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Three Kahiki Bowls for $2,500 WOW

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Dustycajun posted on 08/02/2009

I have been following some pretty sweet drink bowls from the Kahiki on ebay. The sales prices were way out of my league and astounding!

#1 Bowl $1,000

#2 Bowl $1,100

#3 Bowl $400

Plus shipping

So much for the recession!


[ Edited by: Dustycajun 2009-08-01 17:27 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/02/2009

i wonder how easy it would be to produce counterfeit bowls like that?....they are crude enough that a skilled artisan can hammer these out and make a bundle.....

Dustycajun posted on 08/02/2009

Here are the final ebay sales listings!


kingstiedye posted on 08/02/2009

no doubt those are beauties, but i'll bet wendy cevola could make bowls that look like that.

Big Kahuna posted on 08/02/2009

Anyone wanna take a wild guess who bought them?

Atomicchick posted on 08/03/2009

Stop hating.

TabooDan posted on 08/03/2009

Crazy prices but have you ever seen that first bowl before? I haven't.
That marking alone makes it a very rare, maybe a even one-of item. Funny thing with that last auction though is I have seen that Hoffman bowl sell consistently for $800-$1000 on Ebay so someone got a good deal at a little over $400!!

Somebody get the pictures of that first bowl along with the base over to the Kahiki thread!!
Mahalo, TabooDan

Swanky posted on 08/03/2009

I know of the 1st 2 in another collection. The 3rd is the Idol's Cast, not the Mystery Bowl which you are thinking. The Idol's Cast has been going around $350-400. The Mystery Bowl is the $1000+ one.
The first 2 are very interesting because they look similar to the Holy Grail Kahiki Mystery Bowl that is pictured on the older drink menus and in some images from the early days. Those tiki pedestals may mean they are by that roiginal maker. And maybe, jsut maybe, that original bowl is out there and marked Kahiki and will surface one day. Then you will see a record. Maybe $2000.

Not exactly the tikis on this bowl, but closer than the Hoffman stuff that is more common...

Your key to Beachbum Berry's books. Login and start concocting!

[ Edited by: Swanky 2009-08-03 12:29 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 08/03/2009

I don't hate. That's not my style. The guy never did me any harm. Now, Tiki envy is definitely my style! :lol: I would gladly pay to see his collection. Just what little I've seen is really amazing.

On 2009-08-03 09:22, Atomicchick wrote:
Stop hating.

kingstiedye posted on 08/04/2009

i've seen the famous collection and i hope kc got these bowls. he's a great guy.

Big Kahuna posted on 08/04/2009

He definitely got them & now I've got Tiki envy for you too! :lol:

TravelingJones posted on 08/04/2009

i'm picklishly green... :P

danlovestikis posted on 08/08/2009

Hey Bullet and Jonesey, we are leaving for Tiki Oasis tomorrow. I hear you'll be on the way too. If we don't meet up before we'll see you then. We are stopping on the way to visit another great guy KC (who won the bowls), I bid too but not enough. Getting to see them will be enough. Thanks for mentioning that I could make those bowls. Gecko has four more of my projects but he is so busy with Squid they may just sit in Hawaii for years. Joniece Frank still has my three tiki bowl, maybe one day...

See you soon friends, Wendy and Dan too

ps I have my fingers crossed that someone will want me to autograph my War God or Bloody Maori (thank you so much Jonesey) pages in the Tiki Mug Book. Dan's collection looks so great as the last two pages, they photo-shopped my photos putting shelves from different bookcases together, it was confusing until I figured it out. You can't even tell they did that.

A Kahiki family member told us the wavy line mug is very rare.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2009-08-07 17:14 ]

tikiskip posted on 08/08/2009

I have no problem with being beat out of an item on ebay.
But when the person has 12 Idol's Cast mugs and he just got
number 13.
Come on throw us a bone!!!

TravelingJones posted on 08/08/2009

On 2009-08-08 08:32, tikiskip wrote:
I have no problem with being beat out of an item on ebay.
But when the person has 12 Idol's Cast mugs and he just got
number 13.
Come on throw us a bone!!!

