeling that the main structural changes will probably manifest primarily on the front and back of the building, rather than the sides, even though the manager, Ashley, had the impression the A-frame would eventually be history. But she didn't seem to have SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE of that. It seemed more as though she were expressing a general IMPRESSION fostered by the proposed artwork they now have out by the street:

In fact, she referred me to that architectural rendering as a confirmation that the A-frame wouldn't be retained, when, in fact, it actually shows only the REAR of the building by the pool, and none of the A-frame side at all (which would be around the corner to the right).

I'm also cautiously optimistic for two other reasons... 1) If you study the rendering closely, you'll see that the only obvious additions/changes are the four brick pillars and those sail-like roof-awnings -- ALL of which are clearly relatively INEXPENSIVE "cosmetic" add-ons. And, 2) If they WERE to change the overall building structure TOO radically and make it TOO trendily "contemporary", it just wouldn't seem to be a part of the same resort any longer and would look weirdly out of place.

So my guess -- especially considering the MUCH greater cost of a total structural overhaul -- is that they WILL retain the basic A-frame, still relevant in that it mirrors/complements the massive A-frame of the main entrance which frames it as one drives in -- demonstrated so eloquently in this great pic by Sven:

So I think the bottom line here is that, barring some miracle, even IF the wormwood would be allowed to remain, the Reef sign will surely go. For one thing, I doubt the NAME will fit the NEW Mid-Century Modern styled bar that I believe they're planning to put into the old space. (Ashley DID show me one of the new lighting fixtures and it was a white cylinder with lots of different size round glass bits embedded, through which the light will show. Classic Shag cocktail party decor if I ever saw it! And though Shag's MCM interiors DO seem to interact well with some tiki here and there, I'm not hopeful for ANY tiki presence in the revamped Caliente Tropics bar. Heck, there wasn't much of that in the previous incarnation (Reef 2), either, come to that!

Lastly, Bigbro -- not to be overly insistant, but, once again, could you (or somebody) PLEASE clue me in re. the mystery of THIS:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2009-05-09 13:52 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 05/09/2009

I believe that is one of Bosko's signs, that, together with the (was it?) Easter Island sign that is hanging on one of the stairs, he was proposing to Casey as possible name signs for the different wings, in the tradition of many hotels, apartment complexes and restaurants which had different names for their different rooms --as a replacement for the long gone shields with crossed spears. The idea was not picked up.

The Tiki below is a not un-common fiberglass mold Tiki. Vintage (for instance used in a Jerry Lewis film), but still available until recently.

KreepyTiki posted on 05/09/2009

Wow! I was blown away by those new pics, Sven! Especially of the full-blown OA period! How kool was THAT!
Major mahalos for those -- your collection never ceases to amaze!

On 2009-05-09 12:52, MakeDaMug wrote:
So many memories... so sad. I will miss this place MAJORLY! So much of my earliest history of Tiki Farm go back to memories from this exact place. So much of the old Tiki crowd that is now gone were my drinking buddies at the Reef. Just another punch to the gut I guess.

Holden -- Your words really touched me. And boy do I share your pain!

My wife and I sure had some WONDERFUL times in The Reef...

And I was lucky enough to purchase the last (but one) of your custom Caliente Tropics Resort mugs that was still there toward the end (green glaze). The bar's final proprietor finally agreed to part with it, though it didn't exactly come cheap. (A heckuva lot cheaper than it would be NOW, though! :wink: )

And today it holds a cherished and meaningful place in my collection...

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(Pics borrowed from Ooga Mooga & are not of MY actual mug)

KreepyTiki posted on 10/29/2009

Okay, folks... I don't know if this is actually good news in a long-term sense, but when I recently went to Palm Springs I stopped at the Caliente and the A-frame entrance to what used to be The Reef/Hawaiian Bill's is STILL VERY MUCH IN EVIDENCE and has NOT been altered in any way!

Let's hope that maybe they either came to their senses or that the financial bottom dropped out of their "refurbishment" project!

