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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Tiki Diva Loves...

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tiki Diva Love posted on 07/01/2009

Aloha Tiki ladies and maybe a few gents...
I have just signed up to this very wonderful Tiki Central... Being new to the forum I have found so, so many great artists and Tiki lovers.
I, myself have been a lover, collector and creator of tiki bits and pieces for a few years now. I thought maybe some of you might like my bags / wall hangings / clothing and fabric creations.
These are some things I have made over the last few years....hope you like them !

Tiki Diva Loves and hopes you drop by and say hi...or at http://www.myspace.com/217427134

[ Edited by: Tiki Diva Love 2009-06-30 19:11 ]

MadDogMike posted on 07/01/2009

Welcome to TC Diva. My wife absolutely loves your Swap piece.

nuKKe posted on 07/01/2009

neat! I sepecially like the gray bag - it's gorgeous.
Welcome to TC :)

Robb Hamel posted on 07/01/2009

Welcome, your work is NEATO!

Tiki Diva Love posted on 07/18/2009

Aloha and thanks for the welcome and your comments !
I'm not very compatible with computers and only occasionally get the time to posting/ uploading etc. So please excuse me for any disarranged and late replies.
I love seeing every-ones work and enjoyment on the tiki central train ! Its awesome ! The crazy thing is- I'm from the tropical shores of Australia but there is only a couple of tiki lovers here... I think ?
Thanks for dropping by for a look.
Tiki Diva Loves... everything TIKI !
Here is last weeks bag..

Pages: 1 4 replies