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Puttiki! South East Coast Art Show (UK)

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Los Furias Tiki posted on 04/23/2009

I am currently involved in putting together a small art show to be held in a tiny but promising Tiki bar in Hastings... Hopefully with some fine Tiki Mini Golf involved!

Anyone who fancies getting their work shown is welcome to respond and we will consider any medium (but floor space is very limited, pieces that hang are a better idea).

Get in touch if you can and want to exhibit some work around the end of the summer and fancy a trip down to the seaside.

Contact: sam@losfuriastiki.com for more information.

54 house of bamboo posted on 04/23/2009

Hastings! Home of the World Crazy Golf Championships!

Sounds great. I don't make anything, but I might buy :)

Please keep TC up to date with details.

Los Furias Tiki posted on 04/23/2009

Will do... We don't have too much money to put on a massive event but it will hopefully be the beginnings of something regular.

Any support is welcome, so thanks!

Boo Tiki posted on 04/25/2009


We're already getting submissions from artist so it should be a pretty good show, the bar is real cute and stocks a solid ranges of rums too!

Step by to myspace.com/boo_tiki to be kept fully up to speed, show some love or do some guerilla promoting and slip us in you top friends!

Any artist's interesting in exhibition either e-mail Sam at the above address or info@bootiki.net

We'll be in touch with any new news

The Boo Tiki

MissyTee posted on 05/10/2009

This event sounds awesome. Who's involved? And when?

Mighty Fine Yak posted on 05/23/2009

Not been to Hastings for a long time.
We are having a Derek Yaniger show down in Brighton next month
There will be a brunch-type opening on Sunday 28th June between 10am and 12.
Venue is
Castor + Pollux
165 King's Road Arches
Lower Promenade right by the beach.
Also rumour has it that the 20-21 Visual Arts Centre in Scunthorpe that put on the "Pinstripes and Pistons" show a few years back is planing a big tiki show for next year.

Los Furias Tiki posted on 06/11/2009

Just a quick update... The very first Los Furias Tiki mug will be on sale at the event!


These are going to be very limited numbers and REAL pretty. The sketch is all you get so far but I'll keep you all posted as it evolves.

Just one more reason to attend...

Boo Tiki posted on 07/21/2009

More details confirmed, new artist's announced, step on by for awesome art works by the likes of Tiki Racer, Tiki Chris, Los Furias Tiki, Atomic Tony Tiki, Shannaigan and 666 Photography.

See you there!

Trader Tark posted on 07/23/2009

Yes you sure will - looking forward to it !

Boo Tiki posted on 07/26/2009

The exhibition web site is now live, http://www.bootiki.net. It's a pretty simple site, just hover over details on the poster, click the links and it will take you right on though to the details your after! Information from the artist's, about the bar, how to get there and even places to stay.
Take a peek!

Los Furias Tiki posted on 07/26/2009

I've seen a few of the pieces coming to the show and I've got to say... It's looking like a good time! I can't wait... See everyone there!

Girls Aluaud posted on 07/27/2009

Hey this looks awesome. I should be able to get myself down to the coast for a day of rum and art.
Looking forward to seeing some new artists.

GA x

Los Furias Tiki posted on 07/27/2009

And I understand there will be some fine carvings by Trader Tark for everyone to admire...

atomictonytiki posted on 08/11/2009

After 3 hours of fighting with train websites I've got my tickets booked, got a bunch of Hold-Fasts winging their way to me, now all I have to do is finish my Hasting painting and I'll be ready.

Los Furias Tiki posted on 08/18/2009

Only two weeks to go... I can't wait to see everyone's work! See you all there!

Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/18/2009

See y'all there

atomictonytiki posted on 08/18/2009

ooh! finally a chance to meet you in person, I'm easy to spot I'll be the guy in a Hawaiian shirt with tattoos.

Boo Tiki posted on 08/23/2009

We just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the fantastic response to this event from everyone who plans to come and the artists who responded to our invitation... This is the first year for this exhibition and we hope that you will all enjoy the work of the artists involved and (weather permitting) a great day out by the sea. Puttiki '09 is set to be the first of a (hopefully) annual event and we are relying on Tiki-Philes to make it a success and add their input as to what they would like to see in future. We are hoping that next year will have a venue for art and a market place and then some evening events to turn it into a weekend of fun but, for now, we are limited to the art show (and the hospitality of a very new but very likeable Tiki bar) in a town full of awesome little shops and fun stuff to do.

Hastings has a variety of exciting, well priced vintage stores (clothing and furniture), a wild bunch of mini golf courses (that we are going to take over for next year's carving gallery... So enjoy them while you can hit the balls anywhere you like!) and a really nice selection of traditional seaside fun to take in once you have enjoyed the art (including oversized lollies and the legendary Crab Bucket). We are currently putting together a map detailing where you can find these treasures when you're in town... They are all well worth a browse!

As we have said, this year is going to be a small do that a few Tiki enthusiasts have clubbed together to arrange... We are extremely pleased with what we have organised and the incredible effort of the artists involved but with your initial support we can make it into a bigger event that will put a new Tiki bar on the map and bring Tiki lovers together for an annual day out beside the sea.

