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OHANA 09 pic post here

Pages: 1 34 replies

sneakyjack posted on 09/19/2009

soon to come -

[ Edited by: sneakyjack 2009-09-19 08:24 ]

John in Montreal posted on 09/20/2009

Just got in... I shot a lot of video... it'll take a few days to edit but I'll post something soon at maitaionline.com

In the meantime, you can see a few photos here: http://jandb.maitaionline.com
(Just personal shots... Much more general footage of the event and other people will be in the video).

Also, a report and maybe a little live music from the event on Thrifiting for Tunes (luxuriamusic.com) next Sunday...

John in Montreal

[ Edited by: John in Montreal 2009-09-20 14:47 ]

tikipaka posted on 09/20/2009

Look what I just found!


We reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly love you. Thanks!


Bogielocks posted on 09/21/2009

Great video! Even scarier in person...

Had a great time! Thanks for putting it on Sully!

Tikisgrl posted on 09/21/2009

On 2009-09-20 17:01, Bogielocks wrote:
Great video! Even scarier in person...

Had a great time! Thanks for putting it on Sully!

Don't you mean taking it off?

sneakyjack posted on 09/21/2009

some more -

bobbing for shrunken heads (carved apples in a VAT OF RUM) - not hurling!

Bogielocks posted on 09/21/2009

On 2009-09-20 18:28, Tikisgrl wrote:

On 2009-09-20 17:01, Bogielocks wrote:
Great video! Even scarier in person...

Had a great time! Thanks for putting it on Sully!

Don't you mean taking it off?

:o Nope, I'm not thanking him for that... :o

Chip and Andy posted on 09/21/2009

Like so many events, I bring the camera and then have too much fun and don't take any pictures....

There are a lot more pictures over here: http://fraternalorderofmoai.org/huimalu/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8264 and I am sure Flickr groups are being built as I type.


That was the best Tiki Event EVER!

It was perfect! Even the cold somehow worked. It was the perfect amount of people to have fun AND be intimate.

I am so ready for next year! I am going to have Andy make for me a fleece-lined lavalava!

K'Tiki posted on 09/21/2009

Nice shot of the creepy guys behind the coffin. Somehow in my drunken state I thought I looked creepier than I did.

Primo Kimo posted on 09/21/2009

Mega Malohaz to Bargolye, Granite, PappytheSailor, JPMartdog, Primo(I don't get no respect)Kimo, VelveteenLounge, KukuAhu, Squid (the Squid-o-lator, Squidster, Squidly, Squid), Powerofthetiki, Johnman and Missy, JET, sneakyjack, the FOM, Dogbytes and Frank, leisure master and Bird Girl, Martiki Bird and Tabuzak, Rugby Matt, john in Montreal, Tikipug and the Pug Family, Chip and Andy, Turbogod, Formikahini, Johnny Dollar, Hinano_Paul, Rapscallion, Kristiki, BambooLodge, Professor Pinapple, Bogielocks, Tiki Mortis, Suzanne, Virani, Paranoid123, Pablus, Waitiki, Bamboo Saxotica, 9th Wave, Cocktail Preachers, Fisherman, everybody else and The Tiki Resort for making this the grandest weekend in recent history.

Here are some of the highlights of my weekend...

...look at what?????

...Some dude. Get out of the picture already.

Our room after the crawl. I used the limes as a pillow.

A highlight among highlights ...Pablus and his "little voice" singing "Legend of the Lake Surfer"

Aloha 'til next year!

[ Edited by: primo kimo 2009-09-23 00:46 ]

croe67 posted on 09/21/2009

Here are a few of my favorites from the weekend..... :wink:

My 'hu' went this way, but my 'la' went the other way

dcman posted on 09/22/2009

Andrea (my tiki goddess) and I had an exceptional time and loved meeting you all this weekend. This was our first tiki event, but it certainly won't be our last!


Hibiscus posted on 09/23/2009

What a wonderful weekend! Thanks so much to Bargoyle and all the Queequegs, as well as all the generous room hosts, bands, vendors, Tiki Resort staff, and all the cool attendees, who were so much fun! Tiki folk are just the best!

Here are some of the photos that Baz and I took...

[ Edited by: Hibiscus 2009-09-22 19:36 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 09/23/2009

found them so sorry
no way! you guys got Elvis !!!!

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-09-22 19:17 ]

pablus posted on 09/23/2009

He awaits

Someone's always trying to steal my look

Sittin' around as usual... :wink:

I love carvers... they love me too. Mahalo Lake Surfer.

Bamboo Saxotica rocked and the dancers rolled. OK that was lame... but onward.

