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R.I.P Kenny Rankin

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Tai Won On posted on 06/10/2009

Kenny Rankin died on June 7th 2009
If you've never heard of him check this link:


JenTiki posted on 06/10/2009

Thank you for posting this, Jim. This one hurt me more than most. I saw Kenny live several times over the past 10 or so years in intimate clubs like Yoshi's and the Plush Room, and got to chat with him a few times about his music. He was a big inspiration to me and has influenced a lot about how I choose a song and how I perform it. I could never match his range or the elasticity in his voice, but his philosophy of choosing songs for their lyrics and staying true to those lyrics is one I hold dear. His ballad version of "I've Just Seen a Face" is so surprising, but makes so much sense! When he'd finish every show with an a capella rendition of a song called "Because of You" that was his way of thanking his audience, you could feel that every fiber of his being meant every word of it. He was such a wonderfully talented and gracious man who will be greatly missed.

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