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Greetings From Palm Desert

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CincyTikiCraig posted on 10/08/2009

Greetings from Palm Desert!

My Wife & I arrived in LA on Saturday and made our way to Palm Desert via Hi Times Cellars in Costa Mesa. Although Hi Times was out of El Dorado 5yr (DRATS!) they had Lemon Hart 80 & 151 in stock. Another stop at Bevmo in La Quinta and we had the makings of a great bar setup.

We've rented a beautiful house in Palm Desert, and the weather has been nearly perfect.

We hit a GREAT farmer's market in La Quinta and (amongst other delectables) we scored a HUGE bag of white grapefruit for $4.00 (they're a buck a piece back in Cincinnati!) and a big bag of juicy limes for $5.00. Well, it's been nothing but Mai Tais, Navy Grogs, Rum Barrels, Rongo Bowls & Coconauts, floating in the pool & listening to music ever since. And a little sightseeing of course.

We are staying in Beverly Hills (at the Beverly Hilton, thanks to my Hilton Honours points) for two days at the end of our trip and we're hitting as many of the great tiki spots in LA as possible. I want to thank my fellow TC'ers for helping to make this a great holiday! You've patiently answered a bunch of my questions and given me a some great pointers.



Coco Joe posted on 10/08/2009

welcome to Hell...be sure to hit up Dons and get their new barrel mug!

bigbrotiki posted on 10/08/2009

That bottle collection looks very appetizing, indeed!

Jetson posted on 10/10/2009

I've been to the bevmo in LQ but none of the other places that you've mentioned. Yes, the weather has been really really nice as of late. seriously went from hot to cool overnight.

Hakalugi posted on 10/10/2009

Craig rocks! Well done. I wish I could join you!

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