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Tiki Central / California Events

Resurrection of the Hawaiian Room (Sat., Sept. 20th)

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MTKahuna posted on 08/19/2003

For one night,and one night only, I would like to transform the Hawaiian Room (an old tiki relic) into a happening tiki shindig.

But in order to ressurect the sleeping tikigods there must first be a traditional kava ceremony.

The Ceremony will include:

Tiki Art/Carvings by: :tiki:
Danny Chikitiki Diablo
Crazy Al
TIKI Paintings by Tom Walker & various Long Beach Artist
Exotic Bowls by Johnnie Valour

Performances by:
The Smokin' Menehunes
Hula Halau'O Lilinoe Dancers

Pu Pu's Ala Tui
Tropical Drinks (No host bar)
Kava Shots

Hawaiian Room
9875 East Alondra
Bellflower, CA 90706
Sat. Sept 20, 2003
*Ceremony starts at 9:00pm



From 605 North
Exit Alondra (L/West)
Follow Alondra Blvd
Pass Eucalyptus
Rigt Hand Side (9875 Alondra)

From 605 South
Exit Alondra (R/West)

From 91 East
Exit Bellflower
Go North on Bellflower
Make a Right on Alondra Blvd
9875- Left hand side


[ Edited by: MTKahuna on 2003-09-11 17:59 ]

[ Edited by: MTKahuna on 2003-09-17 13:22 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/19/2003

This place does sound cool. From what Mike (MTKahuna) has told me, it's a classic old-school tiki bar that has been getting squeezed out.

We can transform it once again to it's glory days.

I've got tentative OK's from the rest of the Smokin' M's to play.

Mark your calendars now!

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/19/2003

I'm gonna do a drive-by before the big event.

MTKahuna posted on 08/19/2003

Hey Chikitiki,
Me and Bong were gonna go by the week of Sept 2-5th. Your welcome to come.

In fact anyone who wants to go and check out the before stage is more than welcome to join us.

Da mo'da kine


Hanalei_Pirate posted on 08/19/2003

On 2003-08-19 09:00, Tiki_Bong wrote:
it's a classic old-school tiki bar that has been getting squeezed out. We can transform it once again to it's glory days.

I never heard of this place - it is an actual current functioning tiki bar or its a closed up bar that is gonna be re-opened for us?

floratina posted on 08/19/2003

"before" stage? Whatcha plannin' on, anyways?

MTKahuna posted on 08/19/2003

Sistas HP & Floritina,

It's an actually functioning tiki bar... With less tiki and more advertisements.

The bar was originally built in the 60's. The current owners (Candy & Monroe) bought the establishment in the early 80's and kept all of the original decor (Tapa walls, bamboo lamps, floats, lava rock ceilings, canoes on the ceiling, etc.)

However, there is not much tiki left in the place and the joint has become very run down. They have hung up beer ads, video games, tv's, jukebox) to accomidate the local patrons.

I thought that it would be fun to do a tiki make over... and ressurect the tiki spirits once again. (If even for one night).

I would classify the bar as a definate TIKI DIVE BAR.

It's in the city of Bellflower (very close to the 91 & 605 freeways)

Come check it out...

MTKahuna posted on 08/19/2003

On 2003-08-19 13:49, floratina wrote:
"before" stage? Whatcha plannin' on, anyways?

I am going to bring in a whole bunch of tikies & Polynesian artifacts, cover the TV's, relight the lamps, take down the beer ads, spark up the grill, light the torches, bring in the hula girls, serve up some pupu's, show the bartenders how to make Tropical drinks, and hold a traditional kava ceremony.

There will also be door prizes ...

And this will all be free to attendees (except for drinks... but they are the kinda bar that serves well drinks for $2.00 & beers for $1.00) :drink:

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/19/2003

This is the kinda bar I love. Cheap drinks and draft beer! Man, life is good in America!

Hanalei_Pirate posted on 08/20/2003

On 2003-08-19 15:32, MTKahuna wrote:

I am going to bring in a whole bunch of tikies & Polynesian artifacts, cover the TV's, relight the lamps, take down the beer ads, spark up the grill, light the torches, bring in the hula girls, serve up some pupu's, show the bartenders how to make Tropical drinks, and hold a traditional kava ceremony.

Wow, now that is really cool!!! Can't wait to attend!

MTKahuna posted on 08/28/2003

Add Crazy Al to the mix...

TBong are you out there??

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/28/2003

Yeah brudda MT, Bong's here!