Los Furias Tiki posted on 08/23/2009

Tiki's AND Crab Buckets?!

atomictonytiki posted on 08/24/2009

Radio two have just reported that the Met Office are saying it'll be the last great weekend of weather this summer.

Trader Tark posted on 08/24/2009

Bearing in mind this spans a couple of weekends. Is there a specific Day/Evening with a planned get together?
I am free to pop over at time really, but my girlfriend Tamzine would find it difficult due to The Brighton shop (Vintage Magazine company - Brighton ( quick plug) ) being open.

looking forward to meeting some folks in person



Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/24/2009

On 2009-08-18 13:58, atomictonytiki wrote:
ooh! finally a chance to meet you in person, I'm easy to spot I'll be the guy in a Hawaiian shirt with tattoos.

So will I! What days will you be there?

hodadhank posted on 08/24/2009

Sure wish i could attend. Please post lots of pics for us Yanks.

atomictonytiki posted on 08/25/2009

I'm down on the Thursday night and be in Hastings until Monday morning, should be a giggle being by the seaside.

tikiracer posted on 08/26/2009

Heard that my art pieces arrived safe and sound.

Will post a sneak peak later in the week.

Can't make the first weekend, but will be there on the second Saturday. Might bring some more goodies with me...

Including my best golfing trousers...

Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/26/2009

We're gonna be there on the weekend 4th-6th Sept.

atomictonytiki posted on 08/26/2009

Oh well so close maybe next time...

Talking of sneak peeks I've got the paintblog of my new painting "The Pupule Putter" up on my blog..


POCKETIKI posted on 08/26/2009

Aloha from Frimley! Finally got two seconds to ourselves so Sian and I are intending to drop in for the opening on Friday night (29th). AtomicTonyTiki give us a call and we can arrange to hook up. If not see you there on Friday night. I'll bring a couple of different Bou'Hua mugs for you to check out! See one and all on Friday!!

Take care - Trader Jim (Make mine a Mai-Tai!).

POCKETIKI posted on 08/29/2009

After a three and a half hour cross country journey, to avoid the melt-down on the M25 we finally pulled up to a prime parking spot at the end of the road where HUNNY LU LU's is situated, right in the heart of Hastings town centre.

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It was worth the trip! The bar is a real treat, fairly bijou but very homely and hosted by friendly natives, especially the exotic and oh-so coy, Emmali.

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Emmali and Kessie (Lady-K to you 50s fashion aficionados) put a lot of effort into making this artshow happen and it really paid off. Great job guys...er...GALS!

Artists such as AtomicTonyTiki, Tiki Racer and from across the pond, 666 Photography (Gayla Partridge & Lisa Naeyaert), an artist now living L.A. who I wasn't aware of, Shannanigan (Shannon Finch) were showing some great new work as was Chris Osburn with his photography, artist Sam Knight's alter-ego 'Los Furias Tiki' and a tiki carver from Brighton, Trader Tark.

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Shannon had only arrived in the country in the morning but had seemingly shrugged off any jet-lag and was only showing any signs of nodding off during some of my finest anecdotes. We had some pretty neat tapas in the Old Town and returned back to the bar for some more cocktails, I made mine a...enough said.

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L-R: Kessie, Trader Jim, Sian (Exotic Tramp), Shannon, AtomicTonyTiki & Sam

The evening was a real breath of fresh (sea) air and I'm pretty sure the PUTTIKI Artshow will be in everyone's diary for next year! After we left the bar and some impromptu trading in the street, I had a quick 'second' molest of Shannon..."We always meet, greet and say goodbye like that here in England, I says". Sian and I bid our farewells and headed home, via the empty M25 and were back at Tiki Towers in one and a half hours!! Good driving Sian, it must have been the superb fruit fueled virgin cocktails you were drinking!!!!

See you all there next year!!

Take care - Trader Jim (Make mine a Mai-Tai!).

[ Edited by: pocketiki 2009-08-30 08:50 ]

[ Edited by: POCKETIKI 2009-09-06 12:42 ]

[ Edited by: POCKETIKI 2009-09-06 12:46 ]

Los Furias Tiki posted on 08/30/2009

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who made the effort to organise and attend this event (with a special mention to fellow TC'ers Blue Octopus and Family who trekked down to attend). Another mention must be made to Tiki Racer for including the recipe for his POTENT Engine Oil cocktail inside the glorious Pistoniki Mug. New Cocktail Recipe + Curious Bar Staff + 'Sophisticated Patrons Of The Arts' = Good Times. It really does hit/pummel the spot.

And, may I say, good work from the excellent hosts at Hunny Lu Lu's for turning Los Furias Snr. into a primo fan of the slow sippin' cocktail... Make his a Zombie!

Boo Tiki posted on 08/31/2009

Thanks to everyone who has made it out over the last weekend, all the artists for their fantastic work, and most importantly the lovely Hunny Lu Lu's staff for the help with the exhibition and pouring some mighty fine drinks. We look forward to seeing everyone next weekend.

