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Tiki Central / California Events

Doheny Days Surf O' Rama

Pages: 1 18 replies

1961surf posted on 06/09/2009

For all of you in So Cal that will be in town and not at the Hukilau, this is a
free fun event to go to.They will have vintage woodie cars, vintage teardrop and
airstream trailers on display.There will be historical pictures of killer Dana and
an exhibition of vintage surfboards on display.Fun for the whole family.

Sorry for the late post.I spaced and forgot to post this several weeks ago.
I went to this last year and it was a blast.The drum solo alone from the Tahitian
drummers that played last year was worth going to this event .

Over 50 venders selling surf related items, tiki, Hawaiian , jewelry, paintings,
artwork and other crafts .There is great food barbecue , Hawaiian food etc.
There will be several surf bands performing, Tahitian dancers, Hawaiian band and
dancers as well.Sorry I don't know the name of the surf bands playing Big tikidude.
There are usually a few surf legends there signing autographs there and talking
to the people at this event as well.So grab you wahine and drop into Doheny days.
Hope to see some TC peeps there.

Where : Doheny State Beach
When : This Saturday June the 13th
Time : 8am -5:00 pm

bigtikidude posted on 06/10/2009

this event is news to me,
I wish you knew who the surf bands are.
can you find out please?


bigtikidude posted on 06/10/2009

do you have a web link for this?


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RevBambooBen posted on 06/10/2009

That doesn't look like Doheny...


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bigtikidude posted on 06/10/2009

"with live music by Jasso and Garcia"

I have a feeling this is not the same "surf music" I like.
probably more Jack Johnson type stuff.


bigtikidude posted on 06/10/2009

ok not quite Jack Johnson,
but uh.... check please

not bad, just not my bag.


1961surf posted on 06/11/2009

Bamboo... the first pic is Doheny of the dancers,the others are woody members cars that
will be there that were taken at Ports o' Call .
I will find out the name of the surf bands and post.

bigtikidude posted on 06/12/2009


1961surf posted on 06/12/2009

I emailed and called got no response.I am going regardless, had a great time
last year .THE DRUMS IN THE TAHITIAN BAND is incredible.Jason from Smokin
tikis will be there vending.Show up Jeff you won't be disappointed .

bigtikidude posted on 06/13/2009

sorry I was up till 2 am last night, too early to get up and Jam down there.

I am going to Oceanside today at 1 pm,
I will wave to you all as I drive by on the 5 freeway.


let us know who the surf bands were.
I e-mailed too, and got told that the e-mail would be answered by another person. never got a reply, even after I e-mailed a 2nd time.

seems like a real pro group of organizers there.

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bananabobs posted on 06/13/2009

Those dancers have hair on chests?
That will make Kenny jealous.

BTD, it looks like it was set up by the aquarium as a fund raiser and judging from the flyer it was done by a volunteer. There is almost always something surf related going on at Dohene during the summer and they probably tapped into the action for their aquarium. The aquarium is like 15 foot long with a touching tank.

1961surf posted on 06/15/2009

This was a fun event will post a couple of pics later.
BTW Dick Dale the king of surf guitars played Sunday night at the Coach house.

bigtikidude posted on 06/15/2009

thats Odd I heard that Dick played at the Couch House on Sat. nite.
I was there friday to see a friends band,
and saw the flyer for the sat nite show.

The Chantays and Surfaris played sun. in San Clamente, but it wasn't at the sur a rama event.

I didn't go to that either.


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kahalakruzer posted on 06/17/2009

Yea. Dick Dale talked, I mean played, on Saturday night at the coach house.:wink: Fun time was had by all. A local blues band called the Salt Shakers opened for him, and absolutely killed it. I'd see 'em if you're into that stuff.

1961surf posted on 06/17/2009

My mistake I meant Saturday night for Dick Dale .

hers a classic -hale to the man


bigtikidude posted on 06/17/2009

So 1961 surf,

who were the surf bands that played at the Doheny event?


1961surf posted on 06/17/2009

Still have know idea who they are and should have approached them, but there were
so many things to see do and look at my ADD kicked in.They were a copy band and
played ventures and safaris music.They sounded pretty good though.

bigtikidude posted on 06/17/2009

the Breakaways possibly?
I know they live down that way.


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