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eBay: Check out these retro tiki type mod wood carvings

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ZEN TIKI posted on 07/27/2003


Personalized hand crafted wood signs carved ½” deep into wood and painted. Go great in your house, tiki bar, bedroom, office, shop or wherever. These ultra swank cool signs make a great unique gift. This is not a cheap mass reproduction but rather skillfully carved wood sign custom made to choose from and we will gladly work with you to create whatever your desires may be. Free graphic design with purchase of sign. Feel free to e-mail any questions, inquiries, or ideas. You e-mail us what you want and we’ll make it. Can have carved, painted and shipped to your door within a week in most cases.

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/27/2003

Also, make sure it's not just the text from your Ebay auction. Let us know why you think we here at Tiki Central would be interested in it.

PLEASE Read and obide by the rules..


Boob posted on 07/27/2003

Can you make me one that says "I (heart) Spam" on it?

Atomic Cocktail posted on 07/29/2003

On 2003-07-26 22:01, Boob wrote:
Can you make me one that says "I (heart) Spam" on it?

Spam? I'll buy one!

Basement Kahuna posted on 07/29/2003

Skillfully carved with a router.

Tiki-bot posted on 07/29/2003

Mmmm, I like it well done so it's all crispy & burned on the outside...

Chongolio posted on 07/30/2003

Tikibot is that milk comin' out of your tikis nose? Do you find something funny about this post? Just what about this post do you find funny Huh? Are you laughin at Tiki? ARE YOU LAUGHIN' AT TIKI?
(I am totally playin' around)

Chongolio joker at large, venti and super size.

P.S. buy my decals.

Tiki-bot posted on 07/30/2003

On 2003-07-29 18:40, Chongolio wrote:
Tikibot is that milk comin' out of your tikis nose? size.

P.S. buy my decals.

That's "Bordawakalonga" :) He spouts when angry about noobies who spam without introducing themselves or participating in the forum, and he looks pretty pissed off...

(It's actually a way-zaz 25 foot high water-park tiki on the boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ.)


ZEN TIKI posted on 07/30/2003


Atomic boobs why don't you stay in the basement.

Pessimistic wannabees! Mock what you can't do or understand. I'm proud of my business and have made and shipped hundreds of these personalized wood carvings around the world. Their unique and different and thought it would be appreciated by those on the forum. I guess i should go out to my shop and dust off my chainsaw and power sanders again and keep making tiki poles like all the rest of you sarcastic minions that left me a cheerful post. Hey kahuna, I'm sure all the carvings on this site are maticulesly hand carved with Flexcut Palm Carving Tools. Yea right. Stones and glass houses. Thought the cats that hang out and post on this site were hipsters. You guys are more like my keyster. Won't post my SPAM LIKE ART on your forum anymore. By the way, take a look at the red and white generic "WOOD SIGN CARVED RETRO MODERN SHAG TIKI" that hangs in SHAG's studio. Yea he thought it sucked too.
Signs by Design

mattfink posted on 07/30/2003

...crap is in the eye of the beholder I guess...

tikimug posted on 07/30/2003

On 2003-07-30 11:14, ZEN TIKI wrote:

Thought the cats that hang out and post on this site were hipsters. You guys are more like my keyster.

Nope sorry, you thought wrong!

snarkoutgirl posted on 07/30/2003

On 2003-07-30 11:14, ZEN TIKI wrote:

You guys are more like my keyster.

If you're going to be insulting, you should probably spell it correctly.

keis·ter n. Slang

  1. The buttocks.
  2. The anus.
emspace posted on 07/30/2003

On 2003-07-30 11:14, ZEN TIKI wrote:
Thought the cats that hang out and post on this site were hipsters.

You mean, like...hepcats? Swingers? Way gone daddy-os?

I spy, with my little eye, an exact ripoff of Shag's "Atomic Kitty" logo, just like the one on the Shag sticker on my PC, about one foot from that very same little eye. Direct...ripoff. I'm surprised he doesn't just sue your hip ass off, he must be too busy for that.

:roll:, emspace.

martiki posted on 07/30/2003

Hey there Zen-

Here's the thing: You didn't technically do anything wrong- It just rubs people the wrong way when someone joins and their first post is selling something. We buy things from each other all the time. But we've all come to know each other here.

We say: Join. Stay a while. Have a Mai Tai. Tell us about yourself. Comment on a tiki thing or two. Tell us about your carvings. Then sell them to us. I GUARANTEE your reception would have been much different. You might have found some willing buyers. And all the people who didn't like your stuff would have either stayed quiet, or just said something nice anyway. I don't think members of this board should apologize for being wary or feeling like victims of spam from a stranger.

