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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Oasis 9 - Tiki Surf City, San Diego is online!!

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tikimyniki posted on 06/24/2009

I can't wait! I was at Tiki Caliente last year(thanks Rory) and I am really looking forward to this one. :)

Hukilau Brown posted on 06/25/2009


Aloha all and Mucho Mahalos to everyone who has joined our volunteer
Ohana for this year.

There are a few great shifts still available , so if you were thinking
about it, NOW IS THE TIME!
OR, if you know someone that might be interested, please forward this
to them right away.

Volunteer for TIki Oasis and get in FREE! Where else can you work a
few hours a day, meet everyone at the party and drink on the job! ONE
SHIFT and get in for FREE ($40 value). All volunteers receive free
admission to the Tiki Oasis event as well as a thank you gift from
Tiki Oasis. Total volunteer time on average is about 4-5 hours. (Some
are more or less but read the fine print as some shifts are EARLY in
the morning or require heavy lifting)

Positions Available include:
Outside Vendor Check-In Concierge (NEW!)
Symposiums Volunteers
Tiki News Booth Manager
Tiki News Booth Volunteer
Symposiums Volunteers
Mug Mover and Sales Kahuna
Crowne plaza greeting table
Outside Vendor Set-Up
Car Show Manager
Outside Vendor Manager
Raffle Prize Coordinator

for the whole scoop, visit our Volunteer Group online



See you at the Oasis!

Matthew E. "Hukilau" Brown

Palu Ohana, Hale Ka'ahele
Pacific Palisades, CA

Home of "Palu, the Wonder Tiki"

To join the Tiki Oasis Volunteer Ohana, go here:

[ Edited by: Hukilau Brown 2009-06-25 15:02 ]

Otto posted on 06/26/2009

On 2009-06-18 13:18, Tangaroa-Ru wrote:

On 2009-05-15 19:45, tikisafari wrote:
Hi all,
New forum member and long-time tiki afficianado who is making the trip up from Australia for our first Tiki Oasis. We are staying at the event on Friday and Saturday night. Is it worth planning an extra day in San Diego on Sunday for the sole purpose of going to Bali Hai and any other tiki-esque sites . . . Any advice appreciated : )

Looking forward to it!

Aloha! I think you could squeeze in a visit to the Bali Hai sometime during the day on Friday or Saturday (it's about a 35 minute drive from the Oasis hotels, without traffic). When you're there, just across from the Bali Hai is Humphrey's Half Moon Inn, which is very classic Tiki in style!

Bali Hai might be 35 minutes from Tiki Oasis in the worst summer rush hour traffic
Usually it is:
Total Estimated Time: 11 minutes Total Estimated Distance: 4.92 miles
Also on Shelter Island is Trader Mort's liquor store (see Book of Tiki for Shelter island/Humphrey's info)

KikiTiki posted on 06/27/2009

I emailed Hukilau Brown yesterday but haven't heard back yet about volunteering.

I've got two more volunteers: myself and Caltiki.
Put us to work, please!

I am missing my California ohana and looking forward to seeing all good tiki folks
plus digging that So Cal groove!!!!

Funds are tight, but I'm digging around for enough to make it!

Luckydesigns posted on 06/28/2009

I haven't heard much about the car show... What's the word on that, Otto? Will my bird work for that? It's a '62....

sneakyjack posted on 06/28/2009

Bali Hai Thursday eve - I have a table early time like 6pm for 6 people - I have 3 extra seats as it will be me, Wahine and 5year old boy - If someone wants to jump in with a kid or just 2 people that need a seat for dinner - we will play nice. just PM me.

bigtikidude posted on 06/29/2009

Drove by the Hanalei Hotel this past weekend.
and realized that Tiki Oasis is right around the corner.
can't wait, and a few of my friends that have never been are going.


Tiki Kupcake posted on 06/29/2009

On 2009-06-27 16:33, KikiTiki wrote:
I emailed Hukilau Brown yesterday but haven't heard back yet about volunteering.

I've got two more volunteers: myself and Caltiki.
Put us to work, please!

It can take a little bit for Hukilau Brown to get back to you. Give it a week or so.

KikiTiki posted on 06/29/2009

Thanks Tiki Kupcake! (Love the name)

We New Yorkers get a little antsy... I'm just so excited to return this year!

