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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

****We Need MORE TIKI Carvings****

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VeroTiki posted on 10/13/2009

Here is a closer shot of the carved poles on the deck.

furball posted on 10/13/2009

Very cool. Looks like flowers, lizards and fish? Lovin it!

tikigodz posted on 10/13/2009

seeing you guys is nothing but humbling those poles are awsome and i cant wait to see the end result on kinos

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/14/2009

thanx furball!! tikigodz thats a cool piece! air brush or hand? either way very cool keepem comin! holla!

tikigodz posted on 10/14/2009

thanks BTScott its carved airbrushed then pinstiped apreciate the words

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/15/2009

a little of every thing !! SWEEEEETT!!!

tikigodz posted on 10/16/2009

spicy a meat ball

skootiki posted on 10/16/2009

tikigodz, is that spicy meatball hollow all the way through? i have never tried to hollow out a palm log how do you do it? it is a very cool tiki( i mean hot tiki)

furball posted on 10/16/2009

Tikigodz, I love it! He's a naughty looking dude!

Update on my stuff. I have finished carving the little guy but have yet to stain him. In the meantime, I am hacking away at a bigger log. He's still very rough but I think I'll get him mostly finished this weekend. I also knocked out a little morale mushroom.

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/17/2009

FUR BALL!!!!!!! you rock!! that little guy is bad ass! and that shroom is kickin it too!!!! your bigun is off to a sweet start !!!! lets go!!! cant wait for more!! cheers!!

tikigodz posted on 10/17/2009

it5s hollow i started with a a square cut with the chain saw and just kept going thanks skootiki this piece is 3 ft tll and the fire inside was a tiki torch after to many bonfire fridays the heat dried it outso much it practicaly ways nothing and very brittlle still not perfected but well get there

tikigodz posted on 10/17/2009

hey furbsll thats a pretty damn good start now you know all your cuts cant wait to see the finally !!! as for my friday got to work next day but ididnt waste it another aloha friday with the nieghbors and a piece of palm yeah c'mon

tikigodz posted on 10/17/2009

to much friday

[ Edited by: tikigodz 2009-10-16 21:23 ]

Benzart posted on 10/18/2009

Furball, That little fella turned out great! You are geting some deep, fine detail in your pieces. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

mijaba posted on 10/18/2009

red oak, carved with dremel 3.5" tall. Stain and nail polish (really)

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/18/2009

very cool mijaba! looks like some good detail!! keepem comin!cheerz!

mijaba posted on 10/18/2009

Thanks Big Tiki Scott! One more for the road:
lil gangsta
red oak, dremel. 2.5" tall

[ Edited by: mijaba 2009-10-18 07:06 ]

furball posted on 10/19/2009

Thanks for the good words guys! Mijaba, love the deep cut detail. I have been drawing tons of inspiration from everyone on this forum.

Here's a little more progress on the Zabo Tiki.

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/20/2009

furball!! lovin this guy! gnarley mouth on him too, sweeeettt!! you are well on your way my freind!! cant wait too see him dun!! p.s. luvin that head pieace!! cheerz!

tikigodz posted on 10/20/2009

nice work furball looking good this forum does provide alot of motivation started friday the
little guy lost his eyes now i need to find sunglasses big enuff haha lookin forward to your progess keep postin

Benzart posted on 10/20/2009

Looking Great, getting close!

BIG tiki scott posted on 10/20/2009

tikigodz! big and bad!! luvin the skull too!! lookin more refined this carve!! sweeeeet! holla!

furball posted on 10/20/2009

Niiiice! Love the head and the skull... badass. Man, I wish I could get my hands on a palm log, looks like fun stuff to put the chisel to. Not many palm trees here in the land-o-pine. Anyway, can't wait to see that guy done TGz. Stay golden Pony Boy.

skootiki posted on 11/04/2009

i carved this guy for my friend "REDWOOD" the tiki is called WINK and these two wild and crazy guys are living the island lifestyle in scenic central CA.

skootiki posted on 11/04/2009

a neighbor just cut down a good size palm so here goes.....
you guys have inspired me to try playing around with some stain....i think that this little guy will make a nice chair

Benzart posted on 11/05/2009

Nice tikis Skootiki, and the rest of you guys are really piling on the tikis too, making me look bad s I haven't posted in awhile.
Keep'em coming though and I'll be adding stuff to my thread soon I promise.

