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New Mai Kai Happy Hour All Drinks Half-Price 5-7

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conchchowder posted on 03/04/2009

As anybody who has been to the Mai Kai for happy hour knows, the second drink is on the house from 5-7 with a few exceptions (Sidewinder Fang and bottles of wine)


ALL drinks are half-price from 5-7 (with the same exclusions)

This is effective 2/27/9

No longer are you restricted to the two, identical drinks. Be adventurous drink the whole menu!

Gotta love $11 rainbow barrels for 2 hours!

Chip and Andy posted on 03/06/2009

On 2009-03-04 14:59, conchchowder wrote:
Gotta love $11 rainbow barrels for 2 hours!

Isn't that the one made with all the different flavors of vodka?

conchchowder posted on 03/06/2009

On 2009-03-05 17:09, Chip and Andy wrote:

On 2009-03-04 14:59, conchchowder wrote:
Gotta love $11 rainbow barrels for 2 hours!

Isn't that the one made with all the different flavors of vodka?

Yeah. Stoli. Has a better taste than the rum barell to me...I'm usually a Zombie drinker. That is the ultimate brain-drainer.

conchchowder posted on 03/07/2009

Anybody going to the Mai Kai for happy hour tonight?

Chip and Andy posted on 03/07/2009

On 2009-03-07 12:13, conchchowder wrote:
Anybody going to the Mai Kai for happy hour tonight?

Oh yeah!

A couple of people from FOM are going to be in town, plus some of the locals. You can't miss us. Well, you can't miss me.... I'm the overweight white guy wearing an aloha shirt.

conchchowder posted on 03/08/2009


I had a great time hanging out with you guys. Too bad you can't come tonight. It may have been the first, but it won't be the last!

Chip and Andy posted on 03/08/2009

As soon as we sober up enough to find the camera cable I'll post some of the pix from last night.

KungFuTiki posted on 03/08/2009

I went there and the drinks were really expensive, I'll have to go after work sometime this week.

Chip and Andy posted on 03/09/2009

On 2009-03-08 15:46, KungFuTiki wrote:
I went there and the drinks were really expensive,

That is why Happy Hour is so popular! And why the new Happy Hour Model is even better! 1/2 price drinks and appetizers from 5 - 7 pm every day.

And even if you miss Happy Hour, Tropical drinks of this quality and presentation are still worth the money! There is no where else in Florida to get drinks like this.

Well... no where that isn't someone's home

tikiyaki posted on 03/09/2009

Tiki Ti, are you listening ?

AlohaStation posted on 03/09/2009

The jury is still out on whether Half Price drinks are a good thing!! Things used to go smoothly when I would limit myself to 2 Rum Barrels or Mai Tais or.... now I have to exercise "self-control".

conchchowder posted on 03/10/2009

On 2009-03-09 13:45, AlohaStation wrote:
The jury is still out on whether Half Price drinks are a good thing!! Things used to go smoothly when I would limit myself to 2 Rum Barrels or Mai Tais or.... now I have to exercise "self-control".

Must be a kangaroo court to have a jury like that. Word has it that the F.O.M. jury returned a verdict in less than a millisecond.

Bargoyle posted on 03/11/2009

I LOVED the new happy hour deal. I had to rethink my whole gameplan for Friday evening...and wound up having faaar too many Jet Pilots anyway. By saturday, I was ready!! lol

I think its a good thing in that it gets people out earlier too.

You cant just waltz in at 6.55 and get the two-fer. If you want to take advantage of the deal, you have to come early.

A great idea, and it makes life much easier on the Maidens...not having to worry about who got their second drink.

Cant wait to get back there during Hukilau.

conchchowder posted on 03/12/2009

Hey...if anybody wants a drinking buddy, let me know. I'm good for Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday...usually. Just send me a PM!

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sparklegem posted on 05/10/2009


I have a Mai Kai Happy Hour question. Is it possible to stay for the show after having Happy hour in the Molokai bar?

We made reservations for dinner and the show when we went to the Mai Kai many years ago but we were think that we might try to go to the Wednesday Happy Hour to stretch our travel dollars.

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GatorRob posted on 05/11/2009

On 2009-05-10 16:08, sparklegem wrote:
I have a Mai Kai Happy Hour question. Is it possible to stay for the show after having Happy hour in the Molokai bar?

Absolutely. But if you're being seated for the first show, make sure to get to the Molokai when it opens to get the most time there. Just tell your Molokai waitress that you have a show reservation and she'll make sure you get there in time. If you're running short on time, you can take your 1/2 price drink with you to your dinner table, but you have to pay for it in the Molokai.

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sparklegem posted on 05/11/2009

Thank you for the quick reply, Gator Rob!

Do we need to eat dinner to reserve a table or to have show tickets?

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GatorRob posted on 05/11/2009

We've always had dinner whenever we've seen the show, but I don't think there's any rule. Maybe order some more drinks (definitely Black Magics) and pupus at least. There are no tickets for the show. They will include it in the bill at the end of (or during) the show.