It can take a little bit for Hukilau Brown to get back to you. Give it a week or so.

tikisafari posted on 07/02/2009

On 2009-06-18 13:18, Tangaroa-Ru wrote:

On 2009-05-15 19:45, tikisafari wrote:
Hi all,
New forum member and long-time tiki afficianado who is making the trip up from Australia for our first Tiki Oasis. Just wondered if anyone could offer a bit of advice. We are staying at the event on Friday and Saturday night. Is it worth planning an extra day in San Diego on Sunday for the sole purpose of going to Bali Hai and any other tiki-esque sites of interest if we are already visiting Tonga Room in San Fran and MaiKai in Ft Lauderdale on the same trip? Unfortunately, we have a really tight schedule this trip. Any advice appreciated : )

Looking forward to it!

Aloha! I think you could squeeze in a visit to the Bali Hai sometime during the day on Friday or Saturday (it's about a 35 minute drive from the Oasis hotels, without traffic). When you're there, just across from the Bali Hai is Humphrey's Half Moon Inn, which is very classic Tiki in style! Definitely worth a stroll-through. You could also swing by Mr. Tiki in downtown San Diego for a cocktail and pupus, although I think they're only open from 5 p.m. on. (Maybe earlier on Saturday? Call them.) Those would be my big suggestions for Tiki in San Diego. My friend, Jason Joffe, who owns "Smokin' Tiki's (a GREAT PLACE to buy stuff) is also in San Diego, but more than likely he'll be vending at Oasis, so you'll see some of his wares there.

There is A LOT of Tiki in the San Francisco area, so if you have to choose where to spend that extra day, I'd save it for there. Besides the Tonga Room, you really need to go across the bay to Emeryville to see the Trader Vic's there. It's one of the best. Then go to Alameda (a short drive) to spend time at "Forbidden Island". There are other Tiki bars in the Bay Area that are also good. Check out the Tiki Central California Events link for the upcoming Tiki Crawl 9. It will list all the hot spots, and you can decide from that if you want to see any of those other places, too.

AND... there are some wonderful places in Los Angeles! Tiki Ti, Purple Orchid, Trader Vic's (downtown), Bahooka...
Oh, and Vegas is only a 1 hour plane ride away (or 4 hour drive). They've got Frankie's. Hmmm.... Sure you can't spend another week out here?!

Thanks for the info Tangaroa-Ru!

I would love to spend another week in California as we always have a blast there, but unfortunately time and $ prevent this. Those tips on San Francisco are extremely helpful. We have already committed to Tonga Room and TV Emeryville, but will also look into Alameda.

Bring on August :)

martini kings posted on 07/06/2009

[ Edited by: martini kings 2009-07-08 01:03 ]

bigtikidude posted on 07/06/2009

that's about all I can afford at this years Oasis.


Tai Won On posted on 07/06/2009

On 2009-06-28 10:33, sneakyjack wrote:
Bali Hai Thursday eve - I have a table early time like 6pm for 6 people - I have 3 extra seats as it will be me, Wahine and 5year old boy - If someone wants to jump in with a kid or just 2 people that need a seat for dinner - we will play nice. just PM me.

It'll be a blast. Glad you're gonna make it.

Good times are on the horizon people!!!!

RoseRed posted on 07/07/2009

On 2009-06-14 19:32, babydoe wrote:
Ok we decided on '#tikio' for all Tiki Oasis related twitter updates. Those with twitter this will make sense!

XOXO Baby Doe

CRAP! Guess that means I will have to join Twitter now...
don't wanna miss out on anything too cool for school ya know :)

  • Rosered
martini kings posted on 07/08/2009

Coming soon tiki enthusiasts....Release date AUGUST 14TH (that is friday at Tiki Oasis). Pick up a copy for the low price of just 10 clams at http://www.martinikings.net/cds.html or come grab your copy at tiki oasis! We will be playing tiki oasis friday night on the big stage and sunday poolside at noon. Have a great summer!
The Martini Kings

Tiki Sam posted on 07/09/2009

This year at Tiki Oasis "Tiki Herb's Exotic Spices & Rubs" will have a wide selection of hand blended cooking spices and samples for your tasting. He will also have samples of the products on different meats for you to taste. Be sure and stop by and pick up a bottle or bag of these exotic spices for your next cook out or BBQ. You won't be disappointed!