I write this to be informative and to keep all on an even keel... :)

...but I can say with an absolute certainty, that the highest of early bidding to both of these KIC's was $325.00. NOT EVEN IN THE BALLPARK to what is needed at auction to bring one of these treasures home. I say this openly, because I too wanted one of these, and it's not my first time at auction bidding for one either. Often times when trying to go after one the much desired "Holy Grails" , there are at least a baker's dozen of very ambitious collectors in this world...that'll throw all the chips on the table. :)

This being said, pointing fingers and placing blame on one individual...who is absolutely committed to acquiring the largest and most complete catalog of all vintage tikiana ever known to exist... is hardly within the esprit de corps or aloha spirit that should be the foundation of this online community. I don't see "this person" ie...kohalacharms placing outrageous high bids, driving up the collective market value, then offering to sell them at his cost or a higher price point?

Look, all I'm saying is we all desire something. Sometimes at any price. tikiskip you've got a Kahiki collection beyond comparison. It will never be complete, no matter the volume of rarites you may obtain... BUT its the hunt, the thrill and happiness one finds in adding to their private collection. Some collections are more "private" than others. What is a loss and a shame here, is that everytime the ohana dogpiles onto kc or anyone else, it further separates any opportunity that the collective "WE" on * Tiki Central* WILL EVER be allowed to see an incredibly rare and unique glimpse of just how amazing this guy's collection really is! It's sad.

I could go on and on... but this post was meant to be about the current auction sale of two phenomenal and rare Kahiki Idols Cast mugs. Hopefully, we will have another chance at one someday? If someone uncovers a case of them at thier grandma's house... well heck, maybe ALL of us can have one! :D

Let's just enjoy the fact that everyday, somewhere, a lost vintage and rare mug still appears... then we can fantasize how keen it will look sitting in our very own tikiroom!! :D Shaka to all and I'm envious of many tiki collections that do not exist on this forum or any other websites... they exist in our minds and in reality, they exist in some of our members private homes. If asked politely, they will gladly invite you in and share with you all the joy they find in collecting tiki! :D Not a sermon, just a thought...

peace :)

kingstiedye posted on 08/08/2009

jeez, i bid $25.99 and that damn kc outbid me again. i am so mad! simple solution: bid higher!
as usual, my wise friend jonesEy speaks the truth.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2009-08-08 12:46 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 08/10/2009

Also, remember that this particular collector likes to TRADE. So if you've got something that he might not have, he may be willing to trade an extra idol's cast bowl.

tikiskip posted on 08/11/2009

I'm kind of out of the collecting game, especially ebay.
It is too cut throat and filled with bs now.
People who use thier seemingly unlimited funds to suck
up EVERYTHING sucked the fun out of even watching ebay for me.
I went to the Kahiki auction long ago and I won the first bid
on ALL of the table lamps. ($40.00 bucks)
That meant that I could have taken them all for $400.00.
But there were other people there and they were so afraid I would do
just that. And I had the cash to do it on me.
But I did not buy them all I just got two and walked.
Now these people were STRANGERS, No TC, No Ohanna.
Oddly enough one of the lamps I let someone eles buy went to...
You got it Mr golden wallet. ($600.00)
So you see if I did not have the Aloha, Ohana bs spirit.
Mr golden wallet would not have one now.
People who have met this guy say he's great.
In fact one guy I met hated him at first and now loves him.
What changed? The great trades he gives you.
Or the flat out free stuff.
It would be nice to have the funds to spend 3 to 5 thousand
a month on tiki.
But even if I could I would not do it.
I just don't see the Aloha or Ohana in that.
I'm sorry.

kingstiedye posted on 08/11/2009

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2009

We are home from Tiki Oasis 9 the best party on earth. On the way we visited KC. We met him through eBay bidding. Over the years we have traded mugs, made deals not to outbid each other and sent "look what's up" emails. He is so honest and trustworthy, yep just one of the nicest guys ever, it hurts to read a criticism of him. We enjoy going to his home to see the collection. He lets us photograph anything we want. He, his wife and daughter make us feel really special. I don't begrudge him anything. I just feel good for the seller who got a decent price for the tiki treasure they let go.