The International Exotica Continuum

Romm crawl shots

Tiki at Night

I think I asked Hinano Paul to marry me. Not sure.
Primo Kimo is the little brother I never met. Til now.
Let the earth tremble.

These sophisticates and their looks and charm... pshaw.

They endured a lot of some fat guy playing the uke for about 2 hours.
So why are they smiling?

Paradise ceiling

Me and Squid. He's playing a serving tray on a small table.
I'm "playing" a uke. Yep, that's a barn door behind me. So I guess I haven't reached that mythic width as of yet.

It was an amazing time.
I met Rain and got to talk to him. I think I was blathering like a fanboy, but I am one... so...

Same with Waitiki. I'm pretty sure I scared them away with my gushing gibberish. Randy had no time for 4AM breakfast so I was discarded like yesterday's lime juice. Nah, I know they were whipped and on a schedule but they sure sounded awesome. The Mayor just plain fled.

Ahu's drinks were some of the tastiest and most unique I've ever had. As a temperate man, I was forced to taste only. But what tastes they were.

Lots of time with the Pugs. Lots of time with TNTiki and bride. Just a nice pace for the weekend, actually. Mornings were easy and forgiving. And it just ramped up as the night went on.

JPMArtdog has completely lost his mind. Those black and white burlesque films while Waitiki was playing were so right on, the hips were swaying in time with the music. Only a few of us were enraptured by that but it was something worth watching. If ikitnrev had been there, there would have been a better tome about the synchronicity but it was awesome.

The organizers deserve praise but Granite Tiki deserves roadies.
Dude was all over the place, all the time, and I got to watch the complete release of a musician no longer on the job. He sang "A Whole New World" just... like... the... movie. That's how far it went.

I really enjoyed watching my lovely and voluptuous wahine mingle and have fun and I enjoyed playing for those who listened. Sorry I had to do a few of the tunes twice, but 2 plus hours is about the limit of my Tiki Music catalog. I can't believe I didn't play the Don Ho set. I completely spaced and forgot I knew the stuff. A few others as well. Oh well, the show must go on.

I miss you all already. Hope to see some of you on the road this year and at events should I be blessed enough to attend them. Mahalo to the FOM and to Bargoyle and Pupule.

PiPhiRho posted on 09/23/2009

Wow! Was that a Tubax in one of the band pics? Not something I would expect to see at a tiki event. Or much anywhere else, for that matter.

The Granite Tiki posted on 09/23/2009

Ha ha! Great eye! It is indeed a Tubax! In "Bamboo Saxotica" we pride ourselves on having unusual (exotic) instruments. That's one of my guys Tom, he also has a soprillo sax. (he owns two Grafton Plastic Altos too just waiting to be overhauled and I'm praying he lets me play one) As for exotic instruments, you should have seen Tim Mayer's Hulusi!!!!

As for that incredible weekend, I GOT TO MEET THAT PABLUS GUY!!!! (how's that for gushing) :wink:

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2009-09-22 22:45 ]

ebtiki posted on 09/23/2009

Ohana was my first tiki event, and I had a blast. My pix are posted here:


PiPhiRho posted on 09/23/2009

I played a Tubax last year at a saxophone, well, thing... convention is probably not the right word. Also an Eppelsheim sub contrabass and some of the J'Elle Stainer Extreme saxes. I could feel those low vibrations all through my body. So I was pretty sure that I recognized it the Tubax. Wish I could have heard you guys. Love those BIG saxes!

kristiki posted on 09/23/2009

Thanks for the photos, eab! I'm so glad you got one of that Surfside hotel sign.

Swanky posted on 09/23/2009

More pics of the place! I wanna see the place. Or just wait until next year and go myself.

virani posted on 09/23/2009

I love that sign :

I love that girl :
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I love that tiki :
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I love that game :
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I love that motel :
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That bar too :
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And the dinner (well, except maybe the food...) :
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Man I loved that event, the room crawl and having to talk to plenty of friends, hearing great music, drinking amazing drinks, on a beautiful site.

Chip and Andy posted on 09/23/2009

On 2009-09-23 10:23, virani wrote:

And the dinner (well, except maybe the food...) :
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Dinner was Fun! Spam AND Pork! It may not be winning any awards in the culinary world, but it was a lot of fun! And the company made it more so. And the entertainers made it even more fun!

Besides.... Mikey said next year he plans on digging an imu and doing a couple of pigs!

And the weird banana-cream-coconut-pineapple dessert thing was yummy too!

The Granite Tiki posted on 09/23/2009

A Frenchman MUST critique the food! :)

Thanks for sitting in with "Bamboo Saxotica" virani, it truly was a special moment for everyone!

croe67 posted on 09/23/2009

On 2009-09-23 10:32, Chip and Andy wrote:
And the weird banana-cream-coconut-pineapple dessert thing was yummy too!

