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Motorhead, Reverend Horton Heat & Tiger Army

Pages: 1 6 replies

Tom Slick posted on 09/25/2009

two shows coming up

leleliz posted on 09/25/2009

Tiger Army started to suck when Geoff Kresge left the band. And after their most recent album...Geoff really added a lot both with song writing and performing.

Nashville Pussy puts on a great show..I saw them not too long ago with The Supersuckers & The Reverand .

Combichrist's 2 drummers are a-m-a-z-i-n-g. My friend Andy is the lead singer of that band and he really lucked out with those 2 . They drum harder than I have ever seen anyone else drum and the energy of them together really is worth seeing them live.

That Halloween weekend show looks like a good mix. The Creepshow are from Canada and Bridgette Hadley is from Australia. Great way to showcase rockabilly/psychobilly from different areas. I know you will be going to that show Tom...let me know how it is :)

[ Edited by: leleliz 2009-09-25 01:10 ]

Rum Runner posted on 10/07/2009

Saw Motorhead & Rev Horton Heat in SF last nite with the Nor Cal crew
great show, but the cocktails we had at Heaven's Dog were even better !

exquisitecorpse posted on 10/07/2009

i saw the motorhead, rev horton heat, nashville pussy show in AC last month; best show of the year so far.

Polynesiac posted on 10/07/2009

motorhead is playing tonight (10/7) at the HOB in anaheim


Shipwreckjoey posted on 10/14/2009

A friend went to see Rev Horton Heat at H.O.B. here in San Diego last week. Opening band was Nashville Pussy. Both bands rocked! I shoulda been there (his words, not mine)

Mai Tai Matty posted on 10/17/2009

they just played the D.C. area last month plus last month we went and saw Robert Gordon his band was Slim Jim Phantom on drums ,Glen Matlock on bass and Chris (something his original guitar player) Slim Jim sang rumble in brighton and Glenn did god save the queen the following week we saw The Cult

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