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TofuJoe & Haole'akamai in NYC 5/16 - 5/24

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Haole'akamai posted on 03/06/2009

Aloha, our East Coast Ohana!

We're coming out this May. We'd like to gather with local TCers while were in town. Any Suggestions?


UPDATE: The dates have been picked! Here's the deal:

Beyond our love of all things Tiki and Mid-Century PolyPop, we are also early and mid-century dance fans (swing, lindyhop, balboa, etc.). As such, we are going to be at Frankie Manning's 95th Birthday Festival from the 20th to the 24th.

BUT we're flying in the Saturday before (5/17), to get our NY Tiki-Time in.

SO, We've got Saturday night through Wednesday.

Elliteria - check!
Otto's (by way of a peek in at Wally's) - Check!
Rhum Rhum Room?! :wink:

We'll work around what you locals think would be the best schedule.

Oh, and we're looking for room options, too, if anyone has suggestions for that.


[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2009-03-11 18:49 ]

sneakyjack posted on 03/06/2009

try the rhum rhum room - if you can find it - wink wink.

Ottos Shrunken Head is a fun place
Wallys is pretty down hill but worth a look inside then turn around and walk over to Ottos.
PTD is good secret place inside phonebooth at hot dog place crifs
the best drinks are at Elliteria! - macdougal and 8th ave open at 5pm

I'm sure others will jump in and add to this.
when date is closer reach up and out!

leisure master posted on 03/06/2009

Definitely let us know as the date gets closer and your plans firm up. We'll put the call out for the local ohana to gather.

Jack's ideas are good ones - and don't forget Elettaria - they do some tiki drinks straight from the Bum's books and just started half-price happy hour 5 - 8 every night!

Also, who knows... the Rhum Rhum Room mayyyyy be open - it's always looking for an excuse to be open...

Rum Runner posted on 03/06/2009

I really enjoyed Elliteria and the Rhum Rhum Room

Check out Death & Company in the East Village(they have a whole page of summer Rum cocktails)

Hope to see some of the NYC Ohana at Tiki Oasis this August

Rum Runner hopes to be at the North East Tiki Tour this Sept. with a side trip to NYC

Haole'akamai posted on 03/12/2009

Dates have been chosen - flights have been booked! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2009-03-11 18:50 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 04/22/2009

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2009-04-22 12:55 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 04/22/2009

Different housing question:

How's the Hell's Kitchen area of West 45th St at 9th Ave? I have a (better)line on a place for our entire stay. I am hoping to have local input on whether or not I should move forward. Is the area pretty? Fun? Decently Safe?


leisure master posted on 04/23/2009

On 2009-04-22 12:55, Haole'akamai wrote:
Different housing question:

How's the Hell's Kitchen area of West 45th St at 9th Ave? I have a (better)line on a place for our entire stay. I am hoping to have local input on whether or not I should move forward. Is the area pretty? Fun? Decently Safe?


I wouldn't call it "pretty" but its decent for fun - there are loads of bars & restaurants on 9th avenue. I would not call it unsafe either. You're pretty close to Times Square.

Let us know if you still want some company during your stay - the best night for a visit to the Rhum Rhum Room would be May 20. We are close to Elettaria if you want to check that out - they have a half-price happy hour (including tiki drinks) from 5 - 7, and then we can put the call out for the local ohana to assemble at the RRR around 7.

Let me know if that works and if you need any other info.

Haole'akamai posted on 05/17/2009

Alright!! We're here in NYC!

Wednesday 5-7 at Elliteria and then Rhum Rhum Room would be Fabulous!!!

Other than that, we're looking into Death & Co tonight for dinner & drinks about 6, or 7 (I know, late notice), but I hear cocktails are so good (and extensive), we're willing to go again before we leave.

We're thinking of Wally's/Otto's on Monday, then PDT Tuesday.

Oh, and look for us on Good Morning America on Wednseday (we got audience tix).

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2009-05-17 13:10 ]

sneakyjack posted on 05/17/2009

Hey wallys is basically gone..

Otto's is good anytime - hopefully Nell is working when you arrive - get the ottos mug from there and the drink

Elliteria great. opens at 5pm - run through the menu and they have beach bum berry book next to the bar!

Rhum Rhum if you can get in!!!!

PTD is good too - st marks area Grif dogs

If you are willing to subway (F OR G to Caroll st) - which is no big deal - to Brooklyn try Zombie Hut on Smith Street (I may be there this Tuesday eve) - decent drinks - nice decor - wrong music but its a cool place. They have a patio too if it gets warm enough while in town. Oh yeah board games a plenty too! My office is a 10 min walk for here in Red Hook

PM me if you want to meet up - I'll send you my cell / email etc.


[ Edited by: sneakyjack 2009-05-17 13:33 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 05/20/2009

Looking forward to meeting everyone tonight at Elleteria. Mahalo, in advance, for taking time to come out. :) We'll be hard to miss, in matching green Aloha wear from Royal Hawaiian. :wink:

sneakyjack posted on 05/20/2009

on the way there!
see ya soon

WooHooWahine posted on 05/21/2009

Take lots of pics!! Can't wait to hear about your trip :)

Haole'akamai posted on 05/21/2009

Wowee! I am unsure I have ever been treated to such hospitality! What a wonderful, generous Ohana New York has. We took some pix, but too tired to put them up tonight. Soon.

Mahalo, again. You guys are top drawer. :D

TofuJoe posted on 05/21/2009

Thanks to everyone who came out to say Hi...

Most of all thanks to Liesuremaster and Nic for pouring some great drinks from one of the best home rum selections I have ever seen.

You guys are tops.

sneakyjack posted on 05/21/2009

some pics:
please to be injoyed

on ward to rhum rhum room - (I didn't go so sad!)

velveteenlounge posted on 05/21/2009

I was sorry we had to miss it, but it looks like a good time was had by all!

leisure master posted on 05/21/2009

Haole'akamai and TofuJoe - thanks for coming out and meeting the locals and stopping by the Rhum Rhum Room.

A great time was had - especially by me!

It's always good to solidify east coast/west coast tiki relations.

I'm happy the forbidden mai tai worked out - it was an experiment that I think I will repeat in the future when I can.

Enjoy the rest of your stay in NYC and try to leave the good weather behind for us when you head home!

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