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Anyone know about "Into The Volcano"Mugs out of Hoboken NJ?

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rustbeltcat posted on 01/17/2004

Hey all,
Does anyone know what happened to the guy from "Into The Volcano"? I saw his add in the Tiki News, and tried to go to his website, as well as reaching him by phone. All to no avail.
Anyone got any info? He had some awsome designs,

Turbogod posted on 01/17/2004
rustbeltcat posted on 01/17/2004

Thanks TurboGod! Much help I'll have to see if it pans out at all!

rustbeltcat posted on 01/17/2004

Bad News, THe rafftiki@aol.com addy is no longer valid, nor is RaffTiki@aol.com,
Seems that "Into The Volcano" has gone up in smoke...sniffle sniffle.........:(

rustbeltcat posted on 01/17/2004

hmmmm the link to the tiki news site is down..crap.

tikipaka posted on 04/05/2009


Ok, since the beginning of this year, I've found 10 Into The Volcano mugs.. Actually they were never lost. :lol: I picked them up at a little shop in SL along with a few other mugs.. He wasn't looking to make a ton of money on them, and wouldn't sell to any dealers. He just wanted them to end up with someone who would appreciate them for what they were/are. Mugs, and fine mugs at that.. As soon as I can, I'll post some pictures. ITV made some where around 10 designs and I managed to collect 7 of the 10 that were photographed on that inside cover of the #17 Tiki News magazine. The Tiki gods were with me.. :) :) All are in mint condition.. Has anyone else came up with any of these resently?

bigbrotiki posted on 04/05/2009

Looking forward to seeing them posted, I don't think I have ever seen them all. These, together with some German ones, are the rarest Tiki Revival mugs out there. You never see them or hear of them.

TravelingJones posted on 04/05/2009

:D GREAT SCORE tikipaka! :D

Green Bamboo ITV from my OM collection

:) please post some pics!

tikiskip posted on 04/05/2009

Here ya go,
These are some of my first mugs.
My wife started buying them for me long ago.
I have a catalog somewhere.

tikipaka posted on 04/05/2009

OK here is a scanned photo of the Tiki News Issue #17 and part of that article on Into The Volcano.

And her are the 10 mugs. 7 out of the 10 pictured from that issue with 3 duplicates.

The one with the tongue sticking out is called the "joker" and has the glaze that Raffi called his "fritted glaze". Not sure of how many different colored glazes they used on each style, cause my Moai is a greenish beige. The Moai's that are pictured in Ooga Mooga are more beige. The one on the end in the above photo is a light cream with green also into it. And they are all in MINT condition. :D :D It's funny how I'm missing the 3 mugs that Tikiskip has.. Oh well, damn it all! I guess I should be happy with the measly 10. :lol: :lol:

fez monkey posted on 04/06/2009

The wayback machine doesn't have much regarding the website except a lot of broken image links and this optimistic bit of text which seems sad in retrospect.

"At Into The Volcano we love tiki mugs as much as you do. All of our products are handmade and unique. Our tiki mugs, we feel, speak for themselves and can seen on our Mugs pages. We currently have 10 different mug styles to choose from with many more on the way. Check back with us periodically for our frequent updates. We plan on eventually offering dozens of different tiki mug styles for you to choose from. We are always working on new models and would like to hear from you if your interested in a specific design that isn't currently offered. Coming soon to our Tiki Accessories page is a whole slew of tiki related stuff (coasters, paper umbrellas, figurines, swizzles, etc. ). Check back periodically for updates. Till then enjoy!!"


teaKEY posted on 04/06/2009

"Till then enjoy!!"

boutiki posted on 04/08/2009

We have the complete set of 10, plus a little bonus Tiki that Raffi sent us. Interesting that there are different glazes applied to the same designs. I like the design with the two torches on it, but I like Skip's version with the white background and spot color better than the monochromatic ones.

LOL Tiki posted on 04/08/2009

I'd love to get a set of those mugs; they're really nice! I particularly like the white raku glaze on the third one.

LOL Tiki!