& it even GLOWED under the black light....!

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(yes....you can only imagine all the pictures I have from the weekend, when I'm even taking pictures of my glowing pudding!!!) :wink:

Really, folks, it tasted better than it looks in my somewhat blurry picture - but just watch it GLOW

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Lake Surfer posted on 09/24/2009

Paradise in Lake George... can't wait to go back!

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John in Montreal posted on 09/24/2009

Epic 17-minute Ohana video up now at http://www.maitaionline.com

(Click on "Watch" in the menu at the top of the page)

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigbrotiki posted on 09/24/2009

Thanks John. Glad to see the tribute to Hurricane Hattie. Hope to one day be able to listen to that infamous album.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/702add1e39ea24e2dc023ca140e4afc3?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Bargoyle posted on 09/25/2009

Great vid John!! Thanks so much for going through the work of putting that together, and thanks for joining us at Ohana!

Hope to see ya next year too!

F Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/396/62310f7621648.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=44f56f184ed4fce152a3a513ce6ba7f2
Formikahini posted on 09/25/2009

Thanks for the video, John! That's the only footage I've seen of my dance - and you even captured my tipping the Twins of Pleasure! Yay!

Hope to see you at another event - soon!

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f4a1af4b722a6b7925c92dcc88044a1b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
jpmartdog posted on 09/25/2009

Great video John, with some really nice editing. You really captured many of the elements of OHANA that made it so special. I came home wishing that the weekend was longer, that I could still be among friends in that special place that is the Tiki Motor Resort in Lake George - with this video we can!
Now don't give up on the unused footage! Looking forward to see the extended version???

UT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9c02faa576a2272db5305c8d2961e4d9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Urban Tiki posted on 09/25/2009

Some really great photos- we had some pretty talented photographers at Ohana! Thanks all for sharing. Also, great video John.

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/689162b26ed1ec8d39cbe94b805d28c2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
pappythesailor posted on 09/25/2009
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The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 09/27/2009

On 2009-09-22 20:10, pablus wrote:

It was an amazing time.
I met Rain and got to talk to him. I think I was blathering like a fanboy, but I am one... so...

Same with Waitiki. I'm pretty sure I scared them away with my gushing gibberish. Randy had no time for 4AM breakfast so I was discarded like yesterday's lime juice. Nah, I know they were whipped and on a schedule but they sure sounded awesome. The Mayor just plain fled.

Ahu's drinks were some of the tastiest and most unique I've ever had. As a temperate man, I was forced to taste only. But what tastes they were.

Lots of time with the Pugs. Lots of time with TNTiki and bride. Just a nice pace for the weekend, actually. Mornings were easy and forgiving. And it just ramped up as the night went on.

JPMArtdog has completely lost his mind. Those black and white burlesque films while Waitiki was playing were so right on, the hips were swaying in time with the music. Only a few of us were enraptured by that but it was something worth watching. If ikitnrev had been there, there would have been a better tome about the synchronicity but it was awesome.

The organizers deserve praise but Granite Tiki deserves roadies.
Dude was all over the place, all the time, and I got to watch the complete release of a musician no longer on the job. He sang "A Whole New World" just... like... the... movie. That's how far it went.

I really enjoyed watching my lovely and voluptuous wahine mingle and have fun and I enjoyed playing for those who listened. Sorry I had to do a few of the tunes twice, but 2 plus hours is about the limit of my Tiki Music catalog. I can't believe I didn't play the Don Ho set. I completely spaced and forgot I knew the stuff. A few others as well. Oh well, the show must go on.

I miss you all already. Hope to see some of you on the road this year and at events should I be blessed enough to attend them. Mahalo to the FOM and to Bargoyle and Pupule.

Pablus, it was epic to see you up in this neck of the woods. I really wish we had more hang time, and next time, I assure you I will stamp my feet and scream until we get things booked so that this comes at the END of the tour, not the beginning. That way, we actually will get to relax and enjoy all the ohana, thus putting the ohana back in Ohana. And I'll even be able to catch YOUR set!

BH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a50a863705497ff27b0bc3883bd055c7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Bob Ho posted on 10/08/2009

Ohana was definitely a total Blast!!! Big congrats to Sully and FOM for another Great event. Hats off also to Caroline, Jpmartdog, and Pappy for their work and contribution.
From the Hotel to the bands, room parties, vendors, other entertainment, etc. etc. The entire event was a lot of Fun! Good to see so many friends and great to meet new ones.
Big Mahalo to everyone who picked up a carving, your support makes it possible.
til next time,

Pages: 1 34 replies