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JonPaul's surf band, the Boardwalkers, and EndlessSummer showing sat . june 20th Long Beach 1pm

Pages: 1 8 replies

bigtikidude posted on 06/19/2009

WHO: Boardwalkers,(Feat. Jon Paul of Tikiyaki, and Tiki Mag.)

WHAT: live in a movie theatre at a Surfrider Benefit screening of Endless Summer

WHEN: Saturday, June 20, 2009 1:00pm

WHERE: Art Theatre of Long Beach, 2025 East Fourth Street, Long Beach, CA 90814 (562) 438-5435

URL: http://www.arttheatrelongbeach.com/ComingSoon.htm#Surf

COST: $10.00

Jeff Central posted on 06/19/2009

Veeeery cool!!! Looks like a fun time!

When are you guys coming to Ohio? :lol:

Cheers and Mahalo,

bigtikidude posted on 06/20/2009

you send the Madeira out here again.
and we'll send you the Boardwalkers.


1961surf posted on 06/20/2009

Jeff -If you posted events like this in a little more in advance it would
surely be helpful.Would have liked to have gone to this, but have prior plans.
Cheers-Trader Bill

bigtikidude posted on 06/20/2009

Sorry Bill,
I just found out about it.
last minute update e-mail.

at least I know who is playing.(aka band name)


tiki mick posted on 06/20/2009

Same here, Jeff....

I am getting together with Bill Tapia for a recording session today, but if I had known about this in advance, I definately would have come ( I could have changed the schedule at least)...just to see Jonpaul, of course. The guy is one of my favorite bass players in the tiki scene. Seriously a talented, skillful bass player!!

Rum Runner posted on 06/20/2009

On the very same day..........June 20
The ENDLESS SUMMER poster designer will be at
a Rock Poster show in SF at Ft Mason 10am - 3pm

RevBambooBen posted on 06/20/2009

This might make up for a really June Gloomy day.

I think we'll check it out.

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build stuff for you!

p.s. we tried but our kids..... long story.

[ Edited by: revbambooben 2009-06-20 15:39 ]

bigtikidude posted on 06/21/2009

this was very cool event,
Boardwalkers rocked,

great to see the endless summer on the Big screen.


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