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Dan's Stuff

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Bali_Dan posted on 09/01/2008

I'm back....Check out my latest work! I'd love to get some feedback.

Check out what I call my "Cannibal"

Here are a couple of Tangs

Here's a small moai out of cedar.

Here's another small one a Marquesan.

And another a Tangaroa in the round!

[ Edited by: Bali_Dan 2009-08-10 10:46 ]

congatiki posted on 09/01/2008

Nice, your "couple of tangs" are very cool.

Tamapoutini posted on 09/02/2008

Agreed, the Tang pair really stick out for me too. Nice stylisation and tats!

benella posted on 09/02/2008

The double tang and the marq are killers. Nice work. What kind of wood?


Tiki Duddy posted on 09/02/2008

Very Cool stuff
really like the disigns on the Tangs

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AlohaStation posted on 09/02/2008

Awesome. Keep posting!

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seeksurf posted on 09/03/2008

Very, very nice carves going on!

Bali_Dan posted on 08/08/2009

Well I can't believe its been so long since I last posted something. I guess life just got in the way. Anyway I have a few more carvings to post and these i am putting up for sale in the marketplace. I had a person ask me to make them a yip won and I really liked doing it so I made some more. The first two are from a salvaged piece of pecan. This wood was in bad shape and that is why these are only carved on one side (made to hang on the wall).
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39 in. tall, 1 3/4 in. thick, 9 in. wide
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36 in. tall, 1 3/4 in. thick, 9 in. wide
This next one is a piece of fir. Very thin so it too is only carved on one side.
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48 in. tall, 1 in. thick, 9 in. wide
Hope you like them. They are stained with good old mahogany stain. I have more that I am working on so I will keep posting this time. Sorry I haven't been posting, just been to busy to sit down and post. Thank you for checking them out.

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TheBigT posted on 08/10/2009

Nice stuff Dan. Good to see you back. Been a long time. Hope your summer is going great!

Bali_Dan posted on 08/10/2009

Well I told you I would post more and here you go. These are the projects I am working on right now. The following are two more yipwon that I am in the process of shaping. They are red oak, and these will be carved on both sides. The taller is 60 in. and the other is 57 in.
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The next are some gope boards I am trying. These are 60 in. I tried staining two of them instead of painting. I have had a few people say they like the stained ones so let me know what you think.
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These next ones I am trying out the painting. (And yes it looks like I copied a piece that Lake used as inspiration too, sorry man. His is nicer anyway.)These are 60 in. as well.
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The next ones I designed myself, the first two are 60 in. And the small one is 36 in. It is designed from a Solomon Island paddle I saw and I am carving it in the gope board style.
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I hope all is well in the tiki central world and I hope everyone has fun at Oasis. Comments always welcome and very appreciated.

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4WDtiki posted on 08/10/2009

Wow, you got skills with the jigsaw!

I like the stained boards over the painted boards, they have a more earthy look.
Maybe if you tried a combo, mostly stained with some paint highlights?
I think that would look great!

Bali_Dan posted on 08/10/2009

Thank you 4wd. I think you are right about the stain too, and a combo just might be what the doctor ordered. I use a jigsaw on some of the work and a bandsaw on other parts. The jigsaw breaks the thin parts of the wood where they come to a point, at least thats been the experience. I ruined several of my first attempts at the yipwon because of the jigsaw. But that could have been because of the wood I first tried. Thank you again for your compliment.

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Watango productions posted on 08/11/2009

Way kool stuff Dan,luv 'n all ya peices.
Cheers Watango

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GROG posted on 08/11/2009

GROG like.

congatiki posted on 08/11/2009

Really like em all Dan, the yipwons are beautifully carved and I
like the colors on the boards. Looks like challenging stuff.

Bali_Dan posted on 08/11/2009

Watango, Grog, and Congatiki thank you very much. If you guys like them, then I must be getting close to doing something right. Each time I read posts like those I am motivated to do more. The TC community is great and really helps a struggling artist stay motivated.

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surfintiki posted on 08/11/2009

WOW! Killer stuff B.D.! You got it going on over there! Keep 'er coming.

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Aaron's Akua posted on 08/11/2009

Everything looks awesome. Nice work!

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Tikilizard posted on 08/11/2009

I really like your stained carvings and painted carvings as well. The stain fits the carvings perfectly. On the pained items, have you ever tried antiquing? It makes the painted surface look like it's older and removes the crispness of the new paint. I used to use it on Christmas ornaments and one of a kind bird houses to give them an older used or weathered look. IF you do use it I would suggest painting a scrap board similar to your tiki items and tring it out there. Great stuff!

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seeksurf posted on 08/12/2009

Wow! Me really like your work.

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Benzart posted on 08/12/2009

ME too, Me too, I Really love what yoy are doing with the PNG stuff, Way excellent carves.

Bali_Dan posted on 08/13/2009

Wow, Thank you everyone. Surfintiki, AA, Tikilizard, seeksurf, and Benzart you guys are too kind. I look to you guys stuff for inspiration and it blows me away that you would like what I am doing. I had just finished reading the newest issue of Tiki Magazine and the article on Benzart, then checked my thread and he had posted to my carvings, just blows me away. I am going to go out to the shop, and carve some more. Hope everyone has a great day.

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big daddy posted on 08/13/2009

nice pieces dan. totally agree with tikilizard. on the painted pieces try using a glaze if your interested in making it look older. be careful you don't use too much, it can go from really interesting and older looking to wtf rather quickly. so if you do try it use a scrape piece and use light coats until you build up a patina to where you like it. the pieces look great. keep up the good work.


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laojia posted on 08/14/2009

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Amazing Yipwan figure! I like so much this kind of work, can't wait to see finished!!! Gope board is also beautiful and well made....


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