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sparklegem posted on 05/11/2009

Ok; great! I am not sure what we will do. Their website mentions a a free buffet on Wednesday night- that sounds very cost effective... Have you been by for that? We might do that and stay for for the show. And maybe come back another night for dinner if we feel like we have not gotten enough Mai Kai. When we were there years ago, we made dinner reservations and had a great table. I am concerned that if we just have the buffet in the bar that we will not get a good seat for the show. Do you have any idea how that works?

Chip and Andy posted on 05/11/2009

On 2009-05-11 08:08, sparklegem wrote:
if we feel like we have not gotten enough Mai Kai.

Is there such a thing as 'enough' Mai Kai?

Wednesday night in the Molokai bar is Sushi!! I wouldn't quite call it a buffet because it is just sushi and dim-sum. Very yummy!

You can make dinner reservations to see the show and then just order some more appetizers from the menu. The cost of the show is added to your bill at the end of the evening.

Actually, you don't even need to make reservations if your going during the week.... just show up. This time of year the place is only really packed on the weekends. You might have to wait for the second show, but that isn't a bad thing because then you get more time in the Molokai Bar!

When are you coming in? I can send up smoke signals and sound the drums to call out the locals...... unless you are doing the romantical-thing and just want to spend a quiet evening with your date/lover/spouse.

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sparklegem posted on 05/11/2009

I do not think that there is ever, enough Mai Kai!

You might think I am a bit silly, because I am planning so far in advance, but we are coming in August. We would love to meet the locals! It would be so very kind of you to send up smoke signals. Sparkle Mark, Little Sparkle and Mrs. Murph will be with me and we may may have even talked the elusive Murph to come with us. Our target date is August 12. We will go for happy hour and take your advice to reserve a table as the late show may be too late for Little Sparkle. I know that this is all a long way off and I will confirm things again as it gets closer. We are planning a road trip from Los Angeles to Key West (and back) and I want to get all the important events (like the Mai Kai) on the calender so that I can map our trip. We really look forward to meeting you!! Mahalo!

conchchowder posted on 05/12/2009

On 2009-05-10 16:08, sparklegem wrote:

I have a Mai Kai Happy Hour question. Is it possible to stay for the show after having Happy hour in the Molokai bar?

We made reservations for dinner and the show when we went to the Mai Kai many years ago but we were think that we might try to go to the Wednesday Happy Hour to stretch our travel dollars.


Happy Hour is from 5-7 and the show is at 8PM (Tues-Thurs)
May I suggest having dinner in the Gardens afterwards? Ask for the two-top in the back of the Gardens. Very romantic. If you send for the Mai Kai club card, you get 25% off your dinner, two free show tickets ($11)and two free drinks ($18 value) at the Molokai. It's $15 and worth it for even one visit. If you go Tues-Thuers (you mentioned Wednesday night) then go for the happy hour and then when hpppy hour is over, you will still have your happy hour drink...use your comp drink tickets for your drink in the Molokai between 7 and 8. In the past, when money was REALLY tight, I'd wait to the last moment to order my appetizers and then take them into the dining room for the show. There is no minimum or dining requirement for the show. You can go to the Mai Kai for just the show if you wish.


Besides, all your tiki friends will be jealous when you show them your personalized Mai Kai Club Card.

[ Edited by: conchchowder 2009-05-11 17:38 ]

[ Edited by: conchchowder 2009-05-11 17:41 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 05/12/2009

On 2009-05-11 09:27, sparklegem wrote:
I do not think that there is ever, enough Mai Kai!

You might think I am a bit silly, because I am planning so far in advance

Silly yes. But does it matter what we think?

I don't think I'll sound the drums to call the locals just yet.... Do please remind us when we get closer (i drink and tend to forget things) and we'll see how many of the Florida locals we can gather for you.

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kosmotiki posted on 05/12/2009

Well, I know what we'll be doing every night between 5 and 7 while we are in FLL. :)

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Mr. Ho posted on 01/14/2015

Hey Mai Kai locals

Is the description in this thread of the Wednesday buffet still accurate in 2015?

Chip and Andy posted on 01/14/2015

On 2015-01-14 09:15, Mr. Ho wrote:
Hey Mai Kai locals

Is the description in this thread of the Wednesday buffet still accurate in 2015?

Wednesday's Happy Hour usually includes Sushi, Fried Dumplings, and a "fish salad." Every week they have something special as well, and every week it is different.

I am calling it "fish salad" because sometimes it is Poke (fresh salmon with raw onions), sometimes it is squid, sometimes it whitefish ceviche. It's a catch-of-the-day chef's choice kind of thing. You never know what will be available from week to week but it has always been good.

There is a group of locals headed there tonight, I'll see if any of us can get decent pictures to share.

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2015-01-14 10:46 ]

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