Plus, if you thought we were all hipsters, then you didn't have to sell us with "retro tiki type mod wood carvings" ...we don't require the eBay buzzwords around here. You can just call them "signs".

This isn't at all to say that you have to "gain favor" or kiss ass with us fancy tiki types. It's just an invitation to join a like minded group of people.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 07/31/2003

On 2003-07-30 11:14, ZEN TIKI wrote:
Atomic boobs why don't you stay in the basement.

How "zen" of you!

I'm proud of my business and have made and shipped hundreds of these personalized wood carvings around the world.

Good for you, but crap is still crap.

Unga Bunga posted on 07/31/2003

I think that is a fair response.
Well Done.

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/01/2003

Who is this "Shag" character that you all keep mentioning? :|

keigs20 posted on 08/01/2003

I think he was a cartoon character on scoobydoo! But I am not sure

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/01/2003

[Hey kahuna, I'm sure all the carvings on this site are maticulesly hand carved with Flexcut Palm Carving Tools. Yea right. Stones and glass houses.] Henry Taylor, baby. Meticulously. Look, pal, do what you do; I can't knock you for it. I just made one little observation. Nothing wrong with PT skill, although it's not for me and I don't do much of it. I hope you sell a million. We're in the right place at the right time for a mega-bomb of a market that the fuse has just been lit on. But the quality is about to get crazy high and less expensive as more enter. The holes in that sifter are gonna get bigger and bigger. At least we are encouraged to drink while doing business...

Lake Surfer posted on 08/01/2003

First of all, what does "Zen" have to do with tiki?

"Their unique and different and thought it would be appreciated by those on the forum."

Most of us are artists that are pretty damn serious about our work... and we've seen what's out there... what's original and what's been beat into the ground... type in "Tiki Bar Signs" on any search engine... they're a dime a dozen...

"I guess i should go out to my shop and dust off my chainsaw and power sanders again and keep making tiki poles like all the rest of you sarcastic minions that left me a cheerful post. "

I think the tikis we are carving are very unique, a lot of work, and a hell of a lot harder than running a router over a piece of wood to make a sign...

Come down off your soapbox and appreciate the culture before you start exploiting it...

Monkeyman posted on 08/01/2003

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-08-02 22:16 ]

KAHAKA posted on 08/01/2003

Who is this "Shag" character that you all keep mentioning? :|

Damn, don't you know? He's that new playa from 50cent's crew that wears a patch of old ass carpet on his face. Word is he's gonna spit game for the anniversary of the Tickee Room at Disneyland and they's gonna give away old ass face carpet fo everyone to wear that says Tickee Room on it. I'm gonna get me one 'n hawk it on ebay. I ain't no foo'.

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/02/2003

'Soun like dat's a junt gonna be a club shayka. Is dey gonna be a booty shorts'n thong contest?

Atomic Cocktail posted on 08/02/2003

hey Y'all,

Have you actually looked at Zen Tiki's eBay posting? Have a close look:


Someone please tell me exactly what he's selling in that ad? He show 6 signs but does not appear to be selling any of them-Misleading, to say the least!

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2003-08-01 23:00 ]

MonkeyPaw posted on 08/02/2003

I can't believe you people. If I wasn't mistaken...I'd think that this board was visited by a bunch of Tiki Snobs. Is this board a public board or is it over run by a group of Elitist Tiki Nazis?!? You people remind me of the "Beautiful People" or "the Proud Crowd" in High School who were so insecure that they would brow beat anyone who wasn't in their click. Why do you people feel the need to run people off who have a common interest? This guy is just trying to rub 2 nickels together to make a spark! What red blooded American would protest that?! Why so defensive?!? It's like your trying to protect something that wasn't yours to begin with. Which Island tribe are you from?
Lighten up people! To some people it's a hobby, some a lifestyle and to others it's obviously a sick compulsive obsession!
Get help!