TravelingJones is also a friend I've met online and then at Oasis. He is a terrific artist who came up with the Geckoma mug (Gecko and Frankoma combined) idea and helped me formulate it. He's outbid me a dozen times on eBay and I still love him too. If I'd let losing an auction interfere with forming a friendship I would certainly be the loser every time. Tiki is fun, let it be just that. Wendy and Dan

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Babalu posted on 08/19/2009

Well put :up:

Swanky posted on 08/19/2009

On 2009-08-11 06:17, tikiskip wrote:
I'm kind of out of the collecting game, especially ebay.
It is too cut throat and filled with bs now.
People who use thier seemingly unlimited funds to suck
up EVERYTHING sucked the fun out of even watching ebay for me.
I went to the Kahiki auction long ago and I won the first bid
on ALL of the table lamps. ($40.00 bucks)
That meant that I could have taken them all for $400.00.
But there were other people there and they were so afraid I would do
just that. And I had the cash to do it on me.
But I did not buy them all I just got two and walked.
Now these people were STRANGERS, No TC, No Ohanna.
Oddly enough one of the lamps I let someone eles buy went to...
You got it Mr golden wallet. ($600.00)
So you see if I did not have the Aloha, Ohana bs spirit.
Mr golden wallet would not have one now.
People who have met this guy say he's great.
In fact one guy I met hated him at first and now loves him.
What changed? The great trades he gives you.
Or the flat out free stuff.
It would be nice to have the funds to spend 3 to 5 thousand
a month on tiki.
But even if I could I would not do it.
I just don't see the Aloha or Ohana in that.
I'm sorry.

That's not exactly a fair criticism. You sell things on Ebay, and you want the best price you can get or you'd do everything with a Buy It Now price instead of an auction to the high bidder. And one person wins and maybe several lose. That's how it goes.

The simple fact is that for every mug that sells on Ebay for $600 to the high bidder, there is a loser that bid $595. And there may be another loser that bid $590 and another at $400, etc. etc. Nobody is expecting to win that mug at $20 any more. That ended in 1998 on Ebay.

There are a long list of Kahiki collectors who bid high. It is the most collecable stuff out there because of these bidders. Anything rare and Kahiki will fetch top dollar from one of at least 5 Ebay high dollar bidders. Even the more common stuff like the Hoffman Moai mug still goes for $75 every time it shows up. I have been wanting one for years and never saw one go "cheap."

If KC stopped bidding tomorrow, there would be another person winning a lot of rare stuff and they would be a target here apparantly. And so on, then another and another.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/19/2009

swanky, alot of the stuff commands such high prices because it is just plain rare as well.....not because folks bid the price up...i think you had it reversed...and skipper, though i can see where you are coming from, i would have had no problem selling K.C. or anyone a lamp for $600...it's like finding alot of money on the street....it doesn't happen that often but when it does i'm sure glad i found it.....and some days, especially with a bad economy, i think "there but for the grace of high bidders on ebay go I".......

now, it would have been a real display of aloha spirit if you had called me (me being a fellow lamp guy like yoursel) and said hey dave, i have a chance to get a couple lamps for you from the kahiki..i'm standing in line here would you like me to grab you one or two ?? :)

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2009-08-19 16:34 ]

[ Edited by: tipsy mcstagger 2009-08-20 04:52 ]

Atomicchick posted on 08/20/2009

OK seriously will everyone stop hating on KC already? It is really getting old! If you talk shit it's obvious you do not know him or have a clue about what a great guy he is. If you're just pissed because he has the money you don't to buy stuff you want, too bad, suck it up or get a better job! KC has worked his ass off and earned; the key word here is EARNED everything he has. So if he wants to spend $1000 on a bowl, IT'S HIS MONEY, he can do with it whatever he pleases. If you want something rare and you know he's going to want it too, stop being such a tight ass and bid high. If you're not going to, just keep your trap shut and stop being such a whiner.

Big Kahuna posted on 08/20/2009

On 2009-08-19 11:21, danlovestikis wrote:
We are home from Tiki Oasis 9 the best party on earth. On the way we visited KC. We met him through eBay bidding. Over the years we have traded mugs, made deals not to outbid each other and sent "look what's up" emails. He is so honest and trustworthy, yep just one of the nicest guys ever, it hurts to read a criticism of him. We enjoy going to his home to see the collection. He lets us photograph anything we want. He, his wife and daughter make us feel really special. I don't begrudge him anything. I just feel good for the seller who got a decent price for the tiki treasure they let go.

