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Official Hukilau 2009 Room Crawl Thread

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tikibob posted on 05/29/2009

On 2009-05-19 18:11, Bohemiann wrote:

Is it o.k. to just serve Non-Alcoholic drinks....

I was thinking maybe, you know...

for all those that don't drink.

A refuge of sanity...

Yea.. RIGHT! F that!

[ Edited by: Bohemiann 2009-05-24 05:02 ]

Yeah, that's the spirit!

Bohemiann posted on 05/29/2009

The "Official" crawl will be Th. but ..... folks will be crawling all weekend as well as vending and other bizarre activity in various rooms.

Trader Rick posted on 05/29/2009

I'm sure I'll be able to find the "corruption" on my own. :) Good to hear that some will be hosting a Tiki Bar Room on Friday Night as well, even unofficially.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/02/2009

On 2009-05-26 14:52, Bohemiann wrote:
Feeling your pain Hayward. I am working on my punch recipe. Lots of research.

The big question and commodity will be ICE. Any thoughts or past experiences on the inevitable run on, lack of and sources for ICE. I just have this feeling it's going to go fast. Maybe we can figure out how to bag and stockpile some?

Some tips from a local for those looking for ice, liquor, fruit and other foodstuffs:

Head west over the 17th Street Causeway (about 2 miles from the Cabana) and you'll find a treasure trove of merchants at 17th Street and Cordova (just before U.S. 1).

Go left (south) and you'll find a big plaza with a Total Wine superstore (lots of rum and liquors available) plus a Publix supermarket (good fresh produce).

Go right (north) and you'll find a Crown Liquors and Winn-Dixie supermarket. Also, just west of Cordova on 17th you'll find another liquor store. And all of the above should have ice.

If you don't have the means to venture off the beach I'm pretty sure there's a 7-Eleven within walking distance to the north of the hotel plus some smaller liquor stores. But don't forget that everything on the beach is geared toward tourists so it may be pricey.

AlohaStation posted on 06/02/2009

The Sun-Trolley is a FREE bus. It picks up and drops off directly in front of the Bahia Cabana (I think every 15 minutes) - and drops off at the Publix shopping center. You can not make it any easier!! Just park and car and forget it!!

Lots of restaurants and shops along the 17th Street Causeway. Take the Trolley North to hit the Strip or Beach Place.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 06/02/2009

On 2009-06-02 13:22, AlohaStation wrote:
The Sun-Trolley is a FREE bus. It picks up and drops off directly in front of the Bahia Cabana (I think every 15 minutes) - and drops off at the Publix shopping center. You can not make it any easier!! Just park and car and forget it!!

Ooooooh, as a California girl who loves ice cream and has no source of Blue Bell within 1000 miles, I see lots of ice cream in my future next week! If anyone has a hankering for Blue Bell, just come find me and I'll be more than willing to accompanying you on a Publix run. Tropical Florida air, Tiki drinks, and Blue Bell homemade vanilla. I'm going to be in heaven.

Chip and Andy posted on 06/02/2009

On 2009-06-02 13:31, Brenda's Tiki Hut wrote:
Ooooooh, as a California girl who loves ice cream and has no source of Blue Bell within 1000 miles, I see lots of ice cream in my future next week! If anyone has a hankering for Blue Bell, just come find me and I'll be more than willing to accompanying you on a Publix run. Tropical Florida air, Tiki drinks, and Blue Bell homemade vanilla. I'm going to be in heaven.

You can have the Vanilla, I want the Cookies & Cream!

I was a happy puppy when Blue Bell finally made it all the way down here to SoFla.

Bohemiann posted on 06/02/2009

Are we there yet?

rugbymatt posted on 06/03/2009

The Kokoru Chapter of the FOM will be hosting on Thursday evening out of room #118 featuring our own special sauce.

suzanne posted on 06/03/2009

The Sweet Leilani Room will be in room 242! Join us for a specialty original cocktail by yours truly, and some additional magic being whipped up by Martiki-Bird and Tabuzak, my special guests from the Blue Lory Lounge.

8:30PM! ROOM 242! Cocktails and Tropical Flowers Galore!



tedtiki posted on 06/03/2009

I am sooo thirsty. I can't wait!

I dream of tiki posted on 06/04/2009

Will there be a compiled list of rooms and times somewhere for those of us who will forget to look at this thread in a week?