The Smokin' Menhunes (hopefully with Crazy Al beating out the time on coconuts) will be playing.

If anyone wants to check the place out next Thursday night (9/4), then stop by or come over to Bong's for a frosty tropical drink first.

Ahhhh, tiki time!

UtopianDreem posted on 08/29/2003

What time are you planning to show at the Hawaiian Room Sept 4th?

MTKahuna posted on 08/29/2003

On 2003-08-28 19:25, UtopianDreem wrote:
What time are you planning to show at the Hawaiian Room Sept 4th?

How about 8:30pm. All are welcome...
Remember it's still in it's TIKI DIVE Stage.

Unga Bunga posted on 08/30/2003

This is going to be an event!
Hell, I would've come just for the Kava ceremony.

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/02/2003

On 2003-08-29 13:08, MTKahuna wrote:

On 2003-08-28 19:25, UtopianDreem wrote:
What time are you planning to show at the Hawaiian Room Sept 4th?

How about 8:30pm. All are welcome...
Remember it's still in it's TIKI DIVE Stage.

Hey MTKahuna,

me and the band thought the gig was on Sept 20th? Wut up bruddah?

MTKahuna posted on 09/02/2003

Yes Sir Ree Bong...
The gig is on Sept. 20th (8:00pm)

I am going to the Hawaiian Room on Thursday to discuss set up, drink menu, count the outlets, look for lighting, etc.

Some people have shown interest in checking out the place before the event. So I'm sending out a pre event invite.


Luckydesigns posted on 09/02/2003

Sweet, they've got Ms. Pacman!

I can't wait to play some music there. We're slowly building our song list. I'm gonna guarantee at least 1 new song everytime you see us play.

MTKahuna posted on 09/06/2003

On 2003-09-01 21:38, Luckydesigns wrote:
Sweet, they've got Ms. Pacman!

Ms. PacMan has left the building...

I am still adding works of art from various tiki artist to the decorating agenda.

There will akso be a really cool commerative mug for sale (by tikifarm).

I'll keep you'se posted.

Luckydesigns posted on 09/06/2003

Damn! No Ms. Pacman!

One of my favorite bars down here in Baboa, "The Class of '47" just put in Ms. Pacman, so I'll get my fill before the Hawaiian room. Who wants a video game in a tiki bar anyway?

Tiki Farm's making a commerative mug? This is really turning into something. Can't wait to see the progress you've made on the decore.

Monkeyman posted on 09/08/2003

I will be at the Disneyland event that morning/afternoon. Is anyone planning on eating dinner beforehand? I would be open for it.


Tiki_Bong posted on 09/08/2003

MTKahuna, Trader Pup, some great new TC members whose name escapes me now, and myself checked out the Hawaiian Room last Thursay (I was off that week). The place is a great tiki bar blast from the past.

It has all the ingredients - located in hard-core urban area, dimly lit, interior done by Leroy and Bob, cheap drinks.

MT plans on tikifying the place out even more that Saturday before hand. Hope you all can make it.

The Smokin' Menehunes will play their little set about 9:00 or so.


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/08/2003

Tiki_Bong wrote:
MT plans on tikifying the place out even more that Saturday before hand.

You mean on 9/13 as "that Saturday before hand", or earlier in the day on Saturday 9/20?

The more I read it, the more confused and unsure I was so I thought I'd ask.

MTKahuna posted on 09/08/2003

HISTORY of the Hawaiian Room:

Last Saturday, I stopped by OA to pick up supplies. After cutting some bamboo, I asked Leroy if he remembers decorating a bar in the city of Bellflower. Suddenly, the stories began to flow.

He stated that the original name of the bar was the Dragon Hut. He remembers that an older guy, (He forgot his name), who owned a popular cleaning service opened the bar/restaurant in the late 60's.

"The theme of the place was huts", he recalls. "There was a hut in front of the place and several on the inside"."The back room was separated by saki bottles, cork floats, and shell deviders. I remember that we would polish off & collect saki bottles for the decor. We were the first to start that."

He also remembers that the original owner paid for all of the materials, but did not pay for his labor. "That was before we had our own contractors license."

I quietly appoligized for the previous owners stingy-nous and assured him that his work was not done in vain.
Before leaving, I invited him to the event (w/ saki free of charge).

I only hope that the transformation of the Hawaiian Room will live up to it's, & his, original standards.


