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Carving Post

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Oh, there's some beautiful sculptural work on this thread, everyone. Fantastic.

Here we have a 37" Kini Kini I just finished. If the devil himself ever designed a Polynesian war club, this one would be it (I should know...I managed to cut three of my fingers on those sharp hooks while making it!). It is a very, very sharp "D" bladed weapon with gut hooks on back. The blade spirals at the tip, leaving a much wider and harder-to-close wound. It was made to attack soft parts of the body; a 180 degree sideswipe could open throats or midsections with utter ease. It is often referred to as a Hawaiian weapon, but I am almost certain this originates in the Solomons. This one is black walnut and has all chip carved decorations as an original would, no parting tools used. The lanyard is hand-braided raffia fiber.


Cool Beans Base..................Are you planning on starting a war?



[ Edited by: tikifreak on 2004-12-20 12:06 ]


congrats tikifreak on the whole, News coverage angle, that has to be exciteing and yet nerve racking at the same time. the tiki your making is looking good.


BK, Thats one nice gut tickler you got there. That is really cool. Regarding your Torch/sandpaper tip. Use the torch after you apply the stain?
Octane, Those are looking really nice. Is it just me or does your Moai look a little bit like a certain late night talk show host.
Congrats T.F on the promo, that new carvin' is shaping up nicely also.

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-08-08 13:52 ]

Before the stain. Stain flammable!

Octane posted on Fri, Aug 8, 2003 3:00 PM

thanks Chongolio i actually thought the same thing about the Leno part. not to happy with that carving though, or the wood i used (yellow pine). but they all can't come out like you would like.

Bk with the ageing with a torch, is the tiki done after you sand the burned part or do you add a stain or oil on top of that to get the look you are talking abou?


Bk, common sense is over rated. :D
I thought that maybe the flammable part was the piece of the puzzle that has eluded me and my staining efforts. Although, the stain now, burn later does have a nice "Mad Doctor" quality to it. Just got to watch the ol eyebrows.
Octane, Dont get me wrong, I think your Moai is killer. In fact, I like your tiki more than Iike Leno.

Just finished this Trobriand Islands war club of the Massim people. The decorations are all chip carved. Their carvings are at once crude and yet refined...some Trobriand artifacts look almost Greek in design (such as the Trobriand paddle that Vic Bergeron modeled his "Tortuga" swizzlestick after, visible on the recipe in the Grog Log). This one is 25 inches long. There is a plainer, fighting version of this club reproduced by Oceanic Arts which hung in almost every major mid-century tiki temple.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-08-10 21:32 ]


here is one i just finished it is two heads in a totem style.
BK nice war club

One last shot... the mailbox tiki finished, stained and sealed. Mission accomplished... delivery to the wedding reception/ picnic this coming Saturday...


I really like the stacked tiki totem. Very cool. Nice job on the Marquesan style carving.

Cool pole and mailbox! That thing is crazy heavy...I can tell. By the way, where the hell is Dawna? Haven't heard a peep out of her, and she's one of the best carvers on here. Paging Tikifille....


lookin good LS, Octane and my friend BK. I enjoy going threw dis post because of da carving post regulars (like you braddahs). Always nice to go threw da thread!

Aloha peopo!

Okole Maluna Haauoli Maoli Oe, Gecko! (Toasting you with some good 12-year Demerara)


eh howzit braddah BK, I enjoyed dat old rum from da MaiKai cuz! no need fo toast me, I'm preety sh*t faced right now as I type. I been celbrating my big project at da Tiki's grill & bar in Waikiki all weekend! (tanks Big B).

Eh, take it ez wit dat drink BK. Might need your skillz fo come help my overloading projects one day ya.

give da wahine a kiss on da cheek fo me

I tink i gon get wun mo bia (beer)!

Okole Maluna!

Anytime you need me, General. I need to come catch some of that big Mahi Mahi and Tuna "Ahi" you've got there.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-08-11 23:27 ]

On 2002-11-06 20:19, TikiScott wrote:
I think we need a post that shows off carvings or other tiki stuff people on here have made. Too start off, here are the carvings I have done so far.

Id like to see others carving without having to search through a bunch of posts. Thanks!

