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Bone Tiki n stuff

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Rainhawk posted on 05/07/2009

Mauri ora :D

I was lurking the forum for years, saw heaps of cool stuff and figured I better share. Im not sure what to post...i post these now and some other stuff im working on later.

laojia posted on 05/07/2009

Yet new zealand carver killer! You have many things to teach me. Welcome on board man!

hiltiki posted on 05/07/2009

Interesting video, welcome to T.C. Please show us more pieces.

Rainhawk posted on 05/08/2009

cheers. :) I made that video cause i was sick of searching for bone carving techniques and there were hardly any good resources. I have the video for all the process but most of the carving is done by chisel, so i edited it down.
Heres some pics i didnt have time to post before: Toka-sand stone



[ Edited by: Rainhawk 2009-05-17 18:55 ]

Rainhawk posted on 05/18/2009

woo that was the welcome i thought i might get :( 8
Nvrm maybe i blew it by posting here but i thought i would post hoping to share an maybe meet some similar peeps.

Anyway, good luck with the carving :) :wave:l8a

Benzart posted on 05/18/2009

Greetings Rainhawk, it's Nice to find yet Another Ben posting here on TC, WELCOME! Sorry I had not seen your post until now but Anyway I Love your bone pieces anad your Shop looks Interesting too, ncluding that huge slab of wood. from the bone chunks I see in the background it looks as though you have really been busy and it seems you carve wood as well. Your chisel Must be very sharp to pare the bone as it does.
Thanks Big time for the videos too, they are great for learning and Inspiration. Thanks
"Other" Ben

Paipo posted on 05/18/2009

Kia ora Rainhawk, you've got some sweet traditional-influenced chops and there is a definitely an appreciative audience here for this style of work. I really enjoyed sitting back and watching that vid last night, even though I had already spent the whole evening carving. Gotta try the chisels on bone myself when I finally get back to it. There are a lot of new threads being posted here all the time and it's very easy for them to slip down the page without many replies, so just be patient and keep posting and the questions and accolades will follow!

[ Edited by: Paipo 2009-05-18 14:47 ]

surfintiki posted on 05/19/2009

Welcome! Awesome to have Maori descent among us!

Benzart posted on 05/19/2009

Yeah Rainhawk, don't leave so easily, I'm sure you Will find many peeps interested in your excellent carves and I'm sure you have Much to show and teach us.

benella posted on 05/19/2009

Kia Ora,

And welcome on T.C.
Excellent wood carves. Do you have more pix of your wood stuff to show ?

Your video's reaaly nice.


Clarita posted on 05/21/2009

very nice work Rainhawk, keep posting please

Tamapoutini posted on 05/22/2009

Tena koe Rainhawk. Good to have another Kiwi on board - nice work!

As has been mentioned already, TC members are all different, some posting everyday, others only checking in every few weeks or months. Hang in there (you may find more responce with rakau-whakairo around here too, mostly woodchippers).

video? Am I missing something..?

So, a few Q's for you: where did you learn to carve? wananga trained? Ive recently been sitting at the feet of a great woodcarver and even with that luxury, know how difficult surface decoration is. You seem to have a good handle on it. Im sure you have a lot more to share with us - how about it?


Rainhawk posted on 05/26/2009

Thanks Guys

I love carving wood and stone also but bone is where im at for now. Im in the process of failing my B.A in traditional maori whakairo. Wananga.
I am trained both in wananga and whare maire anyway. Mostly I was inspired by friends who grew up in whakairo carving and stories of how their family carved waka etc. A friend taught me some traditional maori wood whakairo and I taught him Reo. :) I was also trained how to carve stone/bone by hand.
It takes a life time to learn and i still feel like im at the start. If you have questions ill try to answer. I have alot of questions 2.

I have a edited part of a bone carving video up on you tube. Its on my homepage also... most of the carving was done with a single flat Stanly chisel thats as blunt as hell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0cX4E_a1iA
Hopefully il post some better videos later on

[ Edited by: Rainhawk 2009-05-26 16:49 ]

[ Edited by: Rainhawk 2009-06-06 18:47 ]

TikiMango posted on 05/27/2009

Nice video, thanks for posting that. I enjoy all of your pieces, but please post more!

Rainhawk posted on 06/07/2009

sweet dude! This is what im working on now. Hope i dont blow it!

(i took it down- goto pg2)

[ Edited by: Rainhawk 2009-07-04 04:01 ]

Benzart posted on 06/07/2009

WOAH, Lookit this, I really hope you don't blow it too as he has Lots of neat details. I Hardly think you will blow it as there is already too much detail that was very tricky and difficult to do. Love the clean, crisp lines and the overall look of this one. I don't think I've seen this piece before, what is the size and the wood?
Thanks for sharing.

seeksurf posted on 06/07/2009

Love this Face thus far!

benella posted on 06/07/2009


Please update more often !


congatiki posted on 06/07/2009

Not sure how I missed this thread till today, lazy I guess.
I like the video, it helped me understand what you bone guys are
doing. Nice work and hope to see a lot more.

