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Inner Circle Rum - From Australia

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milligna posted on 10/06/2006

For those of you who have expressed an interest in Australia's biggest spirit, Bundaberg Rum, I feel it is my duty to also bring your attention to Inner Circle Rum ( http://www.innercirclerum.com/ ).

Inner Circle Rum was originally made by a Australian sugar producer CSR to be given to select customers and board members (hence the name "inner circle"). They eventually started releasing this rum to the public, but in the 1980's, the Bundaberg rum company bought out this rum and shut down production (to remove the competition).

Stuart Gilbert, an Olympic Yachtsman, had nothing to drink after Inner Circle left the market, and decided to take it upon himself to find the master distiller of Inner Circle, buy the rights to this rum, and relaunch the brand, and here we are, several years later, with Inner Circle rum again being produced.

I had the honour of meeting Stuart at a recent gathering of the Melbourne Rum Club (an offshoot of the Notting Hill Rum club run out of Trailer Happiness in London), and it was great to see how much passion he has for his Rum. He's done a great job to rebuild Inner Circle, and his hard work is starting to pay off - check the website to see how many awards this rum is winning!

I believe the rum's available in a couple of other countries around the world (U.S. included), and I can't recommend it enough. It comes in three different proofs and all of them are absolute winners.

Cocktail Kev.

Rum Numb Davey posted on 10/13/2006

Inner Circle is great, but quite expensive.
I believe it is impoted by Spirit of Hartford.

I have a couple of bottles and do recommend it

Paipo posted on 10/13/2006

Really interesting...not only do I remember getting incredibly messed up on this stuff in its original incarnation as a wayward teen in the 80s, but I was passing through Eagleby last summer and my Dad was telling me how this guy had bought the nearby distillery and was resurrecting this long-lost rum brand....

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 06/27/2007

Inner Circle has mad it to BevMo on the west coast. I purchased a bottle of the "blue dot", 90 proof. It was about $12 on sale because it is new to BevMo. It will be about $24 at regular price from what I remember.

I wish I could grade rums, but I do not drink rum straight unless the are mixed and or fruity.

Scottes posted on 06/27/2007

I've got a bottle of the Green Dot, 115 proof, but for obvious reasons I've held off from trying it... I always taste them neat to start, and I'm afraid. :)

PiPhiRho posted on 06/27/2007

I have tried the green circle and it is quite good, although it is a little hard to take straight. You should not be afraid of it, though, just approach with care. No shots. Just a nice small sip. Pretend it's a cask strength single malt.

It mixes well, too. I have almost used up my entire bottle.

hiltiki posted on 06/27/2007

Ok guys I am confused, we gots "Inner Circle","Green Dot 115","Green Circle" ???? Whaaa???? Are they all the same? Phil, can you help?

Scottes posted on 06/27/2007

Inner circle makes a few rums with names like "Red Dot" and "Green Dot" and 1 or 2 others.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 06/27/2007

Hil, here are pics.

Too bad they are putting it in cans with cola. Makes the brand seem a little trashy.

hiltiki posted on 06/30/2007

Mr. NoNaMe, thank you.

MolokaiMike posted on 05/12/2009

Does anyone know where to locate Inner Circle Green Dot rum in the US? (Online or retail store). I'm having a hard time tracking down anyone who carries the Green Dot variety, or even a US distributor to inquire.

bewarethe151 posted on 05/13/2009

On 2009-05-12 11:18, MolokaiMike wrote:
Does anyone know where to locate Inner Circle Green Dot rum in the US? (Online or retail store). I'm having a hard time tracking down anyone who carries the Green Dot variety, or even a US distributor to inquire.

Wally's Wines had a few bottles when I was there a couple of weeks ago. Mission Liquor on Washington in Pasadena has some, too. It was in SoCal through BevMo and HiTime 2 years ago , but was closed out at $5, $6, and $8 a bottle for the different 3 dots. Currently, it is no lomger imported. Bacardi has it in their distribution portfolio, now.

MolokaiMike posted on 05/14/2009

Thanks for that info, bewarethe151. Yeah, Wally's has the Black Dot 151, and Mission has the Red and Blue Dot 90 proofs. But the Green Dot 115 proof (the best of the bunch) still seems to be elusive. They have a bottle on the wall at Forbidden Island in Alameda - but, or course, that's not for sale - just for tasting...

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