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Official Hukilau 2009 Room Crawl Thread

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Bargoyle posted on 01/06/2009

Aloha & Happy New Year!!

Its time to start talking Hukilau Room Crawl!!!

This year's Hukilau is already shaping up to be something really special and the crawl is going to just push it over the top!!

We're still working out some of the scheduling & adding some fantastic events, so we don't have any official times available yet for the crawl, however, if you're interested in hosting a room please "sign up" here or email roomcrawl@thehukilau.com

Those who are signed up will get first crack at the available times.

For those who aren't familiar with Room Crawls, think of it as a bar/pub crawl, but instead of going from bar to bar, we go from room to room, round robin style.

Its a great chance to get to meet a whole bunch of new friends, and show off your mixology & decorating skills!

We'll post a block of times available soon, and you can sign up for any time slot you want (blocks of aprx 1.5 hours). That slot is yours to do with as you want. Make whatever drink you want, play the music you want, decorate your room the way want, and then open your doors to the Crawl participants.

You can stay open for as long (or short) as you'd like during your time slot, but we do ask that you close down when your time is up, so others can open their doors. You can always re-open during post crawl hours.

If you still cant wrap your head around what the crawl is, here are some extreme examples (don't feel like you're expected to go this overboard...these people have issues. :wink: lol):

And yes, earlier that morning those were just regular old hotel rooms.

Note the Tiki Tip Jar (Mug) in the second one. If you're going to host, put out a tip jar!!

If you're going to crawl, TIP when you have a cocktail!!

We also ask that if you're going to host a room, please do your best to stay at the Cabana. We've got the entire place reserved, so we don't have to worry about disturbing others, and we'd like to keep it as centralized as possible.

Interested yet?


Now sign on up!!

More to come soon!! Mahalo, and we'll see you at Hukilau!!

leisure master posted on 01/06/2009

On 2009-01-06 05:18, Bargoyle wrote:
...these people have issues. :wink: lol):

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Bargoyle posted on 01/06/2009

To be clear, we are scheduling crawl times around the events of Hukilau. There should be no conflicts. So have no fear. The crawl will not interfere with seminars, bands, etc.

rugbymatt posted on 01/10/2009


The K-Force* will represent!

Kokoru Chapter, F.O.M.

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2009-02-13 14:03 ]

AceExplorer posted on 02/01/2009

Awesome fun lies ahead! I'm looking forward to the crawl...

Bargoyle posted on 02/03/2009

We're still hammering down the schedule (this is event is chock full o' stuff to see & do!!), but I should have times for you very shortly.

Hang in there with me folks.

Bohemiann posted on 02/10/2009

I'm IN !

I, along with go11media, will be tickled Flamingo pink to host a room this year!

MobileTikiBar posted on 02/13/2009

Count us (Adrian, Jen, Laura, Andy) IN for hosting a room!

Bargoyle posted on 02/17/2009


I've got the skinny on the room crawl.

With the current schedule, the room crawl will take place entirely on Thursday evening.

There will be music & events going on throughout the night concurrently, but everything is "doubled up" so no one will miss anything. Ie, a band that's playing from 8 to 9, plays again from 10 to 11. So if you're hosting during one show, you'll still be able to see the other one.

We're going to kick off at 6pm, in the penthouse suite, where the art show is being housed.

There is the opportunity for TWO hosts, to take over this room for the 6pm to 7.30 slot. No need to worry about decor (with all that great tiki art), but it will most likely be a VERY busy room. I believe I have one volunteer for this slot. If you'd like to be the second, let me know.

From there we start a second room at 7pm, and then add another room every 1/2 hour. Rooms are open for 1.5 hour blocks...so, for most of the night, there will be three rooms open at a time, with one dropping off, and a new one added, every 1/2 hour, ending at 2am.

Slots are first come, first serve, so PM or email me at roomcrawl@thehukilau.com with your choice.

Here are the slots (I'll edit this as they fill up)

Available times are:

6.00-7.30 Hurricane Hayward & Tane guest hosts in the Art Exhibit penthouse
7.30-9.00 Creo67&Skitiki/e59&Roger Danger
8.30-10.00 Bargoyle, pappy, johnman
9.00-10.30 Suzanne
9.30-11.00 RugbyMatt/Kokoru's
10.00-11.30 Bohemian

[ Edited by: bargoyle 2009-02-18 06:41 ]

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2009-02-19 06:30 ]

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2009-05-15 12:28 ]

Bargoyle posted on 02/18/2009

Just a reminder, you need to be staying at the Cabana to host a room.

If you're staying somewhere else & still want to host, contact me & we'll see if we can get you a "loaner" room at the Cabana for your time slot....

And if anyone at the Cabana is willing to loan their room for a slot, let me know.

Chip and Andy posted on 02/18/2009

Kind of related......