[ Edited by: tikiscott on 2002-11-06 21:53 ]

Go to my brothers web page and take a look at his tiki carvings.


He hasn't updated in a while though and has lots of new carvings.


thanks gecko and monkeyman for the kind words on the totem.

Lake surfer, that Mailbox pole turned out excellent and should be a great wedding gift.

Hey Gecko- i have a question for you, what kind wood was that tangaroa wade out of?

Mahalo Octane, you've got a sharp chisel yourself there... nice attention to detail and good carvings!

"I'm sorry, Garcon, you said only 14 ounces of rum? 14 ounces? Better keep the rest of the straws, we'll only need two"....

Awesome pic, Dave! Blow it up and frame it. It's a classic!

[ Edited by: tikifreak 2006-02-28 10:36 ]

Basement Kahuna wrote:

"The Islander & The Mainlander"

Two individuals, even though born & raised thousands of miles apart, hold three things in common: women, strong tropical concoctions and Tiki! See them swoon the ladies, sip Scorpions, and carve creations like no other!

Coming to a theater near you. Rated R.

BK and Geck, can I get this pic autographed? I'm serious.

Sure, I'll bite!.....Geck?

Okay BK, I'm sendin' you a glossy pic. Where do I send it? You can send me an e-mail if you like. Thanks!

[ Edited by: tikifreak 2006-02-28 10:37 ]


"The Islander & The Mainlander"

"Two individuals, even though born & raised thousands of miles apart, hold three things in common: women, strong tropical concoctions and Tiki! See them swoon the ladies, sip Scorpions, and carve creations like no other!

Coming to a theater near you. Rated R."

ha ha ha ha!
Eh SCD, dat was a classic paragraph! dat would have took me a month to tink of and put'em on paper. Da swoonstaz eh?

ummm....Let me quote you SCD...see if you remember dis

"Oh, is this your floor too?"

I remember dat sentence like it was yesterday my friend. I was laughing the rest of da way down da elevator! don't act dumb playa playa! Now I know why your da SCD!
dats all i gon say braddah.

Jungletrader, no worries brah, send me da pic of me and dat crazy haole beside me. Could you send me a copy of dat pic to. No need fo sign'em.

speaking of signed pics, I'm sending you da signed pic of me and Mr. Martin Denny as promised today. You should get it in a few days.

Howzit Octane, Da Tangaroa was made of coconut palm. You tinking about making one?



Howzit Octane, Da Tangaroa was made of coconut palm. You tinking about making one?

not sure i'm going to make one or not. i just really like the look of the wood, when you showed the picture before the stain went on. it had a nice color and look to it, something i hadn't seen before. by the way it turned out great, the aging technique you used looks perfect.

Tiki freak those two tikis you finished are looking good or as you say (badass).

[ Edited by: Octane on 2003-08-13 13:08 ]

Man, for what little it's worth, Octane, I think you're on fire, man....I've never seen somebody improve/get more complex so fast or so prolifically. You could make a lot of money at this and even more so if you keep the steady improvement in quality going.

Tikifreak-the chupacabras are cool.


Now, now BK i don't think i deserve all that, though i do appreciate it ALOT, and by the way any information from you on carving is held very high, as your work speaks for it self.

well as far as making some money at carving that might happen (though i still have every carving i'v done), as a few people have shown some interest including a local resturant. but who knows.

here is one i'm in the middle of it's a Moai. it will be 46 inches tall when finished. this is the other half of the log (palm) that i carved the first Moai out of a few weeks ago.

I've discovered something about half-rounds recently...They're damned great!..Two grooves about an inch deep up the back and good brushing of satin urethane and they hardly ever split...they are versatile,they also dry fast and clean, and they give the same look and front surface area while conserving vital space AND can easily be screwed to a wall or doorframe. Not only that, but half the weight, which is a good thing when you have back and hip joint problems at 32 from playing human forklift for half your life! I'm still doing full round poles, too, of course, but the half-rounders are going to be a permanent addition to my media now. Most any tiki you look at is mainly front-image area anyway.

