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Mere $4000-$5000 for 3 Witco pieces

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Formikahini posted on 06/22/2009

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, NOT my Craigslist sale, but it made me giggle:


Here's the text (no photos):

I have a very UNIQUE hand carved wood 3 piece set..exotic wood-Hawaiian,with hand carved Tiki type heads/faces in each piece. You will probably not see another set like this! It was made in the 70's and Elvis Presley had a chair just like this one (with slight difference) in his " JUNGLE ROOM " at GRACELAND!
The chair is big and heavy,with wide arms that can actually be used as tables to set things on,and a face carved in each arm,Tiki type heads/faces are carved into the posts sticking up from the back of the chair,faces in front on the legs,and a face across the back of the chair. The seat has a fake Leopard material.
The Coffee table is very unusual shaped similar to a kidney bean shape only wide at one end and tapering at the other with carving in the edges around the top. It has BIG wide legs,with heads/faces carved in each leg.
The End table is round and is on a carved head/face, and also has the carving around the edge of the top of the table to match the Coffee table.
I am not wanting to part with this set as I love it and have had it for many years but I am moving soon so the less I have to take with me the better.
I know the price of a set like this back around 15-16 years ago was $2000-$2500 IF you could even find one..so I could undoubtedly get $4000-5000 for it today-especially if someone really had decor that would go with it or someone who is a Collector of unusual pieces.
I am accepting offers-best offer takes it.
E-mail me with any questions or if you would like to come see it. I have pictures but pictures really do not do it justice-it should be seen in person.
Thank you and have a great day! :)

OK, maybe if it actually was THE chair, coffee table and end table form the Jungle Room, I could see 4-5K for it!
(Where was this going for $2500 15 years ago??)

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/22/2009

Yeah, NOT my Craigslist sale, but it made me giggle:"

Why did that make you giggle?
Was it the price,or his description? Or?
Just curious.

Formikahini posted on 06/22/2009

I just don't see $4-5K for a chair, end table and coffee table.

I don't see Witco sell for that - maybe you do, all the time.
By all means, make him an offer!!
I'm happy for money to come into Houston.

Formikahini posted on 06/22/2009

(weird double post)

[ Edited by: Formikahini 2009-06-22 13:33 ]

tikimyniki posted on 06/27/2009

Granted the craigslist seller is not on TC but why don't you guys educate this person instead of laughing at them? It would be mighty neighborly. Sheesh.

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/27/2009

I'm not laughing at him.I was just asking why Formikahini was laughing.
Just part of my 'never ending quest' for knowledge.And a better understanding of the 'tikiphile' mind.

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2009-06-27 11:13 ]

bananabobs posted on 06/28/2009

On 2009-06-27 11:11, TIKI DAVID wrote:
I'm not laughing at him.I was just asking why Formikahini was laughing.
Just part of my 'never ending quest' for knowledge.And a better understanding of the 'tikiphile' mind.

TIKI DAVID, why don't you just come forward as the most knowledgeable Witco person on Tiki Central? You know what it's worth and what the market should bear, after 1100 posts, most to do with selling Tiki stuff and a ton of info, why do you act shy? You and I have had words over time but I've watched your posts and you have a tremendous knowledge base, be proud of that.
Are these pieces over priced? judging on Formikahini reaction, she thinks so but heck I thought She was a He until I saw the picture...

tikimyniki posted on 06/28/2009

Actually Banana, David is SELDOM shy about his indepth collection. I kinda like him more reserved about it all, it's more becoming of an expert.

bananabobs posted on 06/28/2009

On 2009-06-27 09:55, tikimyniki wrote:
Granted the craigslist seller is not on TC but why don't you guys educate this person instead of laughing at them? It would be mighty neighborly. Sheesh.

We are not laughing AT him, we are laughing WITH him, however we have a head start.

That's what I was trying to say, the value of something is only that which someone is willing to pay. Value is perceived. Formikahini perceives this to way below the asking price hence her mirth. TIKI DAVID has a lot of history with Witco and what it sells for so he is not laughing.

(Edited to finish my point)
Often I think, perception is "tempered" with available funds, what I mean is, I have very little disposable income at this time, so MY perception is driven by my lack of my funds rather than the market value.

[ Edited by: bananabobs 2009-06-28 12:13 ]

tikimyniki posted on 06/28/2009

Good point, Banana. I will tell you this, if one sucker is willing to pay an outrageous price, that is all on the sucker, but that doesn't set the price or make it worth that. So,(let's get deep for a moment) is it really "worth" what someone will pay? David?

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/29/2009

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2009-06-29 14:40 ]

woofmutt posted on 06/30/2009

"...a chair just like this one (with slight difference)..."

OK, I smirked at that. But for the same reason which was completely different.

tikimyniki posted on 06/30/2009


Formikahini posted on 06/30/2009

The fact is, the seller doesn't want our help or education.

I, I'm sure along with many of you, wrote him. I told him that I'd posted the sale on a national website filled with THE people who collect this stuff, but could i see a photo of it to make sure it is what it is to make sure I'm not shooting my mouth off for nothing, and I might be interested in the coffee table myself, but that I wouldn't be able to pay near what he seemed to be hoping for.

The ad now has this:

The chair seat has a tear that someone tried to repair and this material (fake leopard) is still sold in Fabric stores so could be easily replaced if one wanted to do that. Other than that the set is in great condition.
I am accepting offers-best offer takes it.
I am not looking to just "get rid of it"-I am not desperate to sell it as I said..and I do not need any "help" or advice and is why I am posting it here for sale, so please-no e-mails other than people that are seriously interested in buying it. I am sure you would not like wasting your time sending pictures and answering the same questions over and over again from people that are just wasting your time so please be respectful and do not waste my time.
E-mail me with any questions or if you would like to come see it. I have pictures but pictures really do not do it justice-it should be seen in person.
Thank you and have a great day! :)

I tried.

Formikahini posted on 06/30/2009

Oh, and he's removed the "I could probably get $4000-$5000 for it" bit, so we did educate him some.

tikimyniki posted on 07/02/2009

Wow Formikahini...you can lead a horse to water...but she doesn't even sound like she likes water. Very kind of you to reach out. Forgive me for ever doubting. :wink:

tikitony posted on 07/03/2009

Wow! My Dad always gets a kick out of ebay postings that threaten the potential customers if they don't pay up even before the auction has ended... I love the attitude of the person's updated craigslist. I'll have to show my pops!

You did what you could Formikahini!

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