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eBay: Enchanted Tiki Room Dress

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NewFoundTiki posted on 08/18/2003

As you can see by my user name I am a newly found Tiki fan. I never knew there was such a calling for Tiki goods until I found this Enchanted Tiki Room Dress last week. In doing my research on the dress I found your site and have had tons of fun reading. I think I am ready to Tiki my back patio. Well, the dress will not fit me so I guess it will stay on the Ebay auction block but I wanted to share it with you all. Since I have no idea how to create a link here is the item number...2188284561.

Thanks and enjoy, I will be back to read more posts on the Tiki lifestyle and collecting.

Alnshely posted on 08/18/2003

The auction is here. Cool dress, I bet it goes over $200.00

NewFoundTiki posted on 08/18/2003

WOW, thanks for the reply. I appreciate the link and the pics. I have my fingers crossed on this one, it has been a while since I had a really great find that did well on Ebay!

Unga Bunga posted on 08/18/2003

Hell, This is the first time I've considered becoming a transvestite. :)
Addendum: This was a joke.
A Tiki Cheers To You!

Come Have A Drink At Unga's Bar

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-08-19 00:36 ]

Futura Girl posted on 08/19/2003

i think i'm gonna bid on this one since i've been coveting some other T.C. guy member's original tiki room shirts.

does anyone know how often these come up for sale? and what's too much to pay for it?

NewFoundTiki posted on 08/19/2003

Futura...well since I am the one that has it up for auction I might not be the one to ask but personally I think the dress is worth a bazillion dollars. Actually I am already pleased with the bids and activity on the dress so if the auction ended now I would be happy.

I will let you know I researched this dress to the nth degree and could not find out squat about it except for the information on the tags itself. I spent a couple of hours on the web checking Disney collector sites, talked to a few local Disney collectors, asked questions on Ebay's Vintage Clothing Discussion boards, NOTHING! If it were not for the Disney tags and the fact that the fabric is dated I would have been really lost. The tag is vintage and the zipper is metal so all I could have gone with was maybe a 60's sounvenir or costume. My research actually led me here to this site which I felt was a great way to market the dress as I came to realize that it had value to TC boardies.

I will let you know and will guarantee that it will come to you in excellent condition. The winning bidder should be thrilled. The fabric is perfect, the zipper is like new, the trim is super clean. I can see someone slipping into this and heading off to the anniversary celebration for the Enchanted Tiki Room. As a Tiki enthusiast those would be pictures to treasure if you were in the dress and photographed in Disney.

Anyway, I just had to chime in with my additional 2¢ worth and want to thank all of those that have taken a peek at the dress. It is a great looking dress and would not be being auctioned off if it would fit me.

PS...all transvestites or wanna be transvestites are welcome to bid, your secret will be safe with me...LOL

Futura Girl posted on 08/20/2003

i'm a sniper - so watch out :wink:

Tonguroa Tigertail posted on 08/21/2003

well I don't know much, but I know this; it was a souvineer dress, they also had souvineer mens Hawaiian style shirts in the same fabric. Since tiki room opened in 1963, and they didnt have many souvineers of it when it first opened (not till about a year later) I would guess this is from anywhere between 1964-to about 1969. The Cast memeber shirts were totally different: either blue or red with white designs on them in a Hawaiian style, and said in small words all over them: Disneyland, and United Airlines (the original sponsor before Dole). I am guessing they sold these in either the little kiosk that used to be by tiki room, or the mercantile traders place across the way (the stucco building). Hope that helps.

NewFoundTiki posted on 08/22/2003

THANKS for the info! I am glad my instincts were right on the souvenir part for this dress. The dress has hit $100+ and still has a few days to go. The hits are unbelievable. Thanks again to all of you watching this dress. I hope someone here gets it so I can see pics of the dress being worn to the anniversary at Disney.

Futura Girl posted on 08/22/2003

oh man i's getting oo rich for my taste... i dunno 'bout this one???

TikiHula posted on 08/24/2003

I paid about $170 for my shirt a couple years ago.

I think that at some point at least the men's shirts were used by cast members.

When we all went to DL after the Tiki Farm party last October I was wearing my shirt and a group of guys came up to me and asked me where I got it. Turns out they worked the Tiki Room back in the late 60s and these were worn by cast members (as well as the red and blue United Airlines shirts). They hadn't seen someone wearing one at DL since.

Of course they were also sold for people to take home...

Here's Maynard and me!

mahalo and 135 to everyone!

[ Edited by: TikiHula on 2003-08-23 18:22 ]

NewFoundTiki posted on 08/25/2003

Oh my, literally in the last hour of this auction and I can not believe it. At $178 and I am hoping for a bidding war. I really hope someone who will wear it to the anniversary gets it as I would love to see pictures of the dress in use.

Thanks again to all of you for looking, the hits on the auction are amazing!

Suburban Hipster posted on 09/02/2003

On 2003-08-24 19:48, NewFoundTiki wrote:
I really hope someone who will wear it to the anniversary gets it as I would love to see pictures of the dress in use.

Since the high bidder was Josh Agle, AKA "Shag", himself, I strongly suspect you may see his better half attired in this dress at the 40th anniversary celebration.

[ Edited by: Suburban Hipster on 2003-09-02 12:05 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 09/02/2003

Shag The Drag?

NewFoundTiki posted on 09/02/2003

Yep...I was thinking that Josh might look a little funny in the dress. It was really exciting to sell the dress to him as I really hoped it would make the trek to Disney for the anniversary.

Suburban Hipster posted on 09/02/2003

On 2003-09-02 13:18, Unga Bunga wrote:
Shag The Drag?

I was thinking his wife. What better half did you have in mind?

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