T.F Those things are wicked lookin' Those Muthas would keep the ol ladies out of my garden for sure. Personally, not a fan of the metal nose ring though. Maybe if it was made out of a bone and looked more native style it would be cool. I am just not a Nose ring kinda guy.
Hey Octane, That one is starting to look like Conan O'brien. Just Kiddin' :P
Those are some deserved props comin' from the Kahuna. Nice work!
SCD, BK, Gecko, I bet all the girls go "Zazz" when you three enter the lounge.



Chongolio, come on, Conan O'brien, i was thinking more David lettermen! but, the more i look at it, i could see a little Conan in there. pretty soon i will have them all. LOL

Hey Octane, That could be your niche. Celebrity tiki carvins. :D


well here is the Moai almost finished (95%). i have to cut the bottom off so he will stand up straight (the only power tool that will be used), and do a little finish work. He will have to sit for about a week to let him dry out (as this peice of palm was really wet), so i can do some sanding and finish work. he isn't exact to the actual Moai. i might add some carvings on the back like the real Moai have or add some of the Easter Island writing.

[ Edited by: Octane on 2003-08-14 17:56 ]

Hey Basement Kahuna- I guess I take this "teach so you get the summer off" thing seriously. I've been in Yosemite, Jalama (a Cali beach camp place), and cross country for 3 weeks. I'll cruise over to my sister in law's and post pictures a piece I finished in June. I'm finishing up a 7 ft. piece (that I started in 2001--what a slacker!) Then you're up. (Maybe I should just give you the orig.) How about a X-mas delivery? My work ethic needs help. Drop me a line et nous pouvons parler.

...We all though you'd met some millionaire hunk and retired to Tahiti! Whenever is fine, Fille, no hurry...Christmas delivery sounds real cool. Look forward to seeing the 7-footer...

I've been trying to wade through this fantastic series of posts, and was wondering if it isn't time for a "Carving Tiki" forum? It seems as though there is enough volume on the topic, and it would allow for the topic to be explored in greater depth.



i have a couple of questions for everyone.

the first question deals with carving stone or lava style rocks. has anyone ever tried to carve any of these? is it like carving wood? what kind of tools do you use?

the second question deals with pricing on tiki's. for those who sell tiki's or buy them from carvers, do they sell them by the foot and if so what are some standard prices per foot? or do they just price them depending on the difficulty of the tiki?

any help on either of the topics would help, thanks

Octane, I believe the best carvers sell at minimum 100 clams per foot. Although Chikitiki, Gecko and others sell some of their carvings for more. The ratty, crude carvings sometimes get about 50 per ft. Bosko sells for less than 100 sometimes, but only cause he's bangin' 'em out faster then Bax's blue pancakes.

On 2003-08-17 13:15, TikiGardener wrote:
I've been trying to wade through this fantastic series of posts, and was wondering if it isn't time for a "Carving Tiki" forum? It seems as though there is enough volume on the topic, and it would allow for the topic to be explored in greater depth.


I agree, this thread is getting cumbersome to review, but all the same it has some great pictures and information of great value in it. It would be much more convienient to have a whole forum devoted to carving!

GECKO posted on Tue, Aug 19, 2003 1:30 AM

eh braddahz, heres a cocnut stump on da chop block unfinished and still needza lil mo chizlin.

in dis nex pic you can see da body needs to be mo even. wraped his arm with some rope jus so you can see da hole goes all da way trew.
still in da works. dis buggah already sold in case anybody like know.

mahloz plenty

GECKO posted on Tue, Aug 19, 2003 1:49 AM

it's all up to you Octane on da prices. How eva you feel your work iz worth and wat da peopo wen like pay fo dem.

I have charged unda $100 a ft to ova $200 a ft. jus rememba you gotta pay some dues first. Don't jump in at a high price. I've sold a tiki at $30 when I first got onto da seen....I'm not saying to do dat at all, I was jus outta a job at da time. But I tink you know wat I'm saying braddah. Take it slow cuz.

Sven, still searchin fo'dat perfect log fo Mr. Martin Denny. I might jus have to go with wat i get. Da man's getting no younga like you wen sed!



thanks for the help with da pricing on tikis Gecko and jungletrader.

Gecko I dig that tiki, that is great, how tall is it? Oh, by the way not much of a suprise, that he would have already sold. how much would one like that cost, and do you do the same tiki more then once or do you do one style and move onto another.

[ Edited by: Octane on 2003-08-19 11:28 ]

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