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/06/2009

Pendant I just finished for myself

tikigodz posted on 11/06/2009

Nice work Tikiville how tallis it?

pdrake posted on 11/06/2009

i've been carving stuff in wax. doesn't that count? nobody checks out the other craft thread? metal is a difficult medium.

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/06/2009

The pendant it 4" tall ( actually a handle to one of those foam paint brushes) the laptop was down at work so that and a box cutter lol

Benzart posted on 11/06/2009

TIKIVILLE, Great pendant for box cutter work, now you need a hook knife and some softer wood. well done from a paint brush handle! I love how you are jumping into this tiki carving stuff.

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/06/2009

Mahalo , hook knife? ( dont know what that is .....any pictures)
I figured I'd get practice on small ones before I tried to tackle a big log,It's a matter of knowing where and what to remove for me, at first I had NO idea whatsoever and it all seemed a lot over my head but I'm starting to understand .
Glad ya dig where I'm going with this !

tikigodz posted on 11/07/2009

Thats a good idea startin small. Idont know how many logs i sent to the big fire
for lack of practice. Inow sketch all of my tikis out first//Latest one

[ Edited by: tikigodz 2009-11-06 18:01 ]

skootiki posted on 11/07/2009

this is one that i have been working on (off and on) for awhile

while these two guys watch me and wonder why it is taking sooooo long

Benzart posted on 11/07/2009

Tikigodz, I like your guy there, he has some really neat details, well done.
Skootiki you too are going gang busters all out. Excellent tikis and about time you started your own thread. Well done again!

skootiki posted on 11/08/2009

On 2009-11-07 15:07, Benzart wrote:
Tikigodz, I like your guy there, he has some really neat details, well done.
Skootiki you too are going gang busters all out. Excellent tikis and about time you started your own thread. Well done again!

mahalo Benzart, i'll give it a shot on my next posting.........

Kabuki posted on 11/30/2009

Alright! Well, here's some stuff I did for a restaurant in West Palm Beach(Reef Rd Rum Bar). I'm a newbie here, but hope you all like it! 10' tall x 18" diameter, split and notched to wrap around steel I-beams. Yikes!

Benzart posted on 11/30/2009

Kabuki, Welcome to Tiki Central, Especially bearing such beautiful works. Happy to have you here. Your tikis are Awesome, Thanks.

sneakyjack posted on 11/30/2009

nice work -looking big! post pics of em all in place!

drasticwagon posted on 11/30/2009

Wowee nice job Kabuki.

TheBigT posted on 12/01/2009

On 2009-11-29 19:52, Kabuki wrote:

Nice. Where's the rest of him?!

bb moondog posted on 03/08/2010

finally got off my BUTT and atarted again..these new fellas are ROUGH but coming along

they DO need a home though..AZ will deliver FREE

tikigodz posted on 03/08/2010

Gettin off your butt is a good start Lookin good.

pjc5150 posted on 03/12/2010

Not nearly as cool as some of the stuff you guys are doing, but a little different...

this is my 2nd tiki fishing rod holder:

hodadhank posted on 03/13/2010

A MicroTang w/ Banded Tulip Gastropod. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed the geometry of these little fellows and this is the first one I braided myself. Wheeeeeeee!

Benzart posted on 03/13/2010

About time Moondog and they're lookin' prety good. Make sure to post pix of them when they're done..

Nice Usable Art there pjc, we need More of that around here!

Hodad, Great pendant and not a bad braid for the first one. I will find that braiding video on youtube and post the link, it really helps.

Now if we can only get that Benzart guy to post some stuff we'll be back to normal??

tikigap posted on 03/15/2010

Sweet little piece there, HH...

On 2010-03-12 17:06, hodadhank wrote:

A MicroTang w/ Banded Tulip Gastropod. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed the geometry of these little fellows and this is the first one I braided myself. Wheeeeeeee!

(((( Hi Ben! ))))

[ Edited by: tikigap 2010-03-14 18:50 ]

[ Edited by: tikigap 2010-03-14 18:50 ]

bb moondog posted on 03/31/2010

the fellas in the garage..this trio is 85% DONE..need some extra FINESSE and then sealed and finished

SERIOUSLY...anyone need a TIKI in the Phoenix area? GOTTA SELL THESE
I actually have 6 in the patio by the pool and 4 in front..they are MULTIPLYING

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