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Introducing Da Bloody Roberto Loco!!! Ltd @ 25 mugs

Pages: 1 6 replies

NOTCH posted on 04/28/2009

I would like to Introduce to You Da Bloody Roberto Loco Mug

Limited at 25 mugs!!!Only $40 bucks!!!!! I will have some availlable at Bamboo Bens Nooner Party
so if your there or now someone who is , hit me up before they're gone!!!

Mai Tai posted on 05/01/2009

Lemme tell ya, folks, I saw this mug the other day at Notch's shop, and it is totally off the hook awesome! The picture above doesn't give begin to portray how bloody and cool it is at the same time! I'm definitely buying one, and I suggest you get one while you can, 'cause there ain't that many left!!!

Trestiki posted on 05/01/2009

Notch, above the rest!

NOTCH posted on 05/14/2009

I have a few more that are ready to be shipped , so get one
before they're gone!!!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 05/14/2009

Mad, bad, and dangerous to know!

Tai Won On posted on 05/14/2009

Sweet Mug Notch.
#3 is proudly displayed, on duty, and makin' all my other mugs nervous.

thefuzz posted on 05/15/2009

#9 arrived in a real Bloody mess! GREAT MUG! Had a cocktail out of his head last night too!

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