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Tiki Greenhorn-Introduction and some questions.

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Hello everyone.I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is John From San Diego and it appears I have caught the tiki bug. Tiki Central has been a wonderful resource. I've been lurking around these forums for about three weeks in preparation of starting my first ever tiki carve. It helped me find out what tools to use and other relevant info.

I'm about 2 weeks into my carve and I have a few questions. But before I do let me say that this is addicting and I dont think this will be my last carve. Fist off is the time to carve and finish a project. Mine seems to be moving at a snails pace. I'm carving into Mexican Palm. Taking into account I decided to use strictly hand tools it still seems like I'm taking forever. So far I think I've put into close to 40 hours so far and I think I'm only about 15-20% into my carve. I'm kind of a perfectionist and want it to look cool so I've been taking my time and being careful. Understanding that it really depends on the level of detail and times can range widely can anyone give me examples of the average time for something like that to normally take? I'd rate mine at about a 6-7 as far as difficulty.

My other question has to do with design. I dont know as much as I'd like about the traditional polynesian designs as I'd like and I kind of went with what I thought would look cool. I pulled ideas from many tikis I found on the net and kind of made a hodge podge mashup from those ideas and my own of what I thought would be aesthetically pleasing for me. Is there any general rules of what NOT to do to a tiki?

I'm taking pictures of the whole process for posterity since its my first carve. I'm still debating on weather to post pictures at this stage or to wait until I'm finished. Either way you'll all see em sooner or later. Thanks for looking.

[ Edited by: SDshirtman 2009-10-07 14:50 ]

amate posted on Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:28 PM

Hello Shirtman,

I have been a member here for less than a week so take my advice with a grain of salt. I have been carving for about 3 years and I am VERY slow. In my case, it is fear of ruining a piece you have spent hours on. Some of my first attempts took months. I would rough out several pieces and them stand them on a self. Pretty soon one or the other would tell me "Take a little more off around the lips" or "The eyes are too round" etc. It just takes however long it takes. As you gain confidence, your speed will improve. I don't know much at all about Tiki history or styles. Although some contemporary carvers have influenced me greatly, I mostly go to museums and look at the original stuff and then do what pleases my eye. I suppose everyone has his own approach. My philosophy is to please yourself and HAVE FUN!


Two good questions!

The first is about time. Everybody works at their own speed. I've done tikis in a day, I know people who take months. Don't worry about it, unless you plan to sell it and make a per-hour profit!

Second, the mishmash of styles. Again, everyone's different! I subscribe to that mishmash approach, only I call it the Mr. Potatohead Method. Others keep to one strict style per tiki. Bottom line, if you like it, that's all that matters.

If and when you get the courage to post pics, you might get some criticism, but most here are polite and will only say good things or nothing at all. :wink:

Have you seen this thread? http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=34051&forum=17&18 The local artist's next get together is this Saturday in Vista! I strongly suggest you go and meet you fellow carvers. We're big on help/advice/tips/tools.

hello shirtman!!! i too have this bug you speak of!!lol! as with amate i have onlky been a member of this site for a few weeks so...... but i can say this i have carved about twenty tikis and only in the last half doz or so have i hit my stride!! this stuff takes time and more time.as 4wdrive tiki said it we all have our own speed and it will improve over yes.. more time and so will your own style! i love the traditonal tikis and i love what contemporary guys do with there stuff and i think im inbetween but even when i carve w a drawn out plan i still make changes as each guy progreses. and i use every thing i got tool wise to achieve the look im lookin for ...but thats me ! you got guys that can do stuff with a chisel that blows my mind !!! and ideas will come as you look at every pic and read every poston this awsome site!!!!!! and if your like me as you dream, walk thrgh the mall or go to the beach etc..... the ideas are endless ! the skys the limit!! go for it dude !! and poist those pics nwe all would love to see them! in the coming days in will post my first tiki hahahhahaha your gonna love that but i kept goin and soooooo glad i did because you will always get better! cheers!! big tiki scott.

What part of SD do you live in, John?

Buzzy Out!

geeeezz my typing SUCKS !!!! LOL!

On 2009-10-07 19:38, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
What part of SD do you live in, John?

Buzzy Out!

Buzzy, I'll assume you are the guy who did the you tube video on shaving down your palm with a hand planer.
Good video and I now own a ryobi planer. It works wonders.

I was looking at your body of work and its huge. Are you going to Monkeymans chop on Saturday?

Anyways I live in Rancho Bernardo at the moment.

On 2009-10-08 10:02, SDshirtman wrote:

Buzzy, I'll assume you are the guy who did the you tube video on shaving down your palm with a hand planer. Are you going to Monkeymans chop on Saturday?

Yep,that was me. Ishould be at MM's for a couple hours in the morning. Hope to see you there.

Buzzy Out!

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