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Rock-A-Hula Pool-A-Party in Modesto at the old Tropics Hotel, October 17th

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KAHAKA posted on 08/04/2009

A friend of mine named Marissa is putting on a show in Modesto some TC folks might be interested in. Rooms are going quickly apparently... Here's the info:


Here are the details to the event:

It’s a 21 AND OVER two day event that consists of a pre-party on Friday Night October 16th at MINNIE'S TIKI Restaurant & Bar for a meet and greet of tikiphiles, cool Rockabilly kids and anybody that admires the TIKI culture. Drink and appetizer specials will be available from 6-10pm with the Cherry Bombs Car Club DJing & spinning Exotica, Rockabilly & blues. Saturday is the ultimate pool party with live music, Djs (including VIDA LEE, DJ HIGH YELLOW, DR. SCOTT & MISS CHERRY BOMB), tiki & hawaiian based vendors, a pre-1964 car show, rum-based limbo contests, raffles and a choice of roasted pig or hawaiian burger lunch plate luau with full island sides. The TIKI COCKTAIL LOUNGE will be offering great traditional tiki drinks at a discounted price.

Where is it?

The Rock-A-Hula Pool-A-Party will be located in Modesto, CA at the ROADWAY INN (formerly Ken Kimes' Tropics Hotel). The address is 936 McHenry AVE. Reservation Telephone # (209)523-7701. The TIKI COCKTAIL LOUNGE is located directly in front of the Roadway Inn (932 McHenry Ave) and MINNIE'S TIKI RESTAURANT is located .7 miles away at 107 McHenry Avenue.

When is it?

The pre-party at Minnie's Restaurant & Bar is on Friday, October 16th, 2009 from 6-10pm. The actual Rock-A-Hula Pool-A-Party is Saturday, October 17th, 2009 from noon-2am.

What do I bring?

Bring a lawn chair for your comfort on Saturday for the pool party. Bring a beach towel, a swimsuit and sunblock!

What do I wear?

VINTAGE HAWAIIAN clothing is HIGHLY recommended. This is a HAWAIIAN LUAU at a 1950's establishment. Get festive!!

How much is it to enter my pre-1964 billet-free Traditional Rod or Kustom?

It's FREE to bring your car to the event, but bear in mind that only the first 50 cars will be able to be in the car show as parking spaces are limited (please see car show requirements below). Gate opens at 11am for cars to come in.

What is there to do?

  1. Check out the amazing show of traditional style Rods, Kustoms, and Classics.

  2. Listen to our live bands playing outside over looking the TIKI COCKTAIL LOUNGE with outside bar and pool party with live Rockabilly DJs spinning all day! Special guest DJs Dr. Scott & Miss Cherry Bomb spinning SAVAGE SOUNDS & DJ High Yellow spinning a great eclectic mix of Exotica, Blues, Rockabilly, and more!) See the Original Line-up of the HAYWOODS, Exotiki, The Pendletons, The Royal Deuces, Lil' Bit & the Customatics & Charlie Roman & the Teenage Werewolves!

  3. Walk through our vendor booths selling: traditional vintage, Hawaiian clothing, carved TIKI sculptures & kitsch, pin-striped art and more!

  4. Special Guest & Pinstriper LOPES KREATIONS will be on site to pinstripe your vintage handbags, Rods or Kustoms.

  5. Enjoy the mid-century historical sites and views that the TROPICS MOTEL (now the Roadway Inn), Minnie's and the Tiki Cocktail Lounge have to offer.

  6. Pool-side limbo contest with grand prize.

  7. Tasty roasted pig luau or Hawaiian burger with island sides.

  8. And more to come so stay tuned.......

What Hotels are close by the events?

The SUBURBAN LODGE is our ‘economically friendly’ overflow hotel with $50 room rates located 50 feet down from the Roadway Inn at 912 McHenry Avenue. When the Roadway Inn books up, this is the place to go! Sparkling pool and clean rooms!

How much is it to get into the Rock-A-Hula Pool-A-Party?

$20.00 at the gate gets you the full roasted pig or hawaiian burger luau lunch plate plus the all day event, music and Djs. $10 gets you the event, music & Djs, but no food. This is strictly 21 & OVER!!! Only 150 food tickets left. Food PRE-PAY with Paypal tickets available soon.

How much are Vendors spots?

10 X 10 = $50.00 Email: [email protected] for a vendor form. Only 4 spots left. There are NO cancellation refunds, so make sure this is the event you want to do (but who DOESN'T want to vend this event???). Money orders accepted ONLY.

Can I bring in my own cooler and drinks (alcoholic)?

