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HuellCon (Huell Howser spoof)

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This is an email from the L.A. Cacophony Society regarding their latest hijinks. Too bad it is on the same day as Bax's Int'l Tiki Day party. These are the same people who invented Santa Con.

"Calling all Huells & Luises (& Huellas & Luisas)! All Aboard for the L.A CACOPHONY GOLD LINE HUELL HOWSER CON! Join the tour on the L.A. to Pasadena Gold Line Train as we explore and discover some California Gold, Huell Howser style!
Mass Huell impersonators will take to the streets and interview and annoy everyone in our path! You'll sit in the lap of tax-bought luxury aboard the new trains ($3.75 million each) and enjoy the running commentary by our worldly and charming tour guides!

Then, experience the non-stop excitement as our journey takes us by these wonderful landmarks:

Union Station (Tour begins)


Twin Towers County Jail


Southwest Museum (Walking Tour, featuring miniature native dioramas!)

Highland Park (Walking Tour, including Beer stop at Mr. Ts, The Death Metal/Hello Kitty store, Free Bread, Psychic Reader, Winos)

South Pasadena/Mission ( Moon the Anti-Noise protesters)

Old Town Pasadena (Lunch Stop*)

Bahama Lanes Bowling Alley (Tour Ends)

And so much more in between! And have some fun with our own GOLD LINE BINGO! Spot the items on your card and win fabulous prizes!

Saturday August 9, 2003 12 Noon, Union Station, Gold Line entrance Los Angeles & Alameda, Parking on Alameda or take the Red Line in.
HUELLCON is FREE, but you'll need $2.70 round trip fare, tickets on sale at the train entrance. For Gold Line info see http://www.mta.net

Attire a-la Huell & Luis requested, females in drag accepted. Optional: bring an interview microphone and a working videocamera and record the escapades! These tapes will be compiled and screened at an upcoming Cacophony event.

  • Bring your own Lunch/Beer money
    *Tip: Microphones are sold at most 99c Only stores.

Disclaimer: Consuming food & drink not allowed aboard trains. L.A. Cacophony is not responsible for anyone getting lost, arrested, or getting their asses kicked. Beware of rogue fruit vendors. Do not feed or tease the natives in their habitat.

CACOPHONY WEBSITE: http://losangeles.cacophony.org

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-08-05 12:17 ]


Now that sounds like a trip! I used to do a pretty good Huell Houser impersonation once upon a time, but it's been years since I even thought about it.

now... now... floratina tell me about this huellcon.
you do call it huell-com don't you?

Luis - come over here and get a close-up of this computer screen. wooooowwww look at that beautiful post.

golly that sure is a long post. i hope the folks back home will appreciate how long it takes to type up a post like that.

now... floratina... you were telling me about heullcon. i kinda like that name...

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