Some of the locals (we're local, thus no hotel room to host from) are willing to be mix-monkeys and bar backs. All you gotta do is ask...

Tikigoob posted on 02/18/2009

Did somebody say monkeys?
That will be awesome... monkeys tending bar...
gives me an idea...

Man I can't wait till Hukilau!!!!
until then we've got this... (enter shameless plug here)

Bargoyle posted on 02/19/2009

I'll be there for monkey shenanigans on the 27th!!!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 02/20/2009

Hukilai fliers (and hopefully posters) will be available at the show next Friday for anyone who wants to help promote. Major helpers will receive free passes.

See what they look like here:


Feel free to post a Web flier or banner on your site.

Bargoyle posted on 03/06/2009


Chip and Andy posted on 03/07/2009

Andy and I are going to be barbacking for a couple of the rooms.

Hosting a room would be cool, but as locals we're not going to get a room just so we can host.

KungFuTiki posted on 03/08/2009

Were is the Cabanas at? This will be my first Hukilau, I'm excited to go this year.

AlohaStation posted on 03/09/2009

Bahia Cabanas is located directly between to the Bahia Mar and Yankee Clipper on FTL beach (1/4 mile South of the Elbow Room). If you have time go check it out - they have a very cool bar that overlooks the Marina. While there stumble across the street and check out the Wreck Bar at Yankee Clipper (if its still open?). Hope to see you there!

Bargoyle posted on 03/31/2009


Anyone else. We've still got a few primo spots....

conchchowder posted on 04/04/2009

If anybody needs orchids for garnish, I can get them for you in Ft Lauderdale for $19.95/100. These are good-sixed orchids (edible)
The same place (restaurant Depot) also carries a full line of torani syrups, San Peligrino water, mixers, bar ware, cups, etc...and is cheaper than sams.

The Torani syrups are all around $5/ bottle (orgeat, pomegranite, etc)

Let me know your intent so I can help you out.

They also have frozen tropical fruit pulp (mamey, guyanaba, mango, papays, soursop, passionfruit, etc). If you are looking for nectars (pineapple, guava, mango, passionfruit) They have them here in 1l and half-l juice boxes at latin grocery stores such as Sedanos.

If you are looking for fresh fruit and like to haggle, the Swap-Shop flea market on Sunrise Blvd has an open-air caribbean produce market. They have Haitian hardwood (gumbo limbo) moarter and pestles for around $12. These are GREAT for mojitos and Caipirinhas.

If you need any trinkets or decorations, Oriental Trading Company has some cool stuff. I usually get a few boxes (1 dozen/box) of shell leis to spread aloha around the Molokai Lounge. They could ship to the Cabana so you don't need to pack it in your stuff if you are flying. orientaltrading.com

I've used this company for 20 years for catering rentals.
Best Rental Service 900 NE 13th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33304 954-763-6581

If there is ANYTHING I can do to help you out down here, let me know.

Bohemiann posted on 04/11/2009


Time for another Slideshow. 2006 Hukilau Highlights

Bargoyle posted on 04/30/2009

Ok Folks, we've still got two time slots that need to be filled.




We've also got a few later slots, but these two are the important ones. We dont want gaps in the drinking!!! lol.

So, if you're staying at the Cabana (or even if you arent, we may be able to find you a "loaner room") and want to step up & help make the event something really special, let me know.


Deery Luau posted on 05/05/2009

Are either of those two slots for the room crawl still open?

skitiki posted on 05/06/2009

Aloha all! If anyone needs a full ride ticket to Hukilau ($85) let me know. I can't go and would love to sell mine.

PM me, please!


Bargoyle posted on 05/13/2009

Still looking to fill those two slots folks.

Its a great way to make a TON of new friends, and show off those mixology skills.

If your interested, pm me or post here.

Tiki Champagne posted on 05/14/2009

How are we fixed for music in the Room Crawl rooms?

I've got all episodes of the "Vegas Vic Tiki Lounge Podcasts" on my iPod.

If it were not for Vegas Vic, I would never have heard of the Hukilau.

WooHooWahine posted on 05/14/2009

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2009-05-14 16:17 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 05/18/2009

Two prime time slots available and no one is stepping up? Come on! You know you want to!

You don't want Creo67 and her team to have the best room at Oasis AND Hukilau now do you?

croe67 posted on 05/18/2009

On 2009-05-18 13:23, Chip and Andy wrote:
You don't want Croe67 and her team to have the best room at Oasis AND Hukilau now do you?

This year the show moves to da Hukilau, so we're looking forward to some very FUN times!!!

Come on, y'all, step-up and give us some great competition!! :wink:

rev_thumper posted on 05/19/2009

You forgot to say, "I double dog dare you."

croe67 posted on 05/19/2009

On 2009-05-18 19:17, rev_thumper wrote:
You forgot to say, "I double dog dare you."


Ok, so I double dog dare you.