ZEN TIKI posted on 08/02/2003

Thanx dude. Well said. couldn't have word smithed it better. i didn't plan on ever posting here again but i keep getting e-mails with incredible insults attached. i guess it's kinda like seeing a bad accident on the freeway. terrible tragedy but something compels you to look. sorry for the bad grammer but it's almost 4 in the norning and i just got home from work.

i guess i'll address a few of the tiki nazis and give them a little more fodder to gleam upon in their shallowness.

matt - my guess is you have no creativity at all in your life and your a follower

mug - you're just a wanna be bully. i bet you got beat up a lot as a kid. low self esteem.

snark - i do a lot of graphic design and keyster is the name of a font but thank you for bringing my grammatical faux pas to my attention. my guess...sat in the front of the class but got c's.

spacey - believe half of what you see. that sign with shag's cat sits on the wall entrence to the lounge at my nightclub. it wasn't theft but a tribute. open your eyes wider to see the hole picture.

atomic - ditto of matt ..&.. each sign is custom designed and made for each person. think before you mis-speak. there someone just told you.

lake man - i'm dahm serious about my art as well as all aspects of my life. if it's my wife, baby daughter or my nightclub. everything in my life is based on one word and that is quality. oh by the way, zen is my last name it's not something i chant. zen tiki is the name of the next bar that i'm planning to open.

i'm not a calous person or insulting in the least. i'm actually very friendly. when attacked, it is in human nature to defend. sorry if i angered your precious tiki gods.

i have used this website for lots of research in opening my next bar. geezzz, maybe i'll just change the whole concept and call it "THE JACKASSERY" moreover, next time you invite a friend to your mother's house for a home cooked meal, imagine how you would feel if they sat there and said, "wow your mom's food sucks! this is crap." feels good huh. but if that what gives you pleasure so be it. i have pleanty to be thankful for in my life. water off a duck's back.

cut and paste away boys and girls

ZEN TIKI posted on 08/02/2003

laney posted on 08/02/2003

MonkeyPaw, I too have made that same arguement. It was part of my first posting experiences (over a year ago)and I've said the same thing about many other subjects, like, all the new tiki stuff, "purist" tiki decor, and Jimmy Buffett fans. We certainly aren't going to agree on everything. But the funniest thing I find about this thread and the Buffett threads, is all the hits, responses, and attention they get. Come on guys, kids and babies know that even negative attention is some attention and everyone knows that bad publicity keeps your name in the public eye. So sure enough this thread has gotten more attention than most long time member's posts, without even a BUMP! Suckers! If you don't like a post ignore it and let it fall to the bottom!

Sure I don't like being a "target" and would like members to follow the rules on posting ebay auctions but I say he really made fools out of you guys and got tons of attention! Good for him! Zen, I say stick around, many of us started with a first post that didn't get the popular response, so what. Don't participate in the childish banter, unless you are just keeping this thread at the top! I still miss Squawker (a run-off member), and wish I would have seen his living room waterfall. No group of people, no matter what the common interest, will agree on everything. What a boring place that would be.
PS. I too got home from work, a couple beers ago. I work at a bar, you too?

tikimug posted on 08/02/2003

Zen-baby, I am no cat, hipster or am I trying to be more like your font... (whatever that means) and I certainly wasn't trying to bully you or anyone else.(I'm not really sure how I can do that by typing)

I just didn't appreciate the approach you took hawking your signs to us, they may be of excellent quality or not. I don't know, I don't care. Just don't smack us in the face with them. Don't jam your very first post on here with every tiki eBay "buzz-word" you can think of and expect us to go loco over them. Re-read Special Agent Martiki6's post, that sums this whole thing up for me.

Oh yeah one more thing... spell check, baby. :wink:

waikiki tiki posted on 08/02/2003

I usually stay away from these posts, but I feel the need to say this....Zen, I am sorry that everyone has attacked you...we are not all like that here. Often, the people here get very territorial and they just get pissed off when someone new doesn't know how things work. I am sorry no one gave you a chance to make things right. It is hard not to misread things on a forum like this, but I agree that people took some cheap shots at you at the beginning of this thread. I don't know if you will stick around or not, but good luck with your signs.

Good Luck!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 08/02/2003

On 2003-08-02 05:14, ZEN TIKI wrote:
atomic - ditto of matt ..&.. each sign is custom designed and made for each person. think before you mis-speak. there someone just told you.


Then here's a suggestion for your eBay ad: Start with something like:

"You are bidding on a personalized hand crafted wood sign carved ½” deep into wood and painted, CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR DESIGN. BELOW ARE SOME PICTURES OF SIGNS I HAVE MADE FOR OTHERS".

At first glance it appear you are selling all six of the signs shown in your auction.

Also, are you selling them for the final ending bid? For example, did the bidder who won this auction for ONE CENT:



That is why I said it is unclear and misleading.

badmojo posted on 08/02/2003

"We're Not Hobbyists! We're Not Dabblers Anymore! We're Hard Core, Hard Core, We're Hard Core!!!!!"

Unga Bunga posted on 08/03/2003


Pages: 1 32 replies