Cheers :drink: :tiki:

bigbrotiki posted on 10/29/2009

Paul. I really appreciate you tenacity in watching out for this place. I mean I lead the very first tour of the Tropics Motel as part of the Palm Springs Lounge Bus Tour in 1994(...or was '96?), and in 2001 the Book of Tiki saved it from becoming a CALIENTE (i.e. generic Spanish revival) resort. So I am happy to report some good news for a change:

The new renter of the space has gotten in touch with me (no doubt thanks to the recommendations of certain locals and also some Rumpus Room frequenters) and we are in conversation about various routes for the decor -which, most importantly of all, will return to and stay with the the theme: TIKI! We do not know to what extent, but just the prospect of having a functioning restaurant/bar in that place that will honor the theme is a relief! :) :) :)

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abstractiki posted on 10/29/2009

That's great news, fantastic! :)

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Mongoloid posted on 10/29/2009

I was in Palm Springs 2 weekends ago and stayed at the Ace hotel 2 doors down and i walked over to the Caliente Tropics for an assesment and saw that the place (former Reef bar) was boarded up. (I took some pictures will try to post later) but noticed the outrigger still on the wall and alot of the tiki was still prevalant around it. Ran into a Tiki Centralite hanging at the pool (he stood out with his Tapa print hat and 4 tiki necklaces and big cooler of booze) and turns out he was a friend of Rorys aka Wildsville man. Good to hear they are going to keep the Reef tiki. After all that is the theme of the hotel, way to persuade the owner in the right direction BigBro. Lets get Tiki Caliente II going once they re-open!!!

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bigtikidude posted on 10/29/2009

wow, very cool, good to hear.
I was driving by palm springs a few weeks back on the way home from Az.
part of me wanted to make a swing by, to see what had happened,but another part of me, was too scared to look.

lets support this place people, and keep it open.


KreepyTiki posted on 10/29/2009

Way to go, BigBro!!! You da MAN!!!

I was SOOOOOOOOO happy to read your post! I can rest easier now knowing The Reef, et al, is finally in the hands of someone with a frickin' CLUE (thanks to YOU)!

Cheers & Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

bigbrotiki posted on 10/30/2009

Yes, big relief.
Just to clarify a few details:

I am talking to the new TENANT of the bar and restaurant, not the owner of the property. And I did not have to convince him, he already was going to keep it in the theme. He is a successful designer/contractor and has done lots of cool places in L.A. I am merely advising, and helping out with my archive and knowledge. The decisions will all be his, and I believe he has a knack to make this place into something that the ACE guests and Palm Springs crowd will go to, as well as us Tikiphiles.

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Wildsville man posted on 10/30/2009

The guy's taking over this joint are some very cool cat's. I've been talking to them for months ever since they contacted me back in May. This will be the biggest thing to happen to TIKI in years. You have guy's who know how to run a Bar/Rest and want to learn what they do not know about the subject of TIKI. This will be the re-re-birth of the temple that is the Caliente Tropics........Caliente Tropics 2.5!!!!!! As the new guy's are being very cool to ask us for help it is also very cool that the tiki freaks are giving them some room to make there own ideas come to life.....and they have many!!!!!!

See you all in the Springs this upcoming Summer!!!!!!!!! DIG?

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tiki mick posted on 10/30/2009

Rory, you rock!!!!!!!!!

Can you dig THAT?

(PS it was nice talkin' to ya at the wedding!)

Stay classy, bro!

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Luckydesigns posted on 10/30/2009

Bring the Hula Girls to Palm Springs!!
Glad to hear the Reef is staying alive.

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Ojaitimo posted on 10/31/2009

I spotted this at the Happy Chi booth at Ojai Day a few weeks ago. Stacey made it from Doug's painting of Tiki Caliemte 1.
Checking out this cool necklace we talked about Tiki Caliente 1.What a great weekend that was.
At the time I was a little sad thinking that The Caliente Tropics would be no more and was being remodeled.
Now. this picture brings a big smile to my face.
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Wildsville, can't wait for Tiki Caliente 2

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crazy al posted on 10/31/2009

hmmm?? Where's me Tiki now???
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Wildsville man posted on 10/31/2009

your tiki is in the back room storage next to the washer and dryer room. I talked to Roger Abbott about giving them back to the artist but he stated they will be released to the new operators of the bar. The new guy's know it is in the room with other stuff and are planning on using them to bring it back to the old reef feel and keep it original as possible.........

great part of the Reef's history Al,I always loved sitting in that booth.......

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TIKIWAGON posted on 10/31/2009

We just stayed at the caliente on the last 2 days of our holiday last week and noticed that the reef bar was all gutted out and work men in there,In fact it was shut when were last there 2 years ago.Its good that finally something is being done with it.We still love that place and its so cheap to stay there, $110 for 2 nights when an average bland western is about that for 1 night!!

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crazy al posted on 11/01/2009

good to hear! thanks.... the bar/pool thang can only be better when you swim up under one of those huge Palapas down south! or in the S.Pacific... to bad the best thing to order is 'non tiki' but who's complaining but a tiki freak it that situation..... Long Live the Reef!! and that great setting.... that wall of trees between the tiki huts and the pool were all 3'ft 'volunteers' ten years ago....