I know his collection is beyond belief. Does he have a photobucket album or any such thing, so I can really put my Tiki envy into high gear? I'd love to somehow see his collection. I'd be a little miffed if KC was buying everything up & then trying to price gouge the rest of us, but he's not. He's obviously as passionate about this stuff as anyone on the planet & he truly enjoys collecting. I don't know the guy from a hole in the wall, but he seems to be collecting "for all the right reasons" if you will. I don't begrudge him anything. I just want to see his stuff! :lol:

tikiskip posted on 08/21/2009

"now, it would have been a real display of aloha spirit if you had called me (me being a fellow lamp guy like yourself) and said hey dave, i have a chance to get a couple lamps for you from the kahiki..i'm standing in line here would you like me to grab you one or two"

I did not know you at that time Dave.
Plus that sale came up really quickly.
There was not much notice of it OR the other sales.
I was told there were phone threats about the stuff.
Don't know if that's true or not.
BUT on the egg roll factory sale I did call people.
You could not believe the "I heard that stuff was crap"
noise I got, Had to talk people into going!!!

And on the KC thing, I thought I could say this, then you would say that.
Let me just say it's alot easier to like (most times) people you have met and
dealt with in person.
And I'm sorry I hacked on your friend.

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1961surf posted on 08/21/2009

Boy I could say a few things regarding this subject , however I would get a
few balls in an uproar as well as a few panties in a ruffle so I am not going
to say a word except- have fun at your hobby your passion.
Remember you cant tow the U Haul behind the Hearst when your time is up.

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-08-21 10:55 ]

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/21/2009

On 2009-08-20 23:07, 1961surf wrote:
Boy I could say a few things regarding this subject , however I would get a
few balls in an uproar as well as a few panties in a ruffle so I am not going
to say a word except- have fun at your hobby your passion.
Remember you cant tow the U Haul behind the hurst when your time is up.

Hmm, what is a "hurst"?


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Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/21/2009

It is funny this subject even came up. From my own collector's standpoint locally there are at least three people who have mind boggling displays and a magnitude of rare tiki items. They are Dan and Wendy (danlovestikis) and Bullet (kingstiedye).

I can only hope to one day have half of what either of these collectors have amassed. TikiHula has some amazing rare items too. In fact, all the collections I have seen from TC'ers have some nice pieces. All of these collectors freely have shared showing their collections and just even being able to see all they have in and of itself is cool enough for me. Wendy and Dan are also very generous and have given me several items from their collection and have shared some amazing stories of collecting along the way.

I have also sent KC some items and have helped him acquire a lamp. Although I have never seen his entire collection or met him, he is a genuinely nice person and I do not begrudge him in the slightest for being able to afford what he has. He has even taken time to send me pictures of his lamps and those alone were pretty spectacular.

I tend to steer clear of competing for anything rare or otherwise on Ebay because I know there are some hardcore collectors out there. This has kept me from owning some of the rarer items, but I have also had the good fortune of finding some rare items in the wild. I know I don't have the money some have here, so instead I invest my time looking outside of Ebay.

I also sell on Ebay and if you don't think for one minute I want what I sell to go for the most someone is willing to pay, think again. Can't imagine anyone else selling there doesn't want the same.


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1961surf posted on 08/21/2009

Thanks Duane for pointing out my typo.College educated and I can't spell .

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/21/2009

No really, I wasn't sure what a "hurst' was??

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Anyone know what this is??

It's the money you could be saving not bidding against kohalacharms on Ebay!

Keep on with your bad self KC!


Big Kahuna posted on 08/21/2009

hearse :D

danlovestikis posted on 08/22/2009

Hi Psycho, if we hadn't become tiki collectors we would be thinking about retirement from our day jobs. Instead we adapted the motto, Will Work For Tikis. When you spend a lot on tikis you sacrifice things like long distance vacations. I've barley been over the boarder to Canada and Mexico. I doubt I'll see Europe in this lifetime. But you know what I wouldn't trade all the friends I've made through tiki for an overseas trip. Friendships last longer. Wendy

ps Hi 1961Surf and Atomic chick just two who I saw at Oasis.

Working Gecko's booth in Thors room.
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