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Poolside Luau/Premiere of East Indies Room!

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Traderpup posted on 05/21/2003

Trader Pup's Poolside Luau
and the official premiere of
The Spectacular East Indies Room!

Join Trader Pup and his crew for the official unveiling of the Spectacular East Indies Room!

Enjoy an evening of exotic cocktails, puu-puu's, entertainment and pool fun in an authentic 50s backyard setting!

Saturday, August 23rd
at my hale in Long Beach, CA
6:00pm 'til the rum stops flowing!

Feel free to arrive earlier in the afternoon if you'd like to enjoy the pool, but risk being put to work! There should be plenty of appetizers available, but food contributions will be welcome!

My hale is at 3407 Lees Avenue, Long Beach, close to 405, 605, & 91 fwys. More specific directions will be available closer to party time. Call (562) 706-3641 with any questions.

This is also the weekend of the Long Beach Tiki Fest, so come on out for Tiki Fest for the day, then cruise on over to Trader Pup's for party time! I'm about 6 miles from the beach event. Tiki Fest is at the Granada boat launch, at Granada & Ocean Ave, Long Beach.


Directions to the party:

From LA/OC via 405 fwy:

South (from LA) or North (from OC)
605 fwy North
Willow/Katella exit (1st exit, stay to left to exit onto Willow)
Studebaker turn right
Wardlow turn right
Lees turn left (1st left)
2nd house on left, 3407 Lees Avenue

from LA/OC via 5 fwy or 91 fwy:

5 fwy South or 91 fwy East (LA) or 5 fwy North or 91 fwy West (OC)
605 fwy South
Carson Street, turn right
Los Coyotes Diagonal, turn left, stay in left lane
veers to left, becomes Studebaker
Wardlow turn left
Lees turn left (1st left)
2nd house on left, 3407 Lees Avenue

from Tiki Beach Fest:

Granada North (away from beach)
2nd Street turn right, continue a couple miles, passing PCH
Studebaker Road turn left, continue about 3-4 miles
Wardlow turn right
Lees turn left (1st left)
2nd house on left, 3407 Lees Avenue

[ Edited by: Traderpup on 2003-08-18 12:15 ]

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/21/2003

I'm there Pup!

PolynesianPop posted on 05/21/2003

Poly-Pop is in!

August party dates are indeed filling fast! With International Tiki Day on the 9th, Sydney's Tiki Birthday Spectacular on the 16th, and the Long Beach Tiki Beach Fest/East Indie's Room Debut on the 23rd, its beginning to look like a very busy month!

**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-05-21 11:13 ]

hula hula posted on 05/21/2003

UGH you guy are kiling me, my car and wallet cant handel all this driving

Trader Tiki posted on 05/21/2003

UGH you guy are kiling me, my car and wallet cant handel all this driving

They keep trying to bring you Bach.

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/21/2003

Wouldn't miss a TraderPup happening for the World (OK, maybe for Tahiti).

stentiki posted on 05/22/2003

hey pup!

mahalo for opening up your home. we've been look forward to seeing your oasis. i may be out of town then (fall schedule not yet finalized), but if i'm around we'll be there for sure.

trustar posted on 05/24/2003


We would be honored to attend your shindig.

See you there.

Recently transplanted Trustar clan

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/24/2003

stentiki wrote:
hey pup!...i may be out of town then... but if i'm around we'll be there for sure.

Tina can come (to the party) without you, can't she?

bigbrotiki posted on 05/29/2003

Pup, I would love to be there, but isn't that the Chicago Exotica weekend? After being doomed to miss the Oasis and the Hukilau, I will definitely have to attend Exotica 2003. Please play "The Size of your Tiki" in my absence, from your CD compilation that I continuously enjoy in my exile.

Monkeyman posted on 05/29/2003

Mr. and Mrs. Monkeyman will be there.

Traderpup posted on 07/31/2003

Just a reminder: the premier of the Spectacular East Indies Room is on Saturday, August 23.... go check out the Long Beach Tiki Beach Fest during the day, and head on over to my hale for an evening of puu-puus and grog!

Full details soon to follow....


Tiki Diablo posted on 08/01/2003

I'll be selling my stuff at the fest. Then it's off to Pup's hale.

Alnshely posted on 08/01/2003

Were in.

Traderpup posted on 08/11/2003

Less than 2 weeks away!


weirduncletiki posted on 08/11/2003

Aloha, Trader Pup!