Ressurection of the Hawaiian Room
September 20, 2003 @ 8:00pm
9875 East Alondra
Bellflower, CA 90706

[ Edited by: MTKahuna on 2003-09-08 14:43 ]

MTKahuna posted on 09/08/2003

On 2003-09-08 12:53, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:

You mean on 9/13 as "that Saturday before hand", or earlier in the day on Saturday 9/20?
The more I read it, the more confused and unsure I was so I thought I'd ask.


Thursday, September 18th (6:00pm)
Meeting with the owners to finalize drink menu, ingredients, and agenda.

Friday, September 19th (10:00am-until Karioki starts)
I will change lights, take down liquor signs, clean, rewire, etc.

Saturday, September 20th (10:00am -7:00pm)
set-up tikis & art, move tables, set up food & back area, camoflauge electronics, etc...

Saturday, September 20th (8:00pm-2:00pm)
Ressurection Ceremonies (9:00pm)
1st- Kava Ceremony (Presenting the owners with a tiki by Seamus & kava shots)
2nd- Hula girls
3rd- Happy Birthday Toast

  • Smoken Menehunies (Flexible, you guys let me know when you wanna play)

If you would like to assist with set-up on Friday 19th or Saturday 20th, send me an email or pvt msg.
I'd appreciate any help I can get.


[email protected]

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/10/2003

Hey tiki folks, how's about posting if you plan to hit this resurrection of a once proud tiki joint.

Mike needs to get a head count in order to know how many free lobster tails, hookers (men and women), booze, free vintage Trader Vics mugs, health insurance, cigarettes, 30 weight oil, beef jerky, and Crisco to get.

This does promise to be a kick in the butt time!

Tiki Diablo posted on 09/10/2003

I know I'm going.

PolynesianPop posted on 09/10/2003

I will definitely be there as long as my flight from Austin, TX makes it back on time. Might be going straight from the Airport!

Miss Flame posted on 09/10/2003

Wow! This sounds like the coolest thing ever! We don't have anything like this in Tennessee. The Piggy Wiggly Chilli Cook Off just don't compare (there really is such a thing, that's sad). Sure wish I could be there. You have to take lots of pictures so I can see the fun I'm missin'.

MTKahuna posted on 09/11/2003

On 2003-08-18 18:06, MTKahuna wrote:
All systems a gogo!!

Hey Tiki Tooners,

For one night,and one night only, I would like to transform the Hawaiian Room (an old tiki relic) into a happening tiki shindig.

But in order to ressurect the sleeping tikigods there must first be a traditional kava ceremony.

The Ceremony will include:
Tiki art/carvings by: :tiki:
Danny Chikitiki
Crazy Al

Performances by:
The Smoking Menehunies
Hula Halau'O Lilinoe Dancers

Poo Poo's ala Tui
Tropical Drinks (no host bar)
& shots of ceremonial kava

Join the madness... tiki style
(All cross over... step into the light... there is serenity in the light)

Hawaiian Room
9875 East Alondra
Bellflower, CA 90706
Sat. Sept 20, 2003
*Ceremony starts at 9:00pm


Yippee A'Kai Yay!

TikiPug posted on 09/11/2003

The Mrs. and I will be there.

TikiTimbo posted on 09/11/2003

Hi Mike - This sounds great, I didn't even know this place existed. Considering all the trouble and effort on your part, I wouldn't dare pass up the opportunity to take part. My wife and I will definitely be attending - can't wait, thanks!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/11/2003

Sabu will definitely be there, but the vivacious Tikibelle will be away in Arizona for the week I'm afraid.


DawnTiki posted on 09/12/2003

Is the bar going to be open to the public (walk-ins) that night or is it just open for those who are invited?

freddiefreelance posted on 09/12/2003

Pencil me in! The Mrs. & myself'll be by after Disneyland. It turns out her hairdresser's parents live just aound the corner, so we may have a very drunken hairdresser with us...

Doctor Z posted on 09/12/2003

The Good Doctor and Z-Girl will definitely be there!

UtopianDreem posted on 09/13/2003

Count the Mr. and me in for this one!

MTKahuna posted on 09/13/2003

On 2003-09-11 20:24, DawnTiki wrote:
Is the bar going to be open to the public (walk-ins) that night or is it just open for those who are invited?

Yes, the bar will be open to all who have a taste for fear. We may scare away many of the locals... :)

MTKahuna posted on 09/15/2003

A commerative mug will also be sold at the event...

MTKahuna posted on 09/17/2003

For one night,and one night only, I would like to transform the Hawaiian Room (an old tiki relic) into a happening tiki shindig.