Boo Tiki
Lady K

Trader Tark posted on 08/31/2009

Very Good Very Good !

A credit to Kessie , Emalii, Sam and all involved !!
A great selection of talent in a bar with character.
This will surly get bigger and better in following years.

I swung by on Saturday. Rather a flying visit i'm sorry to say. I had a day in Hastings with my Ma.
I'll be back next weekend and hope to spend longer at the bar.

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See you next week


POCKETIKI posted on 08/31/2009

Glad you posted the pics of your tikis Trader Tark as I was not able to get a good pic on the Friday. They are very cool indeed! Sorry we didn't get to hook up but get in touch when you get a moment.

Take care - Trader Jim (Make mine a Mai-Tai!).

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blue.octopus posted on 09/01/2009

I just wanted to say we enjoyed the day out in Hastings. It was good to see a few Tiki folk and Saturday was also great weather for a spell on the beach. I look forward to an even bigger event next time.

Very nice to see the photos on here already - good work.


atomictonytiki posted on 09/01/2009

Now that I have recovered from a weekend of rum and tiki, although this morning I drank some water and still tasted rum, I thought I should post some snaps of Hastings.

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No English seaside town is complete without a pier, sadly the Hastings pier is shut, what a waste.

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The net sheds down by the beach, full of tasty fresh seafood.

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There are a couple of nice museums in Hastings and the exciting smugglers caves experience to entertain yourself outside of mini-golf and tiki artshows.

A lovely exhibit on "Biddy Champion tubman of Europe".

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A suit covered in silver painted winkle shells.

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A nice port lamp, Hastings has many fine antique stores so if you fancy a real one, go a wander up the old town and buy a real one.

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..and finally some nice bits brought back by sailors, although I doubt many people would want a stuffed albatross for their bar, perhaps just on a stick.

Thanks to Kessie and Sam for being such wonderful hosts, the staff of Honey Lu Lus for letting us hang out and display our art and Shannon for coming all the way America and being such great company all weekend.

Its only a pity I can't go again next weekend and continue the fun.

Los Furias Tiki posted on 09/02/2009

Ahh... The many, subtle charms of Hastings...

It was really good to meet you Atomic Tony, it's just a shame that you're whisking yourself away to distant lands for so long. However, I know the lure of a quality stuffed marine creature will be enough to bring you back next year...

54 house of bamboo posted on 09/03/2009

Down to visit the show Saturday with Mr & Mrs kon-hemsby and and again on Sunday with Mr & Mrs tikiwagon.

Who else will be about for a drink?

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TikiG posted on 09/03/2009

An interesting town, Hastings

So bummed out to see the amusement pier is closed. Reminds me of Pacific Ocean Park (POP) pier in Santa Monica before the fires.

Thanks for posting the pics. Learn something new everyday.

Boo Tiki posted on 09/03/2009

We up and back tomorrow from 1 until for 3 more day's of cocktails, art and hopefully no more rain!

See you there!

Los Furias Tiki posted on 09/04/2009

Would love to be there again but, alas, I have to work...

Hope you all have a great time though (and a Zombie or two for me).

Trader Tark posted on 09/04/2009

I plan to be around for Sunday afternoon. See you then!

Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/04/2009

Yippee, 4 hours until we head to Hastings.

tikiracer posted on 09/04/2009

I'll be heading off, pointing the "land canoe" south east, tomorrow early.

See you by the sea...

Trader Tark posted on 09/04/2009

I plan to be around for Sunday afternoon. See you then!

atomictonytiki posted on 09/06/2009

More pictures please, lets see what fun and games this weekend.

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shannanigan posted on 09/06/2009

Yeah what AtomicTony said... wish I could have stayed longer and been there this weekend too. But alas I had to get back to the smoke and smog of LA. LOL!

Thanks for the write-up Jim! I had a great time hanging out with everyone and drinking too much Rum! Sadly I never got my Crab Bucket, but it gives me a goal for next year! :D

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TIKIWAGON posted on 09/06/2009

We just got back from a great afternoon trip to the bar and show,even though i had to drive the virgin drinks were fab,I hope this will happen again next year,Shame we missed a few of you on saturday night as we had a very drunken wedding to attend (shame the bar there had no cocktails though!)Then on our long journey home the car decided to spring a fuel leak just outside of town but it was soon fixed though it just made us home a lot later than we thought,Thanks to Liz and Chris and Simon and Nena for the company and to the organizers of the art show, shame we couldnt stay longer

POCKETIKI posted on 09/06/2009

Sounds like a good time has been had by all over the last fortnight!! I'm looking forward to some picture posts too. Sorry the timing was a bit off and we couldn't all be there at the same time, but...next year...we'll make it one hell of a HastingsTikiHootenanny! Dave you sound like you enjoyed the local virgins as much as Sian did?!! I also hear that Tiki Racer played around down there...can that be right? I don't believe it!!!!

Take care - Trader Jim (Make mine a Mai-Tai!).

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