You betcha I'll be there. Looks like the Maikai Gents and The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa will also be at the East Indies Room after their show at the Long Beach Tiki Beach Festival. Mahalo!

-Weird Unc

JohnnyRottenTiki posted on 08/14/2003

Thanks for the invite traderpup. I'll be there. Looking forward to meeting the gals and girls of Tiki Central.

Jungle Trader posted on 08/14/2003

Thanks Trader Pup but I'll be back up here. Live it up!

Luckydesigns posted on 08/14/2003

Pup, I so wish I could be there. I'm afraid that I'll be in Kauai that week.

I like the sign and logo that you came up with for the East Indies Room and I can't wait to see pictures from the party. Hopefully this won't be the last thing you have for a while.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 08/14/2003

Spike! What? You won't be here! Oh well....hey, can you see if you can pick up one of those funny thingies theys sell over there? Some look like mad, screaming men or someone showing off their newly capped teeth?

I think I've heard them called Tikis!


TraderPup: I'll be there after visiting the Tiki Beach Fest!

inkylouise posted on 08/14/2003

Gosh, I wish I lived in Cali!

Pup, Drink one for me!

Hanalei_Pirate posted on 08/15/2003

I got the invitation and of course I will be there - I been watching the pics in the thread about you building this room and will have a million some-odd how-to questions like how did you do all that and manage to show up at every party thus far this summer? You must have been really burning the midnight oil!

Traderpup posted on 08/18/2003

directions to party are now available on the first post!


Traderpup posted on 08/18/2003

There's going to be some contests for really cool prizes, check out these threads:

Outrageous Cocktail Garnish Competition!

Tiki Trivia Contest!

There will be more contests unveiled at the party! Enjoy!


JohnnyRottenTiki posted on 08/19/2003

On my last post, I meant to say, "guys and gals".

C ya!

stentiki posted on 08/19/2003


We're in.

Looking forward to it.


Monkeyman posted on 08/19/2003

I'll be there solo.

CheekyGirl posted on 08/19/2003

Hey, to any TC'ers that are going to the Long Beach Festival--are any of you interested in meeting up there--prior to heading up to Pup's party? E-mail me!

Cultjam posted on 08/20/2003

Oh, this is the place! If there's any room left, I will be there!

I'm not sure when I'll get to the festival but would love to meet some of the legendary hoity toities! I'll be the pale white tourist chick in a Munktiki shirt...maybe alone, maybe towing a suffering boyfriend along.

Traderpup posted on 08/20/2003

There's plenty of room for all to join the Hoiti Toitis!

Cultjam, looking forward to seeing you there!


TikiPug posted on 08/20/2003

Mrs. Pug & I can't wait to see all of your hard work. Momma Pug, Auntie Pug, and Cousin Pug will be tagging along.

MTKahuna posted on 08/21/2003

I'll be there after the festival. I'll be dragging along miss suki suki and 2 tiki virgins.

I need help carrying my garnish.

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/22/2003

Pup, nursing wounds of dad's stroke the other day and a good friend/family business partner's simultaneous death, so I won't be there on video as I had planned but I'll send you a housewarming gift in a bit.

ModMana posted on 08/22/2003

Add 2 more to your RSVP list. Mrs. ModMana and I will be there and are looking forward to the spectacular premier!

ModMana :drink:

Traderpup posted on 08/23/2003

See y'all tonight!


Cultjam posted on 08/24/2003

Trader Pup,

With much regret I cannot make it this evening. It is wonderful I'm sure and I hope to see it someday soon and meet the hoity toitys. I've had to delay my trip to next weekend. :(


RevBambooBen posted on 08/24/2003

TP's pad is "cooooooool". The bar/room passed the test. The pool, fog , food ... it goes on and on. Mucho Mahalos for having us TP!!!
the Bambooooooos

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/25/2003

For a second I thought I was at a Disney feature or something. Tpups home bar is too cool! I could have stayed all night just relaxing poolside. Good to see you Tpup.

Monkeyman posted on 08/25/2003

Thanks for having us over Pup. Your Spectacular East Indies Room is a sight to behold. It is clear that you put tons of effort into it. Your food and beverage were top notch.

Good to see all the Southern Cal Tiki Folks again.

3 weekends in a row..... I am worn out.

I am now entering a rum blackout period

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-08-25 09:46 ]

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crazy al posted on 08/25/2003

Pup Put together a Poly-Popery with Perfect Pan ash and Pizzazz!!!
Pup gets Five Tiki Rating !!!!!

