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Bedtime Stories For Surfers - The Romantic Tales Of Hang Ten Tiki. *tv movie deal cooking!

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Hangtentiki posted on 09/26/2009

Da TV Movie Suits are checking out a few of the tales in our short story collection for possible production! If dreams come true, it will be a first for Tiki and the beach crowd to savor. If you follow the spirit of Tiki and our beach culture, you will enjoy this collection of eleven short stories about the people who shuffle in and out of our Tiki bars and beach towns.

We are offering the final box of our signed, first edition copies - While they last! Be the first at your Tiki bar to have this gem. http://www.bedtimestoriesforsurfers.com


[ Edited by: Hangtentiki 2009-09-25 19:35 ]

Haole Jim posted on 11/23/2009

'Just scored an autographed copy from the author. Fair price, great quality, fine service.

'Have not been fully through it yet, but first impression is, this is a bouku fine piece of first-booking by an author with a hip, thoroughly unique, polished yet loose style.

There may even be an argument for purchasing a copy just to frame the outrageously cool front cover in your Tiki lounge.

'May do a review soon, as there is a thread started.

LoungeShark posted on 11/23/2009

Hang Ten hooked me up with an autographed copy a couple months back. Gotta agree, it's a fun and quirky read. The stories are solid and unique. They include mysteries that take place both here and in the netherworld, modern takes on Greek tragedies and so many tiki references to drinks and locations that you feel like it was written just for you. He has a great ability to describe the action and make you immerse yourself into what's taking place. Plus, that Thor cover and inside art is beyond description. The coolest thing for me was learning that some of the best characters are truly based on people he's met over the years. I've already requested that several make reprises in the next collection of bedtime stories. I want to hear more about their adventures. So make a mai tai, turn down the exotica and sit back in your favorite lounge chair and enjoy the romantic tales of Hang Ten Tiki. Enjoy!

tiki mick posted on 11/23/2009

Will there be regular editions available later on? I would like to pick up a copy, but I need to keep my expenses down until after Christmas..

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