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Trying to reach "MAI TAI", Bill Graff...does anyone know how to reach him?

Pages: 1 3 replies

THOR's posted on 10/06/2009


I have a shrunken head here for Bill Graff that was commissioned at Tiki Oasis. If anyone knows how to reach him, PLEASE let him know THOR is having problems getting through here on his Private Messages after weeks of attempts. I need to secure payment and ship his piece so he gets it ok. He or anyone else can write to me at regular e-mail: stareeknight@aol.com Sorry to have to post here but all other avenues are not proving to be productive.

Thanks!!! ~~~THOR

[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-10-06 11:27 ]

Coco Loco posted on 10/06/2009

Thor, we're in the midst of refinance hell. Finally approved yesterday after the bank made us jump through numerous hoops. How many documents could one bank need? Our heads on right again...just sent you a PM.

Mai Tai posted on 10/06/2009

Oops, I took a couple of weeks off, for birthday celebrations/debauchery, other friends' various turning 40 birthdays, plus out of town friends and houseguests, plus the Trader Vic's Warehouse Sale, and the Forbidden Island Parking Lot Sale, and wrapping up a house appraisal and refinance. Sorry in my delayed response, Tom, I haven't been on line at all for the past couple of weeks - man, take a couple of weeks off on TC, and now everyone is mad at me - lol! :wink: Now I'm scrambling putting out fires! Tom, check your PM's, let's do this shrunken head thing!

THOR's posted on 10/06/2009

MAI TAI BILLY!! Thar YA BE!! Sorry for the confusion!! I sent you a PM back. I sent you a number of PM's the past2-3 weeks and they kept showing as "viewed" the next few days...so I was confused as to why no response back. My apologies. ASK HANFORD if there is a glitch in this system or something if you you were not on TC in all this time....just so if this happens to others it will not be so confusing. Apologies for any pressure..I just want to get this last shrunken bean to it's rightful owner my friend. All best wishes and HAPPY belated Birthday!!! I am sending you some signed mini prints as a belated B-Day Boy present!!! See ya hopefully at an event in the future when I can take a painting break!


[ Edited by: THOR's 2009-10-06 20:16 ]

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