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eBay: Kahiki's Idol's Cast

Pages: 1 7 replies

Benehune posted on 05/02/2009

Next week I will put my Kahiki's Idol's Cast on Ebay. I just thought I might give TC'ers an early heads up.

I will also be offering for your pleasre, A Kahiki Moai, Sheky #56 and a Tonga Room Erring Head mug. Save your money. I really need to get to the Hukilau

The Shecky #56 has been taken. Suff goes on ebay next week.


[ Edited by: Benehune 2009-05-02 07:33 ]

[ Edited by: benehune 2009-05-06 16:11 ]

[ Edited by: Benehune 2009-05-11 14:05 ]

Benehune posted on 05/06/2009

see new mugs for sale and save your money.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/07/2009

On 2009-05-06 16:14, Benehune wrote:
see new mugs for sale and save your money.

..if i save my money than i can't buy your mugs!!! ......these double standards are killin me round here!!

Benehune posted on 05/11/2009

You are thinking to globally. Narrow your thoughts.

Benehune posted on 05/18/2009

Kahiki Idol's Cast, Kahiki moai and tonga room earring mug now on Ebay.

Benehune posted on 05/18/2009

I screwed up making my Ebay post, so searcg under Idol'd cast, not Kahiki.

Benehune posted on 05/24/2009
bigbrotiki posted on 05/24/2009

Bump what?

Pages: 1 7 replies