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Tiki Central / California Events

Hawaiian Music and Crafts Festival July 18th in Redondo Beach!

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/16/2009

Can't get to Hawaii this year? Or just need an aloha-filled day that costs a lot less than a plane trip across the Pacific? This will do the trick: http://alohafalsettofest.com/

Earlier this year, I went to the slack-key guitar festival that this entertainment company put on (at the same venue), and had a really great time. The concert is indoors, but the vendors circle around the outside of the Performing Arts Center. So it makes for a fun day of shopping, then cooling off to some great Hawaiian music. Follow this up with dinner at "Back Home In Lahaina" and you'll be smiling for a week.

And IF you're a Tiki artist who is reading this, maybe you want to contact Mitchell Chang who runs this thing and see if you can be a vendor, too! I don't know if there's still room for vending, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/16/2009

I forgot to add: IF you're interested in selling at this festival, click on the "vendors" link and it will show you what to do.

bigtikidude posted on 06/16/2009

I will probably go to this.
I too went to the Slack key Fest earlier this year, and it was really good.

thanks for the heads up.
I was wondering when this was going on.


bigtikidude posted on 06/17/2009

there is tiki art for sale.
wonder if they had a limited mug if that would get some more TC people there?


Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/17/2009

Jeff, I posted this because I hope it DOES bring some of us Tiki people here. I thought the vendors at the slack key show were pretty good. Lots of Hawaiiana (vintage and new) and some Tiki. I think there are several of our fine artist friends who should consider vending at this show so they can meet a whole new group of people who might appreciate their work, too! The concert should be excellent, and there will be some hula dancing along with the singing.

kalakoa posted on 06/17/2009

Aloha everyone! This is Mitch, the promoter for July's Aloha Falsetto Festival! Sorry - I actually had all these tiki folks bookmarked in my Tiki magazine to contact about selling your wares at this show but then got bombarded by others who wanted to be there and the spaces all got filled up...except for one, possibly two spaces. Anyone interested? Either way, I promise you won't be disappointed with the show!

I just set up a discount code for all you tiki people who read this - when you purchase your tickets online by July 7th, enter in the code "tiki" for a 10% discount - no limit! Go to http://www.AlohaFalsettoFest.com and click on the link for tickets and please tell your friends. Oh by the way, when buying your tickets online you will be able to see what's available and choose exactly where you want to sit!

Here are some Youtube videos of highlights from past shows:

Please let me know if you have any questions - thanks again!!!


bigtikidude posted on 06/17/2009

Mahalo and Aloha Mitch.


Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/17/2009

Thanks, Mitch! That's really a nice offe,r and I hope a lot of our "Tiki ohana" take you up on it!. Any artists reading this? There are still a couple of vending sites left! Go for it and make some new customers!

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