Mariner posted on 07/10/2009

Bali Hai :drink:
I'm planning to have Tiki Time tied up at the dock thursday night.
Stop by and say Hi. The cabin wench and I would like to meet our fellow crawlers!
The Mariner

shamefultiki posted on 07/10/2009

Hey everybody - I have a new Tiki clothing company and will be set up at Tiki Oasis this summer. Some great vintage style tee's and some cool retro bowling shirts(Jungle girls!)
My site is not up and running yet but I'm called "Shameful Tiki"
Come check it out or see me on line soon.

babydoe posted on 07/10/2009

Just a reminder that Wheretours as a Tiki Oasis Shuttle to the Bali Hai Restaurant – Thursday August 13th

The $16 round trip is less than a taxi trip to Shelter Island. Enjoy a fun open-air double Decker bus from the Crowne Plaza to the Bali Hai. The 4:30 pm will arrive at the Bali Hai at 5 pm. All shuttles should take 25 to 30 minutes. Shuttles will run from the hotel at 4:30pm, 6pm, 7pm and 8pm. Return shuttles from the Bali Hai will leave at 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, 9:30pm, 10:30pm, 11:30pm, and 12:30am. Tickets are also be available with a credit card purchase after July 5th. Contact tours@wheretours.com for more info

babydoe posted on 07/11/2009

We have a few shifts left that we would love to get filled for the event. Note that in exchange for volunteering you will get into the evening events for FREE ($40 value), a Tiki Oasis gift and plus you will get to meet lots of other tiki fans just like you!

This year we are asking everyone to pop by a quick volunteer meeting on Friday 11am OR Friday 5pm so we can go over everything in person with you before your shift.

Let us know if you are interested in any of these shifts below! You can read more about everything here:

Outside Vendor Check-In Concierge - Friday afternoon 3pm - 4:30pm AND Saturday morning 7am – 9:30 am
Symposiums Volunteers - Friday: 2:30- 5:30pm
Tiki News Booth Manager -set-up on both Saturday/Sunday 8:30am-10:30am and then breakdown 3:30-4:30pm
Tiki News Booth Volunteer - 10:30am-3:30pm Saturday
Tiki News Booth Volunteer - 10:30am-3:30pm Sunday
Symposiums Volunteers - Saturday: 10:00am - 2:30pm
Mug Mover and Sales Kahuna -Friday: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Crowne plaza greeting table -Saturday: 9am - 2pm
Outside Vendor Set-Up -Saturday morning 7:30am – 9:00 am AND Sunday morning 7:30am – 9:00 am
Car Show Manager -Saturday morning 9am - 12 noon, Sunday morning 10am - 12 noon plus some additional pre-work of introducing yourself to the car people
Indoor Vendor Set-up -Check-in vendors Saturday morning 8am-12 noon

Please send me a direct e-mail if you are interested and either I or Huikilau Brown will be connecting with people with details!

XOXO Baby Doe

bigtikidude posted on 07/14/2009

Howdy Friends!
This week's RFB show features Ferenc from Pollo Del Mar showcasing all the musical acts lined up for Tiki Oasis 2009!

Huntington Cads--Lunar Luau
Martini Kings--Wave
Blue Hawaiians--Charade
Swank Bastards--Stick The Tip In
King Kukulele--Fish Fruits & Nuts
Pollo Del Mar--Flash Of Green
Del Reys--Paradise Lost
Shockwaves--Pink Crotchless Bikini
Phantom Surfers--Lancelot Link Wray
Meshuggah Beach Party--Hava Nagila
Lively Ones--Surf Rider
Davie Allan & the Arrows--Blue's Theme/Born Losers' Theme
Bikini Beachcombers--Everybody Does It In Hawaii
Pollo Del Mar--Jack The Ripper
Huntington Cads--Enchantment
Blue Hawaiians--Trouble Bay

You can download the show directly here:

MamboKing posted on 07/14/2009

Thanks BTD!

bigtikidude posted on 07/14/2009

keeping the scene Alive!!!


bigtikidude posted on 07/14/2009

there is a contest regarding the podcast above.
win a free tiki mug.
go here for the contest and rules:

Tiki Teach posted on 07/16/2009

For Info on this year Tiki Tike Playroom please click below.