Whose IN now???

Bohemiann posted on 05/20/2009

Wait... so am I hosting a room?

Is it o.k. to just serve Non-Alcoholic drinks....

I was thinking maybe, you know...

for all those that don't drink.

A refuge of sanity...

Yea.. RIGHT! F that!

I have been stockpiling and... WoooHooooo Brang it ON!

[ Edited by: Bohemiann 2009-05-24 05:02 ]

Dr. Coruba posted on 05/21/2009


[ Edited by: jwtiki 2009-05-21 12:35 ]

Bohemiann posted on 05/24/2009

Anyone else hear a soft wind & crickets ? hello?

[ Edited by: Bohemiann 2009-05-24 05:04 ]

[ Edited by: Bohemiann 2009-05-24 08:42 ]

rev_thumper posted on 05/25/2009

Bargoyle is at the Mai-Kai this weekend, I'm sure he will be with you shortly.

suzanne posted on 05/25/2009

On 2009-05-24 05:02, Bohemiann wrote:
Anyone else hear a soft wind & crickets ? hello?

Oh, is THAT what that is?

Bohemiann posted on 05/25/2009

Thanks Rev... but it was more a general comment on the quite nature of the forums. I find the amount of chatter this year to be off a bit.

Anyway... I am excited! I think I look forward to Hukilau as much as Christmas!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 05/25/2009

Very nice, Bohemiann. I'm currently struggling with the logistics of single-handedly serving up 150 drinks for the thirsty masses during the art show premiere. What did I get myself into?


Chip and Andy posted on 05/25/2009

On 2009-05-25 11:26, Hurricane Hayward wrote:
I'm currently struggling with the logistics of single-handedly serving up 150 drinks...

glass, ice, fill, repeat..... it's easy!

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/26/2009

Should be fun! In addition to the regular room crawl, if 2003 at the Holiday Inn was any indicator, the room vending spreads should be a rolicking good time in addition. It's kind of nice to shop, drink, and socialize all at the same time. Stoked!

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 05/26/2009

As a veteran host at Oasis, I'm looking forward to enjoying some southern hospitality. Can't wait for my first Hukilau!

Bargoyle posted on 05/26/2009

On 2009-05-25 11:26, Hurricane Hayward wrote:
Very nice, Bohemiann. I'm currently struggling with the logistics of single-handedly serving up 150 drinks for the thirsty masses during the art show premiere. What did I get myself into?


Single handedly? I though Gabe was helping out in there??

Oh, and as cool as the trained ice-crushing monkeys are, you may want to step it up to an electric ice crusher. And a friggin' big one at that!!

Full schedule to come soon folks. Just working out some last details.

Not too late to step up & host, but you gotta move quick (west coasters, I'm looking in your direction... :wink: )

Bohemiann posted on 05/26/2009

Feeling your pain Hayward. I am working on my punch recipe. Lots of research.

The big question and commodity will be ICE. Any thoughts or past experiences on the inevitable run on, lack of and sources for ICE. I just have this feeling it's going to go fast. Maybe we can figure out how to bag and stockpile some?

So...If I am the last one open...I don't have to close...right?

croe67 posted on 05/26/2009

On 2009-05-26 14:52, Bohemiann wrote:

The big question and commodity will be ICE. Any thoughts or past experiences on the inevitable run on, lack of and sources for ICE. I just have this feeling it's going to go fast. Maybe we can figure out how to bag and stockpile some?

BUY LOTS & keep it in a cooler so it won't melt.

And there is very little/no chance you will have time to crush ice during the crawl. Lots of drinks going out FAST.
My recommended crushing method for room crawl drinks: smack the big bag of ice several times on the floor.

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/27/2009

On 2009-05-26 15:40, croe67 wrote:
smack the big bag of ice several times

humina..... :wink:

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TikiMango posted on 05/27/2009

It's been my experience that after 9pm on Saturday, people won't notice/care if there is ice. I'm really looking forward to this.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 05/27/2009

[i]On 2009-05-26 13:24, Bargoyle wrote:
Single handedly? I though Gabe was helping out in there??

Oh yes, Tane will be working his magic on the other side of the bar during the art show premiere. I'm just the master of my own domain as far as my drink menu goes. The lovely Violetgirl will be assisting, but I'll be doing all the measuring and shaking. To reach my goal of 150-175 drinks, the menu will consist solely of 4-ounce cocktail drinks, perfect for perusing the fine art.

To whet some appetites, here's what's in store:

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From left: Violetiki and A Slice of Heaven (Hurricane Hayward creations), Gone the Beachcomber (Beachbum Berry) and Don's Daiquiri (Don the Beachcomber)

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Trader Rick posted on 05/28/2009

They look delicious. Is the room crawl only on Thursday night? I won't be there until Friday afternoon so I'm afraid I'll have to miss this.

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