Rainhawk posted on 06/25/2009

Cheers guys

I have finally nearly finished him. :) Im not sure of the size Benzart but its only from my wrist to my elbow long. Made from totara. Best wood here except for maybe kauri. Its based on my traditional style. :D Cant wait to start my next big piece! When i get around to finish more bone carving ill post some pix. yeay friday!

[ Edited by: Rainhawk 2009-07-04 20:52 ]

Benzart posted on 06/26/2009

Thanks for the tease Rainhawk :P you Know we'll be dying till you post it, He's Sweet enough to show again though, even

in his unfinished state.
That Totara wood is Beautiful. We have a Podocarpus over here which looks very similar which I've had the pleasure of carving and it is Sweet stuff. Don't keep us hanging too long?
:D :o


[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-07-04 04:28 ]

pdrake posted on 06/26/2009

holy cow! great stuff! i think i was supposed to grow up as a kiwi. oh, well. better luck next time. har!

Rainhawk posted on 07/05/2009

Thanks mang :D :lol: "better luck next time" id be a killer dolphin :P

At the moment, other than bone/ stone carving in my studio, im also working at uni studing wood carving under a tohunga (master). He helped to teach me to draw up and carve the mask. He would carve parts to school me, I did carve most of it though, but I didnt do it all alone :) Im confident with the right tools i may even do it again :wink:heh Compaired to the other students work though, mines just scratching average

Hes going to exhibit for over a K this week. :D sweeeeeet
I'll post some more bone carving laterz and some more bone videoz. :rockon:

Benzart posted on 07/05/2009

He doesn't even look like the last pic you were working on. Way Cool looking detail. I'd say your Tohunga will be finished with you pretty soon and he will be nudging you out of the nest.
Nah, You are already flying free.
Thanks for the post and the Pic!

Rainhawk posted on 09/03/2009

Thanks mang
This is my pou/ heke that im working on at the moment :)
Im pretty stoked with him but the hard part is coming, the surface design. I had fun blocking him out and cleaning him tho, but i really dont want to blow it now.
All the work was done by hand with a chainsaw :wink:i mean sand paper :wink: i mean chisel. :D

[ Edited by: Rainhawk 2009-10-24 03:24 ]

TikiMango posted on 09/03/2009

He's off to a great start! I don't think you have to worry about messing up. You have mad skills!

Tamapoutini posted on 09/03/2009

Super tight panel there Rainhawk! What type of wood is that? I agree with above comment - your skills are evident, just a matter of taking your time and doing your best at all times eh? Im sure your surface decoration will be just as outstanding. Im still not brave enough to show my first rakau efforts yet but will do soon - dont want to make my teacher look bad & a little worried that the expectations on TC-Maoris might be quite high. Your fine mahi doesnt help my cause at all either.. :lol:

Kia ora,

Benzart posted on 09/04/2009

Another excellent one Rainhawk. I can see where you hac=ve Lots of fun ahead and your surface prep looks great
T-3, Yes I expect perfection from you for sure, Saw the one you had on Trade me and it was typical Tama perfection

TheBigT posted on 09/04/2009

Hey nice work! Love the thickness on these pieces. Keep postin.

Rainhawk posted on 09/11/2009

Thanks guys :D
Tama: Dont worry i feel the same way about my work compaired to the bro's in my class, their stuff is amazing! You just cant judge you work by others though. Hes made from native totara, nice red but not a perfect piece cause it has a split or two. Just makes it abit of a challenge to notch. I dig it the most! Im just getting my patterns ready to finish him :)

MooneyTiki posted on 09/11/2009

very cool carves!!!

Rainhawk posted on 10/24/2009

This is my pou/heke just before i finished him :D :) Its alot darker now. And i started my next piece while he dry's. yeya Ill post a full pic later. peace

tikimecula posted on 10/24/2009

Nice work!

Benzart posted on 10/24/2009

WOW, Who's the student and who's the teacher, this is an Incredible piece of work ! Can't wait to see the finished piece.

hiltiki posted on 10/25/2009

Rainhawk your work is very nice, please post more pictures.

GROG posted on 10/25/2009

GROG like.

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/26/2009

absolutley BEAUTIFUL!! hats off!! cheerz!

TheBigT posted on 10/26/2009

Amazing carve - can't wait to see the rest of him.

benella posted on 10/27/2009


Tamapoutini posted on 11/02/2009

Superb! Cant wait to see it all stained up..

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/03/2009

Wow-you are very, very good my friend.

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crazy al posted on 11/03/2009

now this guy has been doing some carving! ! ! and designing and refining and sharpening and....

[ Edited by: crazy al 2009-11-02 19:11 ]

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Clarita posted on 11/03/2009

Excellent really, what else can I say..

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Benzart posted on 11/08/2009


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tikigodz posted on 11/08/2009

THe detail is AMAZING!!!

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benella posted on 11/16/2009


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seeksurf posted on 11/17/2009

Very nice!

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Rainhawk posted on 01/04/2010

Hey all sorry i take so long to post a reply. I was waiting for better pictures but i didnt get any new ones, and the stain pics didnt come out good. But also afew other artists have talked to me about posting images(c) and have made me hesitant to post.
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It looks rough in photos but its sweet :) irl

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