Travellin' Tiki posted on 07/16/2009

The details of my 30 day painting preview countdown to tiki Oasis are now posted on my thread here: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=26675&forum=18&start=90&98

The countdown itself will be on the marketplace forum:


My new facebook fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Heather-Watts/80412485683?ref=share

On Flickr:

And Myspace:

Today's piece to kick everything off is the aptly titled...

"New Beginnings"
8" x 10" Acrylic on Black Velvet
Frame hand-carved by Patrick Robinson

Only 30 Days to Go!!!

[ Edited by: Travellin' Tiki 2009-07-17 20:38 ]

Cammo posted on 07/17/2009

**Symposium Spotlight on….

Rum, Inc.: The Historical Role of Specific Rums In Classic Cocktails
Hosted by Martin Cate
Saturday, 2:00 - 3:30pm**

Last year, Martin gave the flat-out funniest and best multi media presentation I’ve EVER seen, all about the classic “Zombie” cocktail. We were met at the door with a freshly mixed 1930’s-era version, then proceeded to deconstruct it rum by rum on our own little mad scientist printed placemats.

But Marty also threw in a bizarre Sven-meets-Trader-Vic-kicks-Jeff-Berry-from-his-bar video, a slideshow about mixers, magic podium antics and girls dressed as giant Tiki Drinks. It was basically an enormous open bar; I had 3 Zombies and walked out with a 4th in my hand. We literally needed helpers to get people up the stairs afterwards, even though the stairs only had 3 steps.

Pics from last year:

So this year’s Martin seminar actually looks BETTER.

I can't divulge exactly what he’ll be doing, but it's shaping up to be the giant Rum Tasting to end all Rum Tastings. Martin has been stocking up on shakers, straws, and booze like he’s outfitting Godzilla’s Bachelor Party. There’s been talk of bringing in more than THREE THOUSAND 1-oz taster cups. That kind of number seems – what – outlandish? But ya don’t know Martin.

Here’s his description of the seminar:
“Whether it's by tradition, region, style, creative mixology or savvy marketing, no other spirit is called for by brand more than Rum. Learn why rum isn't interchangeable- different styles of rum can profoundly affect the nature of a cocktail. Discover the history of rum & rum cocktails: From the cane fields of Barbados, to a hash joint in Oakland, to the Supreme Court of New York- prepare to tour the world with drink in hand. You'll taste a wide variety of rums, then craft your own classic exotic cocktail in our hands-on segment.”

1:45 – Pre-Seating for Deluxe Pass holders!!
PRICE: $25

babydoe posted on 07/17/2009

Deluxe Pass Holders remember you can check in early to all symposiums but for THIS Rum Inc one you will be the first to get a drink in hand!

Remember to eat something before this one - it can be dangerous!!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/17/2009

My first Oasis and I have a question about going to seminars as a deluxe passholder. Do I need to register somehow/where or do I just show up? Are we supposed to show up early? How much, like 10-15 minutes?

I also noticed on the website the only seminar that requires an additional fee is the pin-up hair and makeup seminar. So that means the rest I can go to free, right?


Cammo posted on 07/18/2009

Kiki Von -

We simply have a seperate line for the Deluxe Passholders. They stroll in first. Show up as early as you want to wait at the head of this line, but the room is huge and "TANOBAS" - There Are No Bad Seats!

ikitnrev posted on 07/19/2009

Those of you who are attending Tiki Oasis, and are looking for some relaxing, wind-down activity for Sunday evening - let me recommended this event.

Burt Bacharach will be performing a live concert on Sunday, August 16, at the Embarcadero Marina Park South - located right behind the downtown Convention Center. Concert time is at 7:30pm. This is a Pop Symphony concert, with the San Diego Symphony. Ticket prices are fairly cheap - ranging from $15 for lawn seats, to $36 for Cabaret style seating (a small cocktail table)


This is currently Burt Bacahrach's ONLY U.S. concert appearance planned for 2009.

I was at this venue two weekends ago, for a Dianne Warwick concert, and the experience was very positive. The setting is wonderful, with the water and boats adjacent to the performance area, and the sound was top notch.

So, if you truly enjoy lounge-style music, and need something to counter all of the surf music from Oasis, this event would be worthwhile.