Unfortunately you MAY NOT bring alcohol into the venue. The owner of the motel and bar will NOT risk a $10,000 fine if you bring your own drinks. But trust me, we WILL be offering great drink deals!!! So stay tuned for more info.

What are the car show requirements?

  • Pre '64 TRADITIONAL style Rods, Classics & Kustoms ONLY * No visible billet anything! Especially wheels! * No digital gauges * No IFS on fenderless cars

Link to the hotel reservations page. Be sure to mention "Luau" when you book your hotel room for a discount.

If the Roadway Inn fills up, the Suburban Lodge is matching the TIKI rate and they are 50 feet down the sidewalk!

Critiki Details Page on the Rodeway/Tropics. Don't be fooled by the Critiki Rating. That's when it was still the Tropics Motel. It's been completely renovated and they are ready for us to Rock-A-Hula with them! -

Critiki Details Page on the adjacent tiki bar -

Jungle Trader posted on 08/14/2009

Mahalo Kahaka!
I'm in to vend. Maybe I'll roll my sleeves and cuffs, and grease my hair back. Cool!

KAHAKA posted on 09/10/2009

Apparently very few rooms left for the Friday preparty, and only 5 king sized single bed rooms available for Saturday night, if anyone is interested...

mp posted on 09/10/2009

Hey Everyone, MP here. I want to let you know Ill be vending at Rock-a-hula this october
and I'm super stoked to be involved. Ill be bringing Tiki, Hot Rod and Haunted Mansion
inspired paintings and ceramics. Ive wanted to check out Minnies and the old tropics for a
long time now and I cant wait. See ya down there, MP

Kahaka, your Tiki lamps are off the hook!!!

RockaHula posted on 09/17/2009

Hi Everyone!

Marissa here with the ROCK-A-HULA POOL-A-PARTY!

Wanted to let you all know that Saturday night at the Tropics (Rodeway Inn) has sold out, but the Suburban Lodge right next door is matching the TIKI RATE. Please feel free to call and get your room. They have a GREAT pool and nice, clean rooms. Please call 209-524-7331. The Rodeway Inn still has rooms available for the FRIDAY NIGHT PRE-PARTY which will be held at Minnie's Tiki Bar & Restaurant from 6-10pm. Minnie's will have great tropical drink specials (try THE JERK, their house specialty) and munch on some wonderful appetizers. The CHERRY BOMBS CAR CLUB will be spinning the best in Exotica, Americana & Rockabilly. Hope I get to meet a great crew of Tikiphiles at this event!!

Jungle Trader posted on 10/08/2009

Trying to increase my inventory of tikis for this event. Looking forward to seeing some cool cars.

Tacky Tiki posted on 10/11/2009

Jungle Trader-you still carving your butt off, so to speak?? Is that why you aren't up here crawling in Sactown??

See you next weekend!!!! Hopefully we can pick up some tiki car stuff for Pele!!!


Jungle Trader posted on 10/11/2009

On 2009-10-11 10:02, Tacky Tiki wrote:
Jungle Trader-you still carving your butt off, so to speak?? Is that why you aren't up here crawling in Sactown??


I wanted to hang with you guys but just couldn't this time.

tobunga posted on 10/15/2009

Going to be vending at Rock-A-Hula, and I've got some new stuff debuting, including this new resin pendant, inspired by the old Stockton Islander sign.

This Stockton Islander pendant measures about 3" high by 3.5" wide.

I'm pretty obsessed with the old Stockton Islander, so now I'm thinking about doing some Stockton Islander art...

Sounds like this will be a great show, looking forward to seeing the Nor Cal Ohana again!

bigbrotiki posted on 10/15/2009

Boy-o-boy, kids, that sounds like a great event, in the spirit of the old Tropics Tiki Oasis!

the drunken hat posted on 10/15/2009

finally an event in my own backyard! count me in for a visit.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/16/2009

Where are the vending areas? Back nook? I know that setup needs to be completed by 11am, but there's no mention what time vending ends. Curious. Let me know. Thanks.
I'm bringing a handful of baby moai's as requested from buyers at the F.I. Exotic Bazaar (parking lot sale).

Tacky Tiki posted on 10/16/2009

Did they ever get the pre-pay thing going??? I checked out the site and can't find a link or any mention of a prepay thing. Do we just line up around 11 and hope to get a plate of pig? Can't wait!!!


KAHAKA posted on 10/17/2009

Prepay ended a few days ago. You were able to purchase a ticket for about a month. No worries though, you can pay for your meal there.

Should be fun!

tobunga posted on 10/17/2009

Aloha everybody!

