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...another fine new book!

Pages: 1 2 replies

bigbrotiki posted on 10/17/2009

...I can heartily recommend, other than this one


John Eng's & Adrienne Biondo's "SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EATS":


I was out of town when this tome was released, but I was thrilled to stumble upon it at Border's.
John Eng, like Larry Underhill who has been the courteous, ever-present court photographer at all the L.A. Modcom's events and tours ever since I can remember, has done wonderful work here.

To see all these places I have grown fond of in 25 years of L.A. urban archeology preserved in print so well warms my heart!
Many of them are still there...

...and many of them are not:

Some of them I have posted about here on TC before:

...and some I never knew about!:

For every Tiki temple I photographed since the early 90s, there must have been 5 irreplaceable mid-century eateries that are now gone. It is heartening to see so many recorded so skillfully in this book. And to find that quite a few ARE still around to visit!

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2009-10-18 11:39 ]

Bora Boris posted on 10/17/2009


I ate breakfast at Foxy's last month, it's cool and it was good.

Sad to see that The Parasol is gone but at least the Brolly Hut still stands.

Borrowed from missabbyjean on Flickr

Tobor64 posted on 10/17/2009

Yes, buy John & Adrienne's book! I've worked with John on & off over the past 10 years & he and Adrienne are great people. I had a lot of fun jawing with John at their book signing at the Bun N' Burger in Alhambra a few weeks ago about Googie architecture and the like. If you pick up the book, you'll see John is an amazing photographer & if you want to see more of his work, check out his website at: astroluxe.org

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