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Luau Hale Lenox, Massachusetts

Pages: 1 6 replies

DrFunk75 posted on 08/19/2004

Has anyone been to the Luau Hale in Lenox, Massachusetts recently? I have not ventured out that way yet, since I live in Newburyport which is about a three hour drive. I just wanteds to know if it is worth driving from the northeast coast of Mass to the western part of the state bordering New York. Please give me any information that you can. I may have some more vacation time next week, so if it is worth it I will head out that way.

JTD posted on 08/19/2004

Dr Funk,
I am stopping by there on September 11 if you can wait for a review. Am only going to be there in the afternoon as am heading to Chicopee and the Hu Ke Lau for their dinner show that night. If you're going next week, I'd love to hear your impressions.


DrFunk75 posted on 08/19/2004

I may just head out there next week. Perhaps there will be a few more posts to help me in rendering a decision. As far as the Hu Ke Lau is concerned, the food is average and I would advise you to stay away from the mai tai! Yuck! It tasted like they used the powder mai tai tablets the Barkeeper's Call used to put out. I don't know if they still make the stuff, but I remember you were supposed to add water and rum. All I can say is that their mai tai is just awful. I did not try any other drink. I didn't go for the dance show, but I have heard that it is a lot of fun. Thanks for the info.

gwenners posted on 02/11/2006

I have a friend who grew up not too far from the Luau Hale. Is it still around? Are there any photos of this place?

I didn't see a listing for it on Critiki, and googling seemed to lead to dead ends.

Gwen Smith

Bargoyle posted on 02/11/2006

I'm heading there to check it out on Sat, Feb 18th. Been wanting to get out there for awhile.

I'll post some pics in the New England Events section after the trip. http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=16548&forum=4&start=225&249

You should join in our conversations over there dr.funk.

A few of us are going to the HuKeLau in Chicopee on Valentines Day for the big Hawaiian show, and we've got a Kowloon trip tenatively scheduled for March 25th. We'd love to have ya at either/both events!

Stay tuned for pics of the Luau Hale!!

Bargoyle posted on 02/19/2006

Wnet to the Luau Hale yesterday. Will post a full review in Locating Tiki in the next day or so.

In the mean time, I've posted a bunch of pics in the New England events page if anyone wants to check em out....

scroll toward the bottom

Zeta posted on 08/01/2009


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