Just got back from the pre-party at Minnies, hanging out with Retrodiva and the Nor Cal Ohana! Tomorrow should be a blast!

Had to head out to finish up framing some new work, inspired by the car show aspect of the event!

Go, Tiki, Go!


Sorry for the cruddy pictures, wanted to get these up quickly, and had to sacrifice quality! But come out tomorrow and check 'em out in person!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/19/2009

Waiting to hear how this turned out? Did anyone take pictures?



abstractiki posted on 10/22/2009

Wow! I cant believe no one has given us the required after event report! I wasn't able to go :( but i spoke with someone (not a tiki person) who went to the pre party at Minnie's. He said something like it was really good, interesting and met a lot of cool people from locals to as far away as So Cal. He was impressed with the atmosphere/vibe and liked the Rootball Tikis.

KAHAKA posted on 10/23/2009

Ya'll should have been there! It was great! Drove my '54 Ford up with my car club (The Road Zombies) on Saturday morning. Bands started around 1, but most people showed up near swine time (around 4:30). Dave, Marissa, and others worked their metaphorical tails off all night preparing the pig, which was cooked right outside in the parking lot all of Friday night!

The food was delicious! Some of the best swine I've ever tasted. There were some great vendors, including TC's MP, Jungle Trader, Retro Diva Melissa, and Tobunga (Eric October). My wife and I bought a bunch of loot from Eric, including the hot-rodding Maori painting on page 1. Thanks again Eric! Your stuff rules!

All the bands were great... DJs played an awesome mix of old timey Hawaiian, Rockabilly, Blues, and 50s R&B.

The hotel was recently renovated, and was MUCH cleaner than our (my wife and I) last visit about 6 years ago.

All in all, a great time. More people, especially TCers, need to show up next year because Marissa is planning to do it all over again! See ya next year.

Custom Tapa Swag Lamps and Sconces Built By Kahaka

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2009-10-22 19:47 ]

KAHAKA posted on 10/23/2009

So here are a couple of pics from the Rock-A-Hula
That's my red Ford on the right of the rootball tiki:

That's my wife Tanya, 2nd from the left.

Tikis are still in great shape physically, but look like they might need some mental help.

mp posted on 10/23/2009

Sorry I havent dropped in yet, thank you Marissa, Dave and everyone else involved, I had a fun time. The people,
music, cars and the swine were all great. It was really cool hanging out with Retro Diva, Tobunga, and Jungle Trader all day
and Kahaka it was great to meet you and your wife in person. What a fun day, next year should be even better!

Jungle Trader posted on 10/24/2009

Hey thanks Marissa for your time puttin' this event on. It was nice, chillin and chatting with friends, checkin' out the cool cars. Jeez, the pig was a 200 pounder, damn good mmmmmmm.
Here's a shot of Kahaka's cool slide.

My baby Moai's now posted on my website for sale on the "Collectibles" page. Don't forget to turn your speakers on when your at my home page.

Here is a shot of Ed Crissman's hidden gem in the Rodeway Inn lobby. It was hidden behind a plant. About 3 feet tall. The only person I know who knew about it was Mick. Go see it if you're around. A little bit of Urban Archaeology.

I talked to Sarb the owner of The Rodeway Inn. He axed me how much the giant tikis would sell for. I told him not much, wouldn't be worth it. heheh. Don't worry he was just wondering.

Tacky Tiki posted on 10/26/2009

Sorry so late with my report....

Nonstop music, awesome food. Great vendors. The Tikis next door got a special permit and linked the Tropics parking lot, where everything was happening, to the bar, so you could take your drinks outside!!

Awesome to see the landmark tiki temples of Modesto being saved!! As Jungle Trader reported, the tikis at the Tropics are still, um, hanging in there. There were some old postcards of The Tropics that came in the swag bags-mahalo to Drunken Hat for putting up with my Urban Archeology while I checked to see if the tiki on the card was still there!

I'd love to see more TCers at this event next year. Minnie's is right down the road. And I found a nice place to stay down the road in Turlock (Best Western Orchard Inn)-I've spent over twice the price and haven't had as nice of a hotel room. Even had a kitchenette in another room. I see a potential for a decent room crawl! And if any of the Stockton/Modesto/Turlock TCers have their places ready next year, we could make it a whole TC Tiki Weekend! Gotta help keep the old school tiki businesses going. We lost 'em all here in Sacramento-let's see if we can support the ones we have left in the Central Valley!

Mahalo Jungle Trader for your hospitality, Drunken Hat for putting up with me, MP for his coolness, and Chief Bartender for keeping things interesting! I know I'm missing some other TCers who were there. You guys are so lucky to have some vintage tiki in your area!!!


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