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Aku-Aku Restaurant (Mass) Thermos with Tiki Graphics

Pages: 1 3 replies

Bahama Don posted on 06/25/2009

I just listed a really cool Thermos from the Aku-Aku Restaurant (Mass)and the Ho-Sai-Gai. Unused condition.


Dustycajun posted on 06/25/2009


That is SO COOL. I have never seen a tiki thermos before. Where did you get that??

Saw a Tiki Lunch box once.

Good luck with the sale and please post those images on the Aku Aku thread.


Bahama Don posted on 06/25/2009

I found it at a charity fundraising sale, years ago, which had a lot of stuff from Jupiter Island (Where Tiger Woods, Greg Norman, and alot of very rich, old money people live). It never ceases to amaze me the stuff really rich people hang on to for years and years.

I wouldn't be selling it, but I bought a big sailboat, and am getting rid of the house, so alot of my collectables are getting sold, especially the breakable ones!! I figure on hanging on to all my wood tiki's and such, to decorate the boat with.

Bahama Don posted on 07/01/2009

I like that Tiki Lunch Box, where is it from?

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