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Cammo's Corner - Volcanoes of the World

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Billy the Crud posted on 06/04/2008

Cammo posted on 06/04/2008

I can't believe GROG cut that out and put a realistic drop-shadow behind it. Get back to work!

harro posted on 06/04/2008

:lol: I love this thread!

Good to see man conquer nature once again. This is one log that will have a good story no matter how it turns out.

seeksurf posted on 06/05/2008

Nice! That sucker could be a end table also.

tiki_tim posted on 07/18/2008

Just out of curiosity, did you guys happen to try a Lancelot on the fur?
They are pretty good at removing lots of material quick (bark, wood, fingers, etc).
They are kinda fun on the grinder. Wonder though if the hair would have clogged up the chain. . .


Mr. NoNaMe posted on 07/19/2008

On 2008-07-18 11:12, tiki_tim wrote:
Just out of curiosity, did you guys happen to try a Lancelot on the fur?
They are pretty good at removing lots of material quick (bark, wood, fingers, etc).
They are kinda fun on the grinder. Wonder though if the hair would have clogged up the chain. . .


Yeah, what Tim said. I have one of em but I'ms a bit not right sos I couldnant get it tatched right.
Mines a DeWalt 4" but just couldn't get er done though. Seems my nut is a bit short. Er, maybe its the bolt. Either way, She's 'plainen 'bout it. :)

4WDR, you ever tatch em things?

How is the kick-back on em Tim?

surfintiki posted on 07/19/2008

Billy the Crud, what the hell is that? A butt-plug?

Cammo posted on 07/19/2008

Didn't try a Lancelot, have no idea how it would work. We did try a chainsaw and it didn't do a thing. Burning and draw-knifing with a lot of muscle made it happen.

I've been letting this log dry out real good and have some post-Oasis plans for it, noboy's ever done anything quite like what I want this thing to look like, and you need a real big stump to do it right, so it may never happen again. Anyway, I'll be back hacking soon....

Billy the Crud posted on 07/20/2008

On 2008-07-18 18:28, surfintiki wrote:
Billy the Crud, what the hell is that? A butt-plug?

Er......no.....that's Camms new carving......

Cammo posted on 03/24/2009

Been getting some good feedback on the Mystery Mask over on Buzzy's thread, so I'm trying to finish the sucka.

Here it is when I started it way back - palm -

Here it is now. Almost done.

benella posted on 03/25/2009

WOW :o

The lines look very neat.
I love the design, and the part-stained concept.


jab tiki posted on 03/25/2009

Looking Nice, Cammo. Very Nice.

Cammo posted on 03/25/2009

Thanks, you guys - this was REALLY hard to carve, it's all done by hand, no power, and all curves going with/against/with again the grain.

I ended up sculpting a lot of it with little teeny pieces of 60 grit sandpaper!

Will finish the stain today....

Clarita posted on 03/25/2009

Looking great!!

big daddy posted on 03/25/2009

very nice work cammo. glad to see you're going old school and not using "the power of the dark side" (electricity or gas). but if you did ever run into any problems you always have buzzy there to show you the sunset and give a pointer or two. great job on the mask.


laojia posted on 03/25/2009

Very nice stuff!!! All the more successful it is done by hand....perfect symmetry!
The difficulty of the work force compliance ... :o

Tahitiki posted on 03/25/2009

Very beautiful mask, I love it!!!

VonTiki posted on 03/25/2009

Dude!! very sweet. dig it.

tikithomas08 posted on 03/25/2009

it looks amazing camooooo!

seeksurf posted on 03/25/2009

Great Mask! Love the lines and the color contrast.

Babalu posted on 03/25/2009

Very nice Cam....I can't wait to see the last finishing touches touches that you put on him... It's very Cammolistic.

Worthy of a 3 pecker award....YAY!

congatiki posted on 03/25/2009

Conga likes! Nice work Cammo, outside of the usual box.

hiltiki posted on 03/26/2009

Very Mid Century. Excellent piece, I like.

laojia posted on 03/26/2009

I've look the finishing on the Buzzy thread, terrific!!!! Worthy of inclusion in a Shag's painting...