Bohemiann posted on 06/04/2009

Yes. If nothing is posted here by then there should be a schedule when you check in at the registration desk. The room schedule has been changing a little here and there....you know....once things get going Island time creeps in anyway.

tiki_kiliki posted on 06/04/2009

Official Schedule given at the event only at the Registration Desk. See you all there!

KikiTiki posted on 06/04/2009

On 2009-06-02 21:59, suzanne wrote:
The Sweet Leilani Room will be in room 242! Join us for a specialty original cocktail by yours truly, and some additional magic being whipped up by Martiki-Bird and Tabuzak, my special guests from the Blue Lory Lounge.

8:30PM! ROOM 242! Cocktails and Tropical Flowers Galore!





[ Edited by: KikiTiki 2009-06-04 08:03 ]

tiki_kiliki posted on 06/07/2009


Hey Everyone - I Dream of Tiki and I just went shopping for the Beachbum Berry Seminar - we're in full Hukilau mode now after my incredible night at the Mai- Kai last night. Had so much fun!!

We have TONS of mint for anyone hosting for the Room Crawl - we overbought. It's yours for free if you'd like to PM me here or just let Bargoyle know and he'll know how to get it from me. It will be safe here in my fridge at the Cabana.

Buying the amount of Rum we did makes me happy!!!!!!!!!!

Ron the Rooster posted on 06/08/2009

This is my first year going to the Hukilau! Very exciting!

Swanky posted on 06/08/2009

For ice:

At the Cabana, the big ice machines are in a room to the right of the bar. You can go fill up there. Just PLEASE USE NO GLASS TO SCOOP ICE! There should be something in there to do that with.

Bargoyle posted on 06/08/2009

Thanks Swanky!!

indeed, ice is going to be important!!!

Mr. Ho posted on 06/08/2009

So, unfortunately, mr. ho cannot make it to the Hukilau so I am inquiring from the various characters on here as to whether anyone might be able to drink my share of the refreshments at the Mai Kai and the various room parties? I wouldn't want anything going to waste or for people to have needless liquid carry-ons on the way back to their hometowns. I may have the wrong website to inquire about this; apologies if this is off-topic.

Mr. HO

Martiki-bird posted on 06/08/2009

On 2009-06-08 09:30, Mr. Ho wrote:
So, unfortunately, mr. ho cannot make it to the Hukilau so I am inquiring from the various characters on here as to whether anyone might be able to drink my share of the refreshments at the Mai Kai and the various room parties?

I humbly volunteer to drink up as much of your share as possible (and I'm sure that I'll have help.) So sorry to hear you're not going to make this.

Chip and Andy posted on 06/12/2009

Had an absolute blast in all five rooms!

I know I poured close to six gallons of rum in 244..... how'd'yall do in the other rooms?

Mambo posted on 06/12/2009

Man the room crawl was phenomenal!!!
Thanks to all the hosts for their hard work.
The rooms were unbelievably decorated.
All the cocktails were super!
Much Mahalos.

phinz posted on 06/13/2009

Thanks to all the hosts! From what I remember of last night, I had a great time!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/13/2009

Served 180 freshly shaken drinks in the art show penthouse ... all four seemed to go over great. Thanks for all the tips! And thanks to Gabriel and Daisy for sharing space with me and Violetgirl.

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RevBambooBen posted on 06/14/2009


Bargoyle posted on 06/18/2009

Just wanted to give a HUGE Mahalo to all of our crawl hosts.

You all did just a fantastic job. The rooms were amazing, the drinks were top notch, and the Aloha was flowing as steady as the rum.

Thanks to each & every one of you for helping to make the Hukilau the best time I've had this year.

And now that everyone has had a chance to see what can be done to a hotel room with a little creativity & whole lotta rum (from your excellent examples) I suspect we'll have a whole bunch more volunteers for next year.

Again, thanks. You guys and gals are the best!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/26/2009

Some photos from the room crawl kickoff in the Bahia Cabana penthouse during the Harold Golen Gallery art show premiere:

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What a pair of shakers!

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Bring on the thirsty hordes

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Hurricane Hayward is hard at work

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The drinks fly off the bar

See Hurricane Hayward's menu:

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180 drinks later, it's clean-up time

Thanks to Christie and Harold and all who sampled my drinks. Keep in touch:


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