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2nd annual la home tiki bar tour 2009

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Murph posted on 04/20/2009

Last summer's LA Home Bar Tour was a sellout success and
I've had quite few requests to "Do It Again!"...

so let's Do It!

We visted 5 stellar home Tiki Bars last August and had an awesome time.
The plan is to again visit 5 fabulous Los Angeles home Tiki bars this August
for the 2nd Annual Home Tiki Bar Tour

Check last year's Tour fun here:1ST ANNUAL HOME TIKI BAR TOUR

This is a call out for Home Tiki Bars.
If you have or know of a home Tiki bar that would like
to be one of the featured bars on the tour please send me a PM.
This is a great chance to show of your Tiki masterpiece and make a bunch of new friends as well.
We set up the tour so that you, the bar owner, have nothing to do but enjoy the Tour like one of the guests.
We cover everything for the bar owner no mixing, no cleaning, no fuss.

Stay tuned for more details and actual date and time of the 2nd ANNUAL HOME TIKI BAR TOUR coming this August.

[ Edited by: Murph 2009-04-20 14:49 ]

[ Edited by: Murph 2009-04-20 14:51 ]

WSWahine posted on 04/24/2009

Hey Murph, Thank you so much for making the first tour a huge hit. I had a wonderful time and met some fab folks. The home bars were out of this world awesome and the hosts were great. Any chance of the date being somewhere close to TO9? Would love to hit the next LA Home Bar tour on the way down to SD. Thanks for putting this together!


bananabobs posted on 06/20/2009

Any updates?
Save the date?
Approximate date?

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 06/25/2009

The Cap'n would be interested in this. Very interested.

As long as it's not the weekend of August 8th & 9th... only since I'll be out of town that weekend.

Hiphipahula posted on 06/25/2009

Great to see your workin' it up for another year Murph, it's gonna be a hell of a crawl!

geedavee posted on 06/26/2009

I am interested in attending as well.

I hope it can be scheduled a few weeks after Tiki Oasis.

Early September would be great.

annalulu posted on 07/10/2009

Sounds great! Keep us posted! I missed the last one.

WooHooWahine posted on 07/10/2009

We hope we can make it this time. Don't forget: The O.C. International Tiki Day Beach Burn is Saturday, August 8 :)

CaliTiki posted on 07/17/2009

Would love to attend!

Hiphipahula posted on 07/17/2009

On 2009-07-17 10:23, CaliTiki wrote:
Would love to attend!

Sneak Peek. There is a Party at the "Waikiki Womb" tonight as a matter of fact for those who are looking for something great to do tonight! Come have a Mai Tai, Pizza and a Swim with us. Message Murph or myself for the address.
Check it out here: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=33125&forum=17

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2009-07-17 11:56 ]

Bewitched By Tiki posted on 07/25/2009

Count me in for the home tour this year! Can't wait.

CheekyGirl posted on 07/30/2009

Damn, wish my place was ready -- it will def, be ready for next year!

Hiphipahula posted on 08/04/2009

I'm lookin forward to it... do i get to ride the short bus?

1961surf posted on 08/06/2009

I am in on this one for sure!!

spycygrl posted on 08/13/2009

Any word on when this might be?

We were out of town for last year's, but the pictures looked INCREDIBLE!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/27/2009

I am still very interested in seeing this happen.
Any updates?

I'd be happy to assist with planning/organization to whatever degree I'm able to help.

geedavee posted on 09/11/2009

I would also like to see this happen. Yaaaay! more tiki events in the LA area. I will volunteer to help get it going as well. Just let me know what to do.

bigtikidude posted on 09/11/2009

I think it is happening
but its a secret as to when and where.
I don't think they want too many TC people to actually show up.
ha ha ha


Big Kahuna posted on 09/12/2009

I expect mucho pics, people! You folks have got some killer bars & us East Coasters need ideas to steal!

bananabobs posted on 09/12/2009

A rumor came my way...this isn't going to happen due to problems with insurance...
Is that true?

Krisdrama posted on 09/13/2009

I hope that's not true! I wonder if there's a problem with enough bar volunteers?

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