Sadly, I am not planning on making the trip to Oasis, but wanted to alert this show to those who will be there.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev 2009-07-19 13:30 ]

KikaAkua posted on 07/20/2009

Though some parts of it are fuzzy in my memory (imagine that), Martin's Zombie symposium was probably the most fun that's ever been had in a hotel ballroom with clothing intact. It was informative, hilarious, and most importantly DELICIOUS! I can't wait for the next one!

I vaguely remember videotaping it, but who knows what happened to the footage once the mixing started....

See you all in the pool after!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/20/2009

On 2009-07-17 17:48, Cammo wrote:
Kiki Von -
We simply have a seperate line for the Deluxe Passholders. They stroll in first. Show up as early as you want to wait at the head of this line, but the room is huge and "TANOBAS" - There Are No Bad Seats!

Thanks Cam ~ hope to meet ya @ Oasis!

AlohaLove&Laughter posted on 07/20/2009

Aloha...Thursday August 13th, WYWTB Tours is again doing
the open air double decker bus shuttle to the Bali Hai Restaurant
The 1st 30 people to sign up for the 430pm shuttle get a complimentary
mai tai at the Pearl Hotel's outdoor bar! Email menkin@wheretours.com
to reserve a spot on the big funny looking bus to the Bali Hai!

The $16 round trip is less
than a taxi trip to Shelter Island.
Enjoy a fun open air double Decker bus from the Crowne Plaza to the Bali Hai featuring island style music!Tickets will also be available in the Hotel lobby on Thursday August 13th from 4 pm to 6 pm but PLEASE NOTE THE SHUTTLE DOES FILL UP QUICKLY SO IT'S BEST TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT IN ADVANCE!

The 430pm will arrive at the Bali Hai at approx 5 pm
All shuttles should take 25 to 30 minutes.
Shuttles will run from the hotel at
715 pm
815 pm
915 pm
Return shuttles from the Bali Hai will leave at approximately 645 pm, 745pm, 845pm, 945pm, 1045pm, 1145pm, and 1230am Note- The shuttle times at 6pm and 7 pm may be delayed, due to traffic. Please pad yourself if you have reservations at the Bali Hai. If you buy your tickets in the hotel lobby on August 13th, there may be a line. We will be there beginning at 4pm. Tickets are also be available with a credit card purchase. Receive a paypal invoice by emailing menkin@wheretours.com

Cammo posted on 07/21/2009

Rum & Chocolate
Friday 3:30 - 5:00pm
Kona Coast Room
Price: $15

So this little show put on by Martin Cate (again!) is one of two things: the greatest single idea for a seminar in the history of mankind,


we’re all imagining it and Martin isn’t REALLY gonna put this show on, it’s just a dream ... a dream .... it’s not real ...

NOPE, this is for REAL and that wiseguy Martin is going to pair up a giant amount of yummy chocolate treats with the best rums he can find for a flavor session designed to knock you and yer tastebuds on the floor. It was originally planned as a small seminar, but this has been the biggest sign-up in the history of Oasis, so if you want to get in, do it quick - no kiddin’ kids.

Despite the picture above, Hersheys Bars are not the central chocolate on the menu. Martin is also bringing out some of the Primo stuff he keeps in the back, see...

“Experience a marriage made in the tropics. Sugar Cane and Cacao Beans thrive in the same growing regions of the world- taste beautiful premium chocolates paired with a wide variety of superb rums. Learn how to match different styles of rums with chocolate for a decadent taste sensation.”

Anyway, I wanna thank the nice people at Hershey's for even considering doing this seminar! Wave hi for the camera, guys!

[ Edited by: martiki - Only Grandpa can call me Marty! - 2009-07-21 14:34 ]

rugbymatt posted on 07/21/2009

Hershey, PA is just over an hour from my house. Do you want me to pay them a visit? I could make them an offer they couldn't refuse!

p.s. Martin's seminars are the schiznik!

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2009-07-20 18:01 ]

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2009-07-22 13:22 ]

martini kings posted on 07/21/2009

aloha friends,
if my 55 chevy truck pulling my 62 travel trailer(complete with tiki bar)make it all the way to san diego and tiki oasis without breaking down it will be a miracle!
check out photos of my tiki trailer and truck under the tiki central forum "other crafts" title is martini kings paradise getaway.(13 photos posted there)

[ Edited by: martini kings 2009-07-21 07:46 ]

bigtikidude posted on 07/21/2009

even though the weekly show has moved on to a new one.

you can archive the Tiki Oasis special hosted by Ferenc of Pollo Del Mar
You can download the show directly here:


babydoe posted on 07/22/2009

Remember to make Tiki Oasis a Twitter friend: http://twitter.com/tikioasis
and to include #tikio for your posts about the weekender!

