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Tiki Kiliki/Hukilau featured on NPR!!

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Basement Kahuna posted on 06/07/2009

National Public Radio ain't small potaters. Congragulations to our own Tiki Kiliki! It's about time Hukilau "The Big One" got some NPR airplay! Go Kiliki, Go Mai Kai!

The Cockeyed Mayor Of CarvaKaKai.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2009-06-06 18:16 ]

TikiHardBop posted on 06/07/2009

Which NPR program was this?

Chip and Andy posted on 06/07/2009

Down here in South Florida is was on Arts Beat Friday. (WLRN local 91.3)

As soon as it gets posted to the audio archives I'll try and post the link.

TikiHardBop posted on 06/07/2009

Yeah, I think that program is local to WLRN. It looks like they do archive the programs on the website. We'll have to just keep checking back.

Bohemiann posted on 06/07/2009

Christie...Will you sign my radio?

Chip and Andy posted on 06/07/2009


This is the link to the show. I don't know how long it takes them to update the archives..... but here is the link

When they do update..... it starts about about minute 14-ish.

Chip and Andy posted on 06/09/2009

It's up at that link. It starts at about minute 19. It is streaming and not very intelligent so you have to push play, then pause and wait for it to stream down then you can advance up to around minute 19 and hear it.

And, not once is there mention of Tacky!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/11/2009

If anyone wants to download the interview, here's a good version with all the other stuff edited out:


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