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Doctor Z posted on 11/03/2009

Does anybody have any pix of the yellow wall that all the old skool TCers signed before BooBen & C'Al remodeled the place around it? I really hope they found some way to keep it intact as the Reef enters its latest phase...

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Jetson posted on 11/17/2009

The story I was told that the manager of the bar left, and stripped it and took everything. I went swimming at the pool on my birthday, and saw that it was all boarded up. Wildsville man told me that it would be back up and running in a couple months back in early october. The hotel and everything else is untouched and unchanged, but only the inside of the bar that suffered, is what I hear. But I totally look forward to it's return. I'm glad that everyone is making sure that it's going to be great. I will definatly be there opening day.

[ Edited by: Jetson 2009-11-16 18:12 ]

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Unga Bunga posted on 11/17/2009

On 2009-11-02 17:55, Doctor Z wrote:
Does anybody have any pix of the yellow wall that all the old skool TCers signed before BooBen & C'Al remodeled the place around it?

Dust in the wind my friend.

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Jetson posted on 11/17/2009

I have some great pics taken in Sept. of 08, if anyone would like to see them. It's mostly with me, my anut and uncle, and our friends chris and alexis and casandra and lounge. But still good pictures of the inside of the bar and the hotel exterior.


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builtiki posted on 01/01/2010

hey guys...check out The Tropics Restaurant Palm Springs Facebook page for updates on our progress on the project...

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Trader Bob posted on 01/04/2010

Glad to hear the good news another bar saved!

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bigtikidude posted on 01/04/2010

On 2010-01-01 10:03, builtiki wrote:
hey guys...check out The Tropics Restaurant Palm Springs Facebook page for updates on our progress on the project...

link please.

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/05/2010
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bigtikidude posted on 01/05/2010
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Jetson posted on 01/18/2010

I've been looking at all the updates that they are doing. I am soooo excited for it to be finished. being a palm springs local myself, I plan to frequent the bar. And I can't wait to see what kind of food will be on the menu. And maybe some old school scorpion bowls too! This is goingto be awesome, I can feel it!

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rugbymatt posted on 01/21/2010

Any new news for the new year?

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Jetson posted on 01/21/2010

None so far yet. Just still waiting for them to piece everything together.

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KreepyTiki posted on 01/22/2010

I've been out of the tiki-loop for a while now due to family and work-related stuff, so I was delighted and blown away to see the progress John has made on the new Tropics Restaurant and Congo Lounge Bar! Woo-Hoo! I can't WAIT to be a regular customer!

And I'm SO glad John has consulted with Bigbro -- his influence is obvious. (And most welcome!)

Cheers and Mahalos :drink: :tiki:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2010-01-21 19:47 ]

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Molokai Mike posted on 01/22/2010

Guys, it's Congo ROOM bar, not lounge!

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KreepyTiki posted on 01/22/2010

On 2010-01-21 21:15, Molokai Mike wrote:
Guys, it's Congo ROOM bar, not lounge!

Thanks! Fixed it!

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Jetson posted on 01/23/2010

It was funny, cause me and my friend were driving by it last night, and practically screamed "Slow Down!" so i could get a better look at it. Didn't really see much, except that it looked clean lol

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telescopes posted on 01/23/2010

This is way too cool. Thank God!!!! Finally, I don't have to drive to Huntington or West Hollywood for a decent good time or drink.

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Jetson posted on 01/25/2010

I know, right? I'm so glad it's going to be back and better than ever

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Tiki Shaker posted on 01/26/2010

Looks like it's going to be open on Feb. 12. There is a Shag after party going on there on the 12th and a pre-party going on there the 13th. All of the info is at


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PiPhiRho posted on 01/26/2010

An after party on the 12th and a pre party on the 13th? Isn't that taking the whole "retro" concept a bit to the extreme?

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/26/2010

Boy-oh-boy, looks like the man has quite a schedule that Modernism Weekend! I will be there, like every year, there is hardly more fun than window shopping at that show.

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Jetson posted on 01/27/2010

Rory told me he was bartending a party hosted by Shag. That must be what he was talkin about. Good thing, Cause last year, I ended up talking to Shag for like an hour after the show died down at the gallery. I kinda felt like a hog, but it was a good time, and very hilarious.

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telescopes posted on 02/07/2010

Sandiego Dan, here's the post.

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Jetson posted on 02/17/2010

I spent every second i could at the tropics this past weekend. It's still under construction, but is looking very very nice. It's very much a combo of tiki and modern. I can't wait for it to be fully open.

[ Edited by: Jetson 2010-02-17 13:05 ]

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