ALSO there are only a handful of tickets left for Martin's symposiums!! Get tix like...er... tonight!!

XOXO Baby Doe

tropicali*honey posted on 07/22/2009

baby doe--did you figure out the time for the costume contest yet?

MrGreenTiki posted on 07/22/2009

Let's start working to make Tiki Oasis a carbon neutral event.

One easy first step is to reduce the number of disposable plastic
cups. If everybody brings their own re-usable
pool-safe tiki mug, mother nature will hula.

I'll give the temporary tattoo below to anyone & everyone
who makes a solemn pledge to use their own mug in place of
plastic landfill fodder.

Please contact me if you'd like the high-resolution JPG to make
give-away T-shirts, hats, or other aloha wearables.


[ Edited by: MrGreenTiki 2009-07-22 12:44 ]

Mai Tai posted on 07/22/2009

We're still looking for a few more cars for the Tiki Oasis Car Show. We were originally targeting only woodies, dune buggies, surf wagons and surfed out VW's, but we have decided to open up the car show for other cars as well. If you have a cool car, tiki-fied or not, that you'd like to bring to the Tiki Oasis Car Show, or have a friend that has a cool car, please let us know. There is no entrance fee to bring your car (although the Crowne Plaza Hotel charges a $12 fee to park your car), and you will get two free tickets to Tiki Oasis, and that's an $80 value!!! Plus, there's going to be a photo shoot at the car show with all of the Pin-Up gals, and that will be a sight not to be missed!

kick_the_reverb posted on 07/22/2009

On 2009-07-22 00:19, Mai Tai wrote:
We're still looking for a few more cars for the Tiki Oasis Car Show. We were originally targeting only woodies, dune buggies, surf wagons and surfed out VW's, but we have decided to open up the car show for other cars as well. If you have a cool car, tiki-fied or not, that you'd like to bring to the Tiki Oasis Car Show, or have a friend that has a cool car, please let us know. There is no entrance fee to bring your car (although the Crowne Plaza Hotel charges a $12 fee to park your car), and you will get two free tickets to Tiki Oasis, and that's an $80 value!!! Plus, there's going to be a photo shoot at the car show with all of the Pin-Up gals, and that will be a sight not to be missed!

I have a 66 Dodge A100 van, but right now it's not car show ready...all brown and yucky.


sneakyjack posted on 07/22/2009

car show -
If I could get it there I would 1974 VW vert custom paint (tiki mooneyes door locks) some stickers and fun stuff

bigtikidude posted on 07/22/2009

Just stick a surf board out the back window, and wala surf wagon.


On 2009-07-22 09:37, kick_the_reverb wrote:
I have a 66 Dodge A100 van, but right now it's not car show ready...all brown and yucky.


Kiki von Tiki posted on 07/23/2009

Hey guys and dolls! I have a deluxe pass for Oasis that I can't use so I'm offering it up for sale. I am not trying to make money on this! Bought the ticket before I decided to vend ~ I get a ticket with my Artist's Alley booth and I won't be able to attend seminars anyway as I will be at my booth during those hours. The price is $160. That's $150 for the ticket, plus $4.65 in paypal fees, plus $4.95 for priority mail envelope to ship it to you (and rounded up to the nearest dollar). I won't charge ya for the gas to get to the post office! :lol:

Send me a PM if you're interested and I will send you my paypal info. First one in gets the ticket.
Mahalos and be sure to come by Artist's Alley and say hi!

martiki posted on 07/23/2009

On 2009-07-20 17:49, Cammo wrote:
Rum & Chocolate
Friday 3:30 - 5:00pm
Kona Coast Room
Price: $15

And yes, everyone will have to split one giant chocolate bar!

martiki posted on 07/23/2009

Big mahalos to Cammo for the kind words- I think folks will really enjoy these seminars- they're shaping up to be a lot of fun. I mean, if you like rum, chocolate, and cocktails, I think you'll be OK!!!

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