[ Edited by: LOL Tiki 2009-04-08 15:07 ]

tikipaka posted on 04/08/2009

:o :o :o


We have the complete set of 10, plus a little bonus Tiki that Raffi sent us. Interesting that there are different glazes applied to the same designs. I like the design with the two torches on it, but I like Skip's version with the white background and spot color better than the monochromatic ones.

What is that last one a prototype?

Nice! I knew there had to be more out there in collections.. Now, I need to find the other three. :wink: :(

kahalakruzer posted on 04/10/2009

Those are all great looking mugs! It's too bad the company's not around anymore. For being the first and only ten designs that were made, they're all amazingly well done and polished looking. Even Tiki Farms early mugs looked kinda rough.

tikiskip posted on 05/16/2009

Ok here is the ITV catalog.
The red version of ITVs Tiki Party was a custom order.
The guy who did the mugs told my wife it was a new glaze
he was working on so he did us two of them in that glaze.
I wish I had bought more of these mugs but they were TEN BUCKS each.
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tikiskip posted on 05/16/2009

Just found this too.
I want to put it here so I wont forget it.

"Quick update:

I managed to get ahold of Raffi Apelian (of "Into the Volcano"), thanks to your leads and email addresses. It seems he's out of the business of mug making, at least for the time being. He's gone back to school and is currently "looking for work in a number of different fields; product design, packaging design, graphic design and advertising" in the New Jersey/New York area.

He said I could update you all. The sooner he can land work the sooner he might be able to get back into the Tiki design business, which would be great. So if you have any leads or words of encouragement, send them his way"

QUOTE Tiki Central 2002

Raffi Apelian Come back to making mugs!!!
I want more!

tikipaka posted on 05/16/2009

Thanks TikiSkip, for the pictures of the catalog. Any way you can get me a color copy, I'll pay.. At least now Tiki Kate will have some names and updates for the two mugs that I have that were unknown names until now. She has my Hu-Hu & my Kumu mug in Ooga Mooga under Tiki mug. I think she was waiting to see the catalog.. :lol: Thanks for posting..

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6de39cc93d928039bd141c2ee00cbcd2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki-Kate posted on 05/20/2009

The ITV templates on Ooga-Mooga have all been updated with the correct names, and tikipaka's orphans with no templates now have permanent homes. :)

tikipaka posted on 05/21/2009

:D 8) Thanks Kate & Skip, I've named my new children, Hu-Hu Kate & Kumu Skip. :lol:

A Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/39b899f7706be5e9e4b48f0d2d2c18b7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Atomicchick posted on 05/23/2009

That would be great if Raffi started making mugs again. I know a lot of people are looking forward to it! Please keep us posted!

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Bambú Yoo-hoo posted on 05/26/2009

On 2009-05-23 07:41, Atomicchick wrote:
That would be great if Raffi started making mugs again. I know a lot of people are looking forward to it! Please keep us posted!

What incredible art! I'm green with envy! :D

It's a shame that the designer has seemingly forsaken mug design for record store proprietorship?!...


...Sugar Loaf NY in Orange County and which borders on NJ and is about
35-40 minutes from NYC.
Is the home of a cool new record store...
...The store is owned and run by long time Tiki fan and mug designer
Raffi Apelian

Atomic Hi-Fi
1392 Kings Highway
Sugar Loaf, NY 10981-0029
atomichifi at frontiernet.net
www. myspace. com/atomichifi

Wonder if he ever plans on producing new mugs someday?

tikipaka posted on 08/08/2009

As of today's finds, here are all 17 ITV mugs now in my collection..

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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

TravelingJones posted on 08/08/2009

:o WOWZAA WOWZAA!!! Waaay coool tikipaka...SsweeetT! :o Tiki Revival RARITY EXTREME! :o

tikipaka posted on 08/09/2009

WOWZAA WOWZAA!!! Waaay coool tikipaka...SsweeetT! Tiki Revival RARITY EXTREME!

That's funny, because I'm thinking how rare can they be? To go out and find 7 at a time and in less than a year??? Oh well, I loveeeeeee each and every one of my little tiki finds.. :D :D

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