Traderpup posted on 08/25/2003

It is monday morning, and I am still fishing mai tai cups and champagne corks from the pool skimmer!

Thank you to all who helped make the premier of the Spectacular East Indies Room a memorable evening!

Congratulations to the contest participants & winners! Alnshely won the trivia contest, taking home an autographed Martin Denny album; Iuka Grogg took top honors with his inspirational Mai-Taiku, earning him a nice Coco Joes wall plaque (BOT, p. 187, lower right). The outrageous cocktail garnish event really showed off some bizarre creativity: MTKahuna with the cool beach hut party swizzle; Laney and her shrunken head garnish, complete with shrunken fruit, eyeballs, floating dead babies, and bubbling fog (someone hire Laney to decorate for a baby shower!); and Atomic Cocktail, who had Vintage Girl daintily perched on the edge of a Tiki mug (literally!). They all earned Tiki drink vessels, and bottles of TV rum!

Mrs. Sugarcaddydaddy brought an amazing cake to commemorate the event, featuring the SEIR logo! Thanks much! And thanks to all for the bar warming goodies.... the rum reserves are now well fortified....

The hit drink of the evening was the Typhoon... which, unfortunately, has not yet made it into the ranks of the Grog Log or Intoxica!.... but look for it.... different and tasty!

There were lots of flash bulbs popping, hopefully we'll get to see some pics soon!


Tiki_Bong posted on 08/25/2003

Glad to hear a good time was had by one and all. I was drafted to spend weekend at D-land and the D-land hotel. There was a big Goth gathering there which made it interesting, but not as much as the East Indies Room I'm sure.

I want to see some pictures! Al, Al!

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floratina posted on 08/25/2003

Twas a fine evening, indeed. The Spectacular East Indies Room is a joy to behold. Even the switchplates were tapified. There were many interesting carvings - there was even a (anti)rape god hanging on the ceiling. The mixology was brilliant and the SEIR staff kept the trays stocked with fresh, warm, tasty noshes. I especially loved the lava rock-y poolside waterfall, replete with treasure chest. Thank you to the Pup Team for all of your effort - just to please us tikis. I held up my initial post until this morning, when I hoped to get some pix up; unfortunately I didn't bring the proper cable with me today and dagnabbit, I needed that in order to download the photos! I will get some up tomorrow.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 08/25/2003


Thanks for a great party! What a fine house indeed! The SEIR is a great piece of work! The only thing I forgot to find out was....HOW DID THE BACK OF THE WHITE DOOR LOOK??

Great bartending, great drinks! Did someone get a shot of Pup's popular drink "The Typhoon"? The presentation was classic!

Judd, I want a Mai Tai-ku rematch! I was robbed! :lol:

Thanks TraderPup!

MTKahuna posted on 08/25/2003

Thanks for a wonderful shindig. The end of the evening is somewhat of a blur... I hope that I didn't talk anyone into a coma!!!

The place looked great and the food was muy delicioso. The art was fantastic &
to quote Crazy Al, "you have one of the largest cock collections that I have ever seen". :lol:


PolynesianPop posted on 08/25/2003

On 2003-08-25 15:39, MTKahuna wrote:
The art was fantastic &
to quote Crazy Al, "you have one of the largest cock collections that I have ever seen". :lol:

That's right! Those cocks were all over the kitchen!

weirduncletiki posted on 08/26/2003

What a superb evening! I'm glad there was so much blue mood lighting so you all couldn't see that I was green with envy. That Spectacular East Indies Room is just that... spectacular! Thanks, Trader Pup for inviting us all in and feeding us such delicious and copius amounts of food and drink. Fun games, too! I've got some photos that I sent to Trader Pup, so if we don't see 'em soon, I'll post 'em myself. Aloha!

-Weird Uncle Tiki

CheekyGirl posted on 08/26/2003

I liked the deceiving modest exterior of your home and then BAM! You are transported to a tropical paradise! The palms, the tikis, the shells, the lights, the fog, the waterfall and ooohhh...I wanted to pack off with some of booty in the treasure chest!

Sooooo many cools and interesting things to see everywhere! Your home was a visual cornucopia!

The East Indies room was truly spectacular. A visual feast! I especially liked the App-A-Tiki. The spread was great and the drinks delicious. (Very, very interesting use of Spam.) Okay, okay, I can go on and on...but many, many accolades to our fine hosts!

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