But in order to ressurect the sleeping tikigods there must first be a traditional kava ceremony.

The Ceremony will include:

Tiki Art/Carvings by: :tiki:
Danny Chikitiki Diablo
Crazy Al
TIKI Paintings by Tom Walker & various Long Beach Artist
Exotic Bowls by Johnnie Valour

Performances by:
The Smokin' Menehunes
Hula Halau'O Lilinoe Dancers

Pu Pu's Ala Tui
Tropical Drinks (No host bar)
Kava Shots

Hawaiian Room
9875 East Alondra
Bellflower, CA 90706

Sat. Sept 20, 2003
*Ceremony starts at 9:00pm
*Bar: must be 21 years old

Commemorative mugs for sale: $20 :tiki:



From 605 North
Exit Alondra (L/West)
Follow Alondra Blvd
Pass Eucalyptus
Rigt Hand Side (9875 Alondra)

From 605 South
Exit Alondra (R/West)

From 91 East
Exit Bellflower
Go North on Bellflower
Make a Right on Alondra Blvd
9875- Left hand side


Futura Girl posted on 09/17/2003

please send our regards to the Hawaiian room - we'll have a toast to this exciting event from da ninth island.

CheekyGirl posted on 09/18/2003

Will be there with a girlfriend in tow! For all you skeptics, yes my friend Alice does exist!

Hot Lava posted on 09/20/2003

Hot damn!

As long as I'm here for the Disneyland event, I'm coming to this too!

MTKahuna posted on 09/20/2003

On 2003-09-19 20:51, Hot Lava wrote:
Hot damn!

As long as I'm here for the Disneyland event, I'm coming to this too!

Look forward to meeting you. It's gonna be a blast...

Tonguroa Tigertail posted on 09/21/2003

Wish I could go this sounds like a damn fine time! But Oregon is just a little too far away.
Hope you get lots of good pics particularly of the new decor... I am dying to see.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/21/2003


A fine job, yes, a fine job indeed! I hope the owners of the Hawaiian Room do appreciate what you did to make everyone aware of its existence. I do believe that some of the regulars from the bar, that probably have never seen more than 10 people there at one time, actually had a good time!

I will say it now, before anyone tries to diss the bartender, (yeah, singular = bartender), that she made an honest effort to keep up with the drinks. She was probably just out of practice on keeping up with a large crowd, since like I said before, there were probably never more than 10 people at one time to handle, in addition to trying to learn a drink menu full of drinks she's never mixed before. It was a learning experience, and I'm sure that's the last of the single bartender for such an event. Kudos to the gentleman who voluntarily acted as barback for MOST OF THE NIGHT! Someone GIVE him a Hawaiian Room Mug!

The Smokin' Menehunes were great to have done 2 sets for the evening's entertainment, along with the hula girls doing their dances! Good job on turning off and hiding all the neon beer signs and games previously exposed. One great touch was keeping "The Claw" game operating, even decorating it with bamboo trim (thanks to TraderPup), and filling it with Coco Joe's souvenirs, Hawaiian Room cozies, packages of stir sticks, plastic crabs, lobsters, etc., for all to have a try at winning a prize! Poor Shelley...wonder if she ever got a prize after all those trys at the game!

The JohnnieVelour bowl display was incredible! Great work! Seamus's concrete tikis were a great addition, along with ChikiTiki's carved tikis. Octane's carved-from-baseball bat's tikis were awesome!

The original Hawaiian Room sign outside of the building said "Cocktails ~ Steaks", and the original grill (still works but isn't part of The Room's current offerings) would have been interesting to see in it's heyday. Does anyone have or know of a picture of this place from days gone by?

I hope to visit this hidden treasure again soon!

Keep me posted on The Hawaiian Room's future, as per our previous conversation.

Mahalo MTKahuna!

deadbeat posted on 09/21/2003

This was a very fun event. Tiki Central people are very friendly and nice. The turn out was great! This was my first Tiki Central event, and you guys really do a great job! The band was great and the decorations were incredible! Congratulations to all involved. Thanks for the list of Tiki places I should visit in Southern California and cluing me in to Hi Times in Costa Mesa. You guys really go all out! Very cool!

PolynesianPop posted on 09/21/2003

MT, the Hawaiian Room was a blast! What a cool place -- I hope to return many times. The Smokin' Menehunes were "smmmmmoooooooooookkkkkkkin'" as usual. Nice to see everyone again. Can't wait til the next shindig!

Pages: 1 2 3 98 replies