Cammo posted on 03/26/2009

"dig it."

Hey thanx everybody, I dig this too. It came out kind of Beatnik.

Staining done, some of this had to be veeeery carefully painted on with an almost dry 00 brush.

Still have to gloss coat it, Buzzy says to wait a few days first...

big daddy posted on 03/26/2009

spot on cammo! that mask should definitely hang on public display. should be in a bar or restaurant where everyone can see. great job.


Benzart posted on 03/27/2009

Excellent job Cammo, fer a beginner anyway! Really I loved this guy from the beginning, I really respect the time you put into your pieces. Very well done!

leleliz posted on 03/27/2009

The mask is awesome.I agree it should go on display somewhere. Excellent work!

TravelingJones posted on 03/27/2009
Cammo posted on 05/16/2009

I’ll post pictures of the finished Mystery Mask later – it has 4 coats of wet-sanded poly covering the dark areas now.

First, here is what I’ve been doing the last couple of weeks – making the Volcanoes-of-the-World Series.

The whole idea is to make a series of mugs based on famous or bizarre volcanoes found in the Pacific. They’ll all have a scene from the island on the front and sides, and the name, longitude and latitude on the back. I’m going for an organic look, with a fluted top sliced at a 45 degree angle. They look REALLY different, and the fluted tops mean you can tuck a straw in there real nice....

The first is from Pagan Island, which is a real island! Pagan was evacuated after its 1981 eruption, so it’s currently unoccupied.

It’s also the name of a cheesy-good 1961 movie starring Nani Maka and about 30 girls hand-picked by Bunny Yeager (Bettie Page’s photographer) so I poly-popped up the décor and glopped on the lava. You’ll notice that it’s just starting to hit the head of Nani Maka being sacrificed…

I wanted to play around with the rough, easy grip organic mug and the high-gloss lava drips at the top and inside. So I just hand-molded it, then carved in to get the details. It ends up looking and feeling exactly like carved red stone.

And I like that the whole thing stands on a clean little Japanese-style bottom rim base.

Name, longitude and latitude, just in case you wanna go there:


mp posted on 05/16/2009

Cammo, The lava looks awesome! Great job.
Just looked through this thread for the first time.
I Love your style. Do you have any other threads?

jab tiki posted on 05/16/2009

Hey Cam, Nice work on the Volcano Mug series. I like the contrast of the hot lava glaze and the textured mug.
Oh Yeah, Digging the Mask!
-Johnny B.

Cammo posted on 05/17/2009

Mikester - Thanks, ya big lug. Nope, I don't have any other threads, not about carving or mugs anyway. I can only take so much abuse. (Look at my "Is Star Trek Tiki?" thread in Bilge. Egads.)

Jab - these really feel good in person, I originally made them perfectly round, then just picked 'em up and squeezed and dented until it felt just right in your hand. Japanese ceramics do that all the time for large handmade tea mugs.

They kind of freak out Babalu, which is almost impossible to do. I don't know if he likes them or not!

tikitony posted on 05/17/2009

Hey Cammo,
I like the mask you did! Nice clean lines. I made a mask for a friend for Christmas, not nearly as clean as yours though, he wanted one based on an African mask. They look like they could be brothers!

Cammo posted on 05/17/2009

Tony - I like yours better! Like the sharp lines. Are those different stains you're using? And is it palm??? Mine took too long to make.

Love them African masks! They're more Tiki than Tiki!

Cammo posted on 05/17/2009

So here's the next Volcano mug.

It isn't a specific volcano, this is the only one that's dedicated to a Volcano Goddess of Fire, namely Pele. Here she is, peeking at the left, a giant cleft running down the front. Her hair wraps around and becomes island foilage.

This is a giant mug, about a foot tall.

She came from Honua-Mea, Tahiti, so I carved a picture of her in a sailing canoe, a sun and a moon above. She travelled many moons to get to Hawaii...

"Pele" has a big lava drip right down the back.


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