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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel

Big Island Hawaii Voyage!

Pages: 1 4 replies

Cap'n Pharaoh posted on 07/07/2009

Aloha And Ahoy,
While I realise the topic of travel to Hawaii has been covered time and time again, My wife (Tiki Diva Love) and my daughter Chelsea Calypso and Myself Cap'n Pharaoh will be setting sail for The Big Island on July 29th, a bit of a voyage from AUSTRALIA. ... we are more interested in catching up with like minded artists, and seeing some off the beaten track spots than checking out a fake lua. So...If any one on the big Island would be up for a brief catch up, a cruise around the island , a drink or a chop chop .. please send me a message or reply here. needless to say Don the beachcombers is still a priority.

Kālai Waʻa posted on 07/15/2009

Are you really going in a sailboat, or in a 747 like most other folks?

Have fun either way!



Cap'n Pharaoh posted on 07/17/2009

After our last voyage to savu savu fiji ...the lovely tiki Diva vowed next time it's luxurios international Jetsetting or I walk the plank. and after having see leggs for over two months I tend to agree. This trip is a quick one to deliver the "chosen one" chelsea calypso to her Nana and Kuku Kane for a visit... she's only two ...it's purely an ohana trip .... however if we can sneak a daytrip and a carve in, I'll be happy as a krussty barnacle on a custom cabin cruiser. So again if anyone would like to meet up just let me know.

christiki295 posted on 07/19/2009

I rent to a real deal luau at the Big Island Marriott.
The town of Kona offers a nice stroll and lots of art.
There are 2 open air garden mart with real vendors selling their whares.

Alii Tiki posted on 07/20/2009

Aloha to you and your family Cap'n -
where will you be on the Big Island ?
I'm in Kona, would love to get together for a beverage, a day-trip to Pu'uhonua O Honaunau or just a quick visit along your way.
Looks like you'll be here next